Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

Lol. “Horde Bias” after I just played through an entire expansion of Alliance story with the Horde barely present.

As if only the Horde gets away without consequences. When have Alliance characters faced the consequences of their actions please tell me?


“Horde Bias” tends to mean … Villain Batted (MoP); Irrelevant beyond Thrall’s AU Family time (WoD); Ignored Completely (Legion); to being Villain Batted again. Man … if this trend continues we’ll get to look forward to more “Horde Bias” of being irrelevant or ignored in the future. My favorite part of the Horde Bias is that the MU Orcs had nothing to do with the defeating the very entities that tricked them, turned them into monsters, and led to the destruction of their planet. :smiley:


his point is that you already defeated the alliance in teldrassil and burned it so you want to go further and kill aliance leaders in a war started by the horde.

i mean,sure, that would be great for horde,start a war, destrour our cities and leaders and of course alliance players, like blizzard is telling us should go to f… themselves.

well theramore was destroyed because jaina was helping the nelfs. i mean, you asked for consequences for their actions right? so why only alliance characters face consequences for their actions?


I mean, the Alliance(Jaina) defeated the Horde at Undercity. The Horde was losing Undercity either way once she showed up, Sylvanas just decided that she was going to deny the Alliance occupying it.

I feel like Blizzard raid bossing the Alliance face of the expansion and then denying me my kill but then raid bossing the Horde face of the expansion and killing her is them telling me to go f… myself.

There are examples of characters on both sides paying for their actions. Garrosh bombed Theramore, failed at the politics of being a leader and was killed for it. Nazgrim chose loyalty to the losing side and was killed for it. A vast majority of the time the faction-aligned characters evade punishment because the dev’s need to return us to the status quo for each expansion.


By that I mean that after atrocity, after atrocity, after atrocity, the Horde’s continued existence is nothing but bias and plot armor at this point.

You… got two whole zones in Legion. I spent an unholy amount of time saving Thalyssra’s hide, only for her to join Team Genocidal Monsters. I can only hope Prince Erazmin returns the favor.

What consequences would you have the good guys face? The general who based his entire battle strategy around the welfare of enemy civilians was killed. Jaina still has her response to rogue agents using her city to steal a WMD and give it to a warmongering maniac thrown in her face.

I suppose Genn got a stern talking to, instead of a reward and medal for saving a sentient demigod from enslavement, and who knows how many people from Evil Sylvanas Plan #394. So there’s that.


Don’t bother mate. These people are just too far gone.

They complain about things like not only destroying NE lands but are outraged they didn’t get to kill major characters too.
Meanwhile all the Alliance playerbase has been asking for is equality.

Droite’s or Shieyra’s rose tinted glasses are so tinted it might as well be blood red.


Getting to “exist” is not so much “Plot Armor” as much as it is Bilzzard writing themselves into corners, but not being able to get rid of HALF the Playerbase (or punish them severely for Blizz’s own writing). TBH … the thing that astounds me is that people are STILL calling out “Horde/Alliance” Bias in BfA … when that’s not the real issue. What is the issue is that I’ve dozens of these topics of Alliance players demanding (and expecting) some sort of pay-off or satisfaction from this story. Even if those comments are immensely pessimistic on the chances of that, it IS a topic of discussion for the Alliance playerbase (the HOW, the IF, and the WHEN).

On the other hand, on the Horde side … there is NO such illusions or expectations of “Pay-Off”. Whether you are a Loyalist or a Rebel … it doesn’t matter. There is a tangible aura of apathy from nearly every single Horde player on these subs … there aren’t any dreams of us getting any sort of satisfaction from this narrative (its just us getting HAMMERED over and over again about how weak, evil, and inferior we are). Essentially, we’re all just waiting around to see just how much Blizz takes from us by the end (knowing full well that no matter HOW much it is … the Alliance will still complain about “Horde Bias”). Just waiting to become irrelevant again…


Yeah I remember how much the Horde playerbase lost in Cataclysm… no wait was it MoP? Uhhh was it WoD?
I dunno what you lost but good lord it must have been so much.


a victory that achieved very little when it blizzard own words “defeat was snached from the jaws of victory”.
basically blizzard wrote the alliance as mindless idiots who rushed to a trap being angry and no civilians killed to satisfy our desire for revenge.
and like sylvanas said (you won, nothing) blizzard knew that this would suck for us, alliance players. that is why 8.1 was about “the comeback” problem being, we killed a guy who wasn’t even part of the horde when teldrassil happened. now add that to losing 1 or 2 racial leaders in a pointless attack that only served to make the zandalari join the horde.
not even speaking of the darkshore fiasco.

So we not only we have lost teldrassil in a war started by the horde, won nothing at lordaeron, achieved very little in zandalar but also with 1 or 2 leaders killed, i mean, at that point just delete the alliance and make it world of hordecraft. victory for sylvanas, i guess.

i don’t think that “pay the consequences” have to necessarily end with death. punish can come in various forms. some alliance characters already payed for theirs.
Genn isolated his kingdom from the alliance? what did he get? his people turned into literal dogs, civil war, and destroyed by forsakens becoming refugees.
jaina payed the price for trusting that peace could be possible, and had to take sides, as a member of the alliance to help the nelfs in ashenvale, so she payed the price by her city and people destroyed.
and even had to marked as a traitor to her people for not siding with daelin. hell, she was even confronted recently about the purge and how guilty she is for that.

point being, we do have examples of characters paying for their actions, but not always in the way you suggest, if by “paying” only means in “death”.


Another round of villain batting; another round of damaging our Racial and Faction Fantasies; Another several A and B list characters lost; the Darkspear being absolutely shattered into pieces (made worse by the beginning of Legion). A Founding member killed OFF SCREEN. All the while we get told we’re garbage, evil and weak … only allowed to exist because of the infinite mercy of the Alliance faction (while its playerbase is filled with contempt that we even get that)?


Suramar was neutral content until the Nightborne joined the horde. There was not a larger Horde presence than Alliance. Compare that to the Argus campaign where I get to help the Army of the Light stop the legion alongside Alliance heroes Velen, Turalyon, Alleria, Vereesa. Meanwhile Liadrin and Silgryn get stuffed in the basement and dont speak the entire campaign.

I already had the Lightforged turn on me after I helped them fulfill their purpose. Prince Erazmin will just be the second one to do it.

stares into camera

Probably the only interesting example of an Alliance leader trying to do the right thing, failing and paying the price for it.

Really? I remember Jaina going on an emotional rampage of racial cleansing with no proper investigation or justice done. I would like to kill her for it to be quite honest as i’ve made clear :slightly_smiling_face:


You were always the villain.

Alliance had nothing to do with it.

Again nothing to do with the Alliance.

By Horde characters. Do you see me blaming the Horde for the Defias?
Besides you got Baine.
We lost Magni and now we got 3 faceless pointless characters we have not seen in the game ever since.

Yeah it ain’t so great. Imagine your entire leadership is Baine or Saurfang minus the mass murder a few patches earlier.

So far you haven’t shown proof that you lost anything. Its just story development.
Varian missing for years, Bolvar becoming lichking. Multiple alliance characters and organizations going Neutral for the Horde.
By your standards the Alliance has been the biggest loser of all.


But the Alliance has no such protections from punishment. Particularly the non-Stormwindian elements of it*. Silverwind Refuge, Thal’darah Grove, Southshore, Gilneas, Theramore, and now Teldrassil. And still the plot warps inward on itself to make sure the Horde can wriggle its way out, scot-free.

*(Because, I do admit that the plot also warps to get Anduin out of the consequences of his actions as well.)


The Horde won a burnt husk, The Alliance won a blighted ruin. Seems like a fair trade to me. Teldrassil didn’t feel good for me either since I get chastised for it constantly by the narrative.

I was talking about death since we are talking about killing Sylvanas. I’m saying that Horde characters get killed for their actions far more often than Alliance ones do. I’m mostly pointing out that since Jaina got to live, I would like Sylvanas to live as well.


Look, I understand that you live in a world of black and white, and truly hold nothing but contempt for the Horde faction and playbase; but I would argue MOST Horde players did not join the WoW Horde because they wanted to be villains. They joined because they adored the Hero Fantasy of the Outcasts, comprised of traditionally evil portrayed races that the WC3 Horde represented.

The Alliance lost a few cities. They lose terrain. They lose the occasional character (with Maraad probably being the biggest, to try to foist a Mary Sue character Yrel down our throats). However, I don’t recall a single time (other than being forced to SPARE the Red Team) where the Alliance had their Faction Identity ripped to pieces. Hell … you’d be hard pressed to find an instance (outside MAYBE right now with the NEs) where a RACIAL fantasy was actually infringed upon.

Also, if you haven’t noticed Magni is back (and more POWER fantasy than EVER before). Yeah, he might be a little Old God puppeted, but he’s fine. Also, don’t you DARE insult friggen Muradin, Felstad (and even Moira has really come into her own as a character). Its not a lack of Good Characters thats making the Dwarves irrelevant in this game; its Blizz’s decision to focus almost exclusively on Humans and Elves thats causing THAT particular problem.


The Horde won 3 zones.
Then they decided to burn it all.
Alliance never got a choice.

Only to those enjoying their Horde bias.




Cataclysm, and Varian’s subsequent ascension. The Alliance got their story streamlined into that of a Blue Horde, with a Blue Warchief to drive a “we’re family” narrative. And conversely the Alliance’s theme was given to the Horde: a conglomerate of disparate cultures barely keeping it together through their competing agendas and political intrigues.


When jaina can get even a little closer to all what sylvanas has done until now, i would concede it to you.

But last time i checked, she didn’t started a war, she didn’t destroyed 2 cities by fire or blight, she didn’t do experiments with some humans to create a new weapon, or killed more humans after she was done using them.
i guess that the closest that we had was when she almost destroyed orgrimmar, but oh, surprise some dumb moral (horde plot armor) stopped her and even regrets it that she tried. (honestly she should have done it)

The only thing that she has done was killing like 5 belfs in dala and some colateral damage in dazarlazor.
so i am sorry if i can’t see why jaina surviving means that sylvanas has to survive as well.

Now, if she DID something like that, like i don’t know destroying lordaeron by her own hands, we, alliance players would be more satisfied, and not so angry by her eventual death.
but as for right now, it would just be insane losing racial leaders ON TOP of cities and constants defeats at the hands of the horde.


Vanilla was 15 years ago man. Move on.
Horde has been evil for a very, very long time now.

Have you heard about the High King and council of Three Hammers?

Lol when was the last time anyone besides Humans were relevant?
Velen had not said a single word since Legion and he never said anything before WoD until he was killed off in the first zone.
You have no idea what is happening on the blue side. Your complaints are luxury to us.

Yeah. At the service of neutrality as is tradition.

You mean the guy that hasn’t said a word since Wotlk?

You mean the comedic relief dwarf follower? He is a faction racial leader? could have fooled me.

Lol the Elves are just cannon fodder for your faction to find itself and humans to teach us about friendship with the Horde.
Teldrassil had just happened and all andiun could talk about was saving the Horde from itself.

Like I said you have no idea how good you have it lol.