Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

Victory for Sylvanas!


Oh well yeah. But then again, being at the right place at the right time and, through their actions (or deliberate inaction), allowing the Horde to exist as it is stands is an honor that can be awarded to pretty much every major character in the story. Even many Alliance characters.

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You once again mischaracterize me.

I never once said what Tyrande did was a selfless good.
I only mentioned her when other red posters tried to paint this picture of humanitarian Liadrin vs cold B Tyrande. It simply wasn’t true.

And yeah. You are right.
I don’t care about the Horde because what they want comes at my expense.
I don’t want Alliance to be buddy buddy with your honor Horde.
They are all just as implicated as Sylvanas and Saurfang at this point.

Its like you got this serial killer and you are trying to absolve him of his crimes because he volunteers at the local charity.
What you want is exactly what happened at the end of SoO.
Nothing consequential happens. Horde is redeemed like they weren’t Legion level monsters just a few patches ago but its alright because they are the red playable faction and should never be victimized.

I sympathize with you to the level of a viewer of the story since we are both at the mercy of the writers but if you think I am going to sit there and swallow the same bs Blizzard is trying to feed me with Sad Orc redemption Saga then I say no sir.
I have accepted my faction are naive idiots who expressly expose their backs so your faction could stab it.
Why can’t you? Like what kind of out come do you think will end this expansion with even a small amount of satisfaction?

According to Blizzard we already had our payback but I doubt you will find a single person that agrees with that besides the most staunch Sylvanas supporter.

Your particular brand of unfazed devotion is strangely endearing lmao. It’s a nice break from the sea of self-righteousness and moralizing we find here :joy:


As other people have mentioned, Garrosh didn’t die in Mists of Pandaria, either. This isn’t anything very new.

Hell, John Hight even prefaces his statements with “that quickly” for when they’re going to kill her.

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This idea that horde screentime doesn’t count because its not the screentime you wanted/liked is hilarious to me. It doesn’t matter if you’re the villain or not, screentime is screentime and the horde has it in spades over the alliance. Nobody came out of infinity war and said Thanos didn’t get any screentime just because he was a villain while he got it.

And secondly, not everyone wants to feel vindicated when fighting their enemies anyway. A lot of people enjoy playing the outright bad guy in video games.

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Yeah but the Alliance gets just as much if not more screen time and they don’t get forced to be the bad guy and then admonished for it at every turn. That’s his point.


Saurfang ‘just’ got three full CG cinematics in a row and this entire expansion is about the horde and its infighting while the alliance to the detriment of itself helps it. And what’s this mess about being ‘forced’ to be the bad guy? You chose the horde faction that was your choice and you knew they were shady from the start (and if you didn’t, you didn’t do enough research and its on you). If you don’t like it, switch sides. I switched, so can you.

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Naw … I’m good. I absolutely adore the Horde thematically, and the roster we do still have has so much potential to be great. I actually truly have come to love the inclusion of every single race (and AR) we’ve gotten so far, and I’m partial to a lower fantasy faction (its just the fact that Blizz keeps forcing us to attack the higher fantasy faction that bothers the crap out of me).


I made this character at launch. I did my research. Back then, that research was WC3, which I played. The Horde wasn’t shady then. We were a band of outcasts with a troubled history trying to start over. That’s a compelling story that gripped me far more than the bland “I’ll smite you, heathen!” narrative the Alliance offered.

I fell in love with the Darkspear especially. We’ve never been the driving force behind any of the Horde’s villainous actions. Unwitting participants, maybe, but the two times we had story focus were when we opposed Zul and when we opposed Garrosh. The Darkspear are heroes.

Just because we are stupid right now and are following marching orders doesn’t mean we weren’t heroes before. Blizzard dumbs down everyone when they need plot point to happen and their cunning would be an inconvenience to them. Hell, blue posters complain about their characters being dumbed down all the time. Horde are just being dumb in a different way, like trusting Sylvanas when she claims attacking the Alliance is necessary for survival in the same way the United States was dumb for trusting Bush Jr. when he said there were WMDs in Iraq (remember, average civilians don’t have the same information their governments do). If you want to call everyone who enlisted in the Iraqi War evil, be my guest.


The forsaken were right there in vanilla being evil in full view. You knew they were evil then.

Actually, I recall the Horde being marketed as a collection of usual fantasy fodder (orcs, trolls, centaur, undead, fallen elves) who actually get the same build up as the typical heroes, not outright villains but nice try babes.

Oh well. I just spent a whole expansion dealing with Alliance characters and questing with them while they threatened me so I think you can handle a bit of Saurfang outside of the game while I get bashed over the head with how I should be friends with Jaina.


Love the Darkspear … a Troll was my first character I ever made. It wasn’t until the Gobs became playable that a PC race called to me more than the Darkspear Trolls did (Goblins are the least blessed PC race in this game … I love a good ruthless underdog story).

On a more positive tangent, I LOVE that Zekhan got a custom model. The Horde (and especially the Darkspear) were long overdue for some new Blood (especially Shammy Blood). I only hope Blizz is saving an amazing Rokhan model for when he finally takes over the Darkspear officially (and allows Vol’jin to become a true Loa at the end of his current path) … the Darkspear will really be cooking.

Now if only Gazlowe IS really being built up to replace Wix (like his foil nature in Mechagon would indicate); and Nathanos could break free of his Sylvie worship (to finally grip onto even a fragment of the potential his character truly does have under his fanboy nonsense) … we might have some decent replacement leaders lined up for both the Bilgewater and Forsaken (get Voss & Rexxar to finally fully commit to their people, Saurfang survives, and we might be OK shape).


unfortunately there are no playable centaur, and now i am a sad pupper

:woman_facepalming: I meant Minotaur lol. Or whatever the Tauren are.

i am still a sad pupper, because centaur would sound awesome to play


I didn’t make a forsaken, did I? Forsaken weren’t framed as part of the Horde, they are framed as distant allies of the Horde.

Back then Sylvanas wanted nothing more than to get revenge on Arthas and the Forsaken were a tragic people who had undeath thrust upon them but regained their free will. They just wanted to live their unlives but were persecuted because of their appearance until Hamuul decided to look part outward appearances and give them a chance. That’s a compelling story. Far more interesting than say “Who am I? Let’s dig everywhere and see if we can find clues!”

The point is I didn’t choose Horde to be edgy or eeevil. I chose it because they offered a more unique story than the Alliance of humans, dwarves and elves did. Both sides were heroic, one just had a brand of heroism that appealed to me more.


On that marketing bit, I hear that pretty often. Can you give me some example of that marketing?

Tyrande was the only alliance hero to make snide remarks at you and considering her history with the horde its pretty well justified, everyone else you had to interact with was either neutral or had nothing to say about the horde in particular. Not to mention every time an alliance hero praises or treats the horde hero well its an implicit shaming of alliance heroes for fighting against such a magnamious hero as well as partially removing the moral superiority they’re supposed to hold for being the good guys.

And beyond even that the horde being called out on its mess isn’t some unforgivable sin. You commit awful acts you get called awful. That’s completely fair and there’s nothing wrong with it; comes with choosing the bad guy faction.

They were horde. You saw they were horde on the race selection screen. You said you played WC 1-3, if you did you knew the forsaken stopped being tragic the moment they wiped out the Lordaeronians who took back their city. And if that didn’t do it for you their questing experience would have.

If you didn’t make a forsaken to help you understand this you didn’t do your research.

" The Horde is made up of orcs, forsaken, tauren, trolls, blood elves, and most recently, goblins. Misunderstood and cast aside, these diverse and powerful races strive to overcome their differences and unite as one in order to win freedom for their people and prosper in a land that has come to hate them."

What says villain about that?

Tyrande, Malfurion, Turalyon, Vereesa, Kadghar, Dalaran, Alleria…

Horde characters were Sylvie and Nathanos in Stormheim for a bit, and a splash of Liadrin in Suramar.

You can literally switch Alliance and Horde around and it’s the same exact thing we deal with.

It’s annoying because when the Alliance commits awful acts it gets retconned, justified, or excused.

But if I recall correctly, you are the individual who was tying yourself in knots trying to figure out how Genn trying to assassinate Sylvanas during peace time wasn’t an act of war so I’m feeling that I’m probably wasting my time.