Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

male human paladins come get your guy

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Why does anyone trust a word out of the PR’s people’s mouth these days?

Three? why limit it at three?

What would my vengeance be? Could be many things.
But in the end it has to meet these criteria:

  1. Humiliation of the Horde. Drag their face through the mud somehow. Shame them directly and completely.
  2. Saurfang and Sylvanas pay some kind of price. Preferably a brutal murder that leaves nothing glorifying or bittersweet.

Yeah I want the Horde punished completely and absolutely.
None of this ‘friends forever nonsense’ they don’t deserve it.

you’ll never stop me Buhahahah

runs off to another thread

serious note though i Just don’t get why Blizzard is so gungho in always make the Horde the Villians. Warcraft 3 was such a good game as both faction has grey moments its what made the story so interesting. However blizzard have dropped all flavor from the alliance to just paint us pure white.

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Well you are more reasonable than most as i am sure most of that will hapoen exceot the last part sorry the writters cant have us not team up it is thier only story.

yikes 10char


After years since cataclysm with things going from bad to worse.
I want the principal paid. With interest.


mad for ten years at a video game


Sure why not.
Why do you care what happens? Its just a video game. Its not like the Horde is real.

You should see the others wanting every horde character dead abd a mass npc execution in game or book and org destroyed

I am glad i missed this thread, because both sides of the argument here are stupid.

The thread could have stopped at this logic bomb. Nope gotta regurgitate the same old drivel to spite other players. The “f you, mine’s worse” logic is cancerous and i hate blizzard for pouring gas onto it.

Come play with them in the discord then.

Anyone who wants in on the story forum discord hit me up at anyaceltica#6573. we are in dire need of goblin players, tauren, space goats of both varieties, and humans paladins. More elves is always better, despite what some people say. All elves get an auto invite.


Idk that we need more human paladins.

Yes we do. Grandblade is lonely.

On a more serious note if Anya is unavailable feel free to hit me for an invite to the SF discord

Pandora’s Nelfist#1923

We take no joy in it … I understand that you genuinely seem to believe that the Horde playerbase revels in playing evil characters, but please temper your faulty expectations just a little bit. Beyond that, LOCATIONS you lose … CHARACTERS tho? Gelbin will be fine, his current condition is likely just an excuse for Blizz to create a recruitment scenario for the MechaGnomes. Therefore … really the Alliance lost (at worst) 3 C-Rank Characters in this conflict:

  • Sira: A Dime-A-Dozen Warden who only gained any sort of recognition because she’s a world quest giver (killing raptors again today huh Sira)?
  • Summermoon: A character who literally was born and died in a single short story to further hammer home the Slyvanas/Arthas Parallels.
  • Telaamon: Admittedly the Alliance’s biggest loss, it truly is a shame that he was not allowed to differentiate himself more than “Sword Draenei” before he died.

<Vol’jin cackles, the stench of his hot breath reeking in your nostrils.>

Oh, ya got anudda plan? I got anudda plan, too. I let ya siege Orgrimmar on ya own. See how far ya get. An’ once da city be filled wit’ corpses, den me shadow hunters come in, we mop up what left, kill Kor’kron an Alliance alike. Give ya dead ta Sylvanas. Hmm! I save a lot a Darkspear lives wit’ dis plan!

Mmnn? You don’t like? Then, we stay wit’ da fist plan. We work together.

We don’t even have ta like each other.

[Call his bluff] Why don’t WE wait until YOU attack Orgrimmar, then mop up YOUR dead?

<Vol’jin sees his opportunity slipping away. He holds up his hands.>

Wait now, <race>! Orgrimmar be a fortress. My people, we ain’t gonna crack dat nut on our own. How long we gonna last out here? Days? Weeks? Vol’jin can’t say.

You keep da supplies comin, an’ I promise, more Kor’kron gonna die. Before ya troops even land! The blood bein’ spilt ain’t even ya own! Surely dat be worth a few crates of meat?

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I’m not gonna touch “at the moment” that’s a whole other long discussion. I just like pointing out to the anti-Sylvanas Horde fans that if it wasn’t for Sylvanas there would be no Horde. There are a dozen more items that I could point out in that same breath ie the UC being the Horde Eastern Kingdom stronghold up until BfA, she lead the Horde to victory against the Burning Legion, recruiting allied races initiative etc etc.

How and if she was set up to save the Horde or not by an unknown entity is a whole other conversion. It has nothing to do with Sylvanas making the conscious decision, as outlined in “Before the Storm” to obey Vol’jin and save the Horde.


Such hypocrisy (not you, Ollanu, you’re fine, just using your quote for context). You have no regard for how other players feel. You want everything in this game to bend to you. It doesn’t matter that the Horde are getting the opposite of what they want. By your own admission you don’t care. The Horde players don’t matter. All that matters is you. Your wants and needs are all that’s important, and when they aren’t met you make a ludicrous claim like Blizzard is Horde biased, because if mommy takes her eyes off you for a second you get jealous. Nothing Blizzard could possibly deliver would be enough to sate your endless selfishness. The fact that we even exist at all offends you. That is what makes you an extremist. Why should anyone care about your opinion when you refuse to show them the same level of respect?


Wow Its difficult to respond to each of your points because the whole thing is a massive cry-rant with zero substance and proof.
for example:

I never said that. Every hero needs a villain.
I just object to the notion Horde is anything less than villain or lesser villain at best.

Its true I don’t. Because when/if Blizzard let’s Alliance players burn Thunderbluff in a big old BBQ there will be SOME Alliance players who took no joy in it and SOME Alliance players who took great joy in it.

That’s things work. Not everyone will be satisfied.

Rofl, this coming from a Horde player is just too precious. Besides I already said what I want. A blow by blow what I got nothing more. But you can’t take that.
You won’t accept that. That’s too much for you.
So you just go on rants and personal attacks.

It doesn’t matter. It never did.
Just because you feel sorry doesn’t mean that was your punishment moment.
My story still needs developing but I can’t never have that because according to you, you are also the victim and so any restetutions would be going too far.

So? What do we get? Something like the new Crossroads cinematic that the guy who frigging planned and invaded NE land and wiped multiple towns of its inhabitants is the frigging good guy. Are you kidding me?

What characters has Horde lost? Voljin? He has come back. Cairne? He got killed by Horde internal conflicts. Garrosh? Thrall killed him.
None had nothing to do with me or the Alliance or any character switching to bad guys or randomly killed off screen count?
Am I supposed to blame you or minimize the loss of Cairne with Admiral Taylor?

Imagine if right after the purge. Blood Elves were so angry at the HORDE that they joined Jaina and the rest to attack Lorthemar and Aethas for what Jaina did.
We had a Sunreaver killed in PTR during the free the beef questline and the red posters lost their damn minds. So Blizzard change it.
Alliance though? no such luxury. In fact we had to kill our version of Sunreavers FOR MONTHS.

Yeah excuse me I have run out of sympathies.


no we didnt, we only assumed we would kill them when the datamined text came out, but when the scenario was playable in the ptr we never killed him

You don’t respond to substance or proof anyway. Your mind is made up and nothing will change it. You said if I could point out a positive thing the Horde has done, you would change your view, but that was a lie.

You yourself cited Tyrande rescuing Nightfallen refugees as a positive action. It’s been pointed out that Liadrin did that exact same thing and was kinder and more altruistic in her intent. Did you change your view? No, you doubled down. That is extremist behavior.

A reasonable person would realize that both sides got screwed. That both Alliance and Horde deserve better storylines. But you constantly advocate for making the Horde player experience even worse. That your happiness is contingent on that happening because you don’t care about the Horde players at all. We don’t matter. Only you do.

You can’t argue with someone who hates a group of people as fervently as you do. Someone who who bought so hard into the “Us Versus Them” mentality that they literally compare them to demons because they can’t bring themselves to consider their lives as worth anything. It’s just not worth the energy. So I’ll let you have the last word if you want it, but I’m not taking this particular conversation any further.