Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

Did you play every single playable race before deciding what faction you wanted to join? The Darkspear description stated the trolls were the most untrusting of their new undead allies. I didn’t trust them either, but I trusted the tauren and the orcs. The Darkspear was the right fit.

Also the Alliance wasn’t on such a moral high horse as they are right now. They weren’t the clearly good guys. There was plenty of shade going on on the blue side, too.


A Pegasus.

I wish tbh, built in flight form please.

Redbull gives you wings apparently. Get those goblins on it.

The fact that this quote mentions blood elves and goblins means this is from cata? In that case you would have known that the blood elves enslaved a naaru, goblins were totally cool with slavery and the forsaken were raising people like the lich king…

Malfurion, Turalyon, Vereesa, Khadgar, and Alleria were all neutral at the time of legion. Only Tyrande and Velen belonged to a faction.

Except the horde doesn’t have much, if any moral integrity to sacrifice.

Fair point, i’m annoyed by this too.

My point had little to do with Genn being innocent and more to do with the idea that if Genn and Sylvanas were both made to defend their own actions from Stormheim in the public arena Genn would have a much easier time justifying his actions and could lie about it with little issue if need be.

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The problem is whatever we commit is always a response to what the Horde commits.
Broken Shore was the sole exception and it was totally a miscommunication that the Dreadlords orchestrated.

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Yes, i did play every race before deciding which faction i wanted to join. I started as horde.

Sure, the trolls may not have fully trusted them, but they still accepted them and were thus complicit in their actions.

True, the difference wasn’t so big back then, but it was still there.

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You asked for examples of marketing that said the horde weren’t supposed to be villains. Thats the description of the horde that blizzard presents to new players.

They’re neutral like how Thrall was neutral in Cataclysm. i.e not really.

Thats your opinion. I think the Night Elves sending the Highborne on the trail of tears, the Gilneans walling up their city and condemning Lordaeron to the plague, The Alliance murdering Sylvanas’ emissaries, the treatment of the Orcs in their internment camps, etc leave the Alliance without much if any moral superiority but thats my opinion.

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That list is laughable to be honest.

I think most of your opinions are laughable to be honest so I guess we’re even :slightly_smiling_face:


Well you are entitled to advocate for your advantaged storylines. Its perfectly understandable.

Thank you for the green light. I will make sure I continue to do so.

Good I expect great things from you.
Don’t squander this opportunity.

Oh my, I’ll have to turn it up a few notches. Someone pass me my mana-pipe!

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This is true. I was actually quite annoyed at the number of times Legion made me queue up for a group with 4 other alliance players so they could sit there and watch an alliance leader tell me I did a good job whenever I advanced the story.

The funniest part is that Thrall was the most neutral after Khadgar. Both Malfurion and Vereesa were still part of the alliance. Even Turalyon and Alleria never really ‘’ left’’ the alliance. They were only absent a long time. Thrall officially left his title before going neutral in cata. Somehow apparently cata was horde bias because of Thrall but legion isn’t even with all those character.

Say the faction that claim that a victory isn’t a victory if they dont like it…

Wanna talk about Legion cinematic being for the alliance?


I was looking for a vanilla example. The one you gave is pretty weak considering the moment you make a forsaken you can see how evil they are. You can also quickly come to similar conclusions for the orcs and trolls once you start questing in Ashenvale which only requires like… lvl 15.

The Highborne were kicked out due to their own actions which the night elves warned them not to do. Only once the Highborne not only disobeyed the night elves, but actively put Ashenvale in danger did they kick them out. The Gilneans didn’t plague Lordaeron, but the Forsaken sure did plague gilneas! The treatment of the orcs in the internment camps? Lol, that was the forsaken too.

Kind of like how thrall never really left the horde? When Jaina went to drown the place who else but mr. neutral showed up to stop her?

The alliance’s goals were to take Lordaeron and/or capture Sylvanas.

Sylvanas/Horde goal was to kill the alliance leaders or ensure that they couldn’t have lordaeron. Syvlanas succeeded at one of her goals when she plauged the place.

one cinematic? really? And even in that one cinematic Sylvanas had a good amount of spotlight.

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Side note, you wouldn’t see it even if you did the war campaign. It’s visible Alliance-side only.

And Liadrin.


“Designated good/evil faction” is a recent thing that only came about to pander towards WC2-era smooth brains. Both factions were morally ambiguous prior to cataclysm.


Cataclysm was almost 9 years ago.
Its old news.