Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

The Siege of Lordearon represents everything wrong with how Blizzard give the Alliance a “victory”.

Its a single scenario where we show up and the alliance has already defeated Brill. We attack the city and are pushed back at almost every turn and only seem to succeed due to Jaina showing up. Then Sylvanas blows up her own city with the plague meaning the whole area is unlivable, meaning the Alliance won nothing.

If they had the Alliance win and capture horde forces and take the city without deus ex Jaina’s help it would have been far better. If the Alliance then sent forces north and started to rebuild Lordearon and through phasing showed us cleansing the land and rebuilding on it, maybe even having some world quests up that way or war campaign showing the zone changing to the Alliance.

As it is the area is now empty and we have no reason to go back as its a plagued mess. Atleast when the Horde goes to Ashenvale they see Horde forces through out the are and all the Alliance forces are gone. They have quests in the area which shows horde have constructed bases in Darkshore and pushing out the last remnants of the Nightelf forces.


So the alliance gets lordaeron while the horde gets told they were fighting night elf civilians who somehow fought the horde to a stand still multiple times? The horde’s greatest victory in bfa is tarnished twice first in the fact that teld is burned to ground ,and then again when we find out that the night elves didn’t even fight us with their army but rather a band of civilians.

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Lordaerin is completely plauged and unusable. The reason the undercity doesn’t have a victiry feeling is because it was after the burning. The alliance lose not just a zone but more impirtantly in story countless civilian lives where as the horde just blows up an empty city getting to run away

If the tree had been rmpty then things might feel better but nope night elf genocide from blizz.

I would have preferred a massive quest chain leading the Alliance against the forsaken even if it was just civilian militia i was fighting against. If it meant we got a tangible win with us taking the territory and starting to rebuild Lordearon. Maybe getting Alleria and Sylvanas fight each other to have Turaylon attack from behind badly hurting sylvanas. Then Nathanos shows up rescues her and takes her away.

The horde player base didn’t want to burn teld it was a huge insult to the horde player base. We didn’t want to be the genocidal lunatics. We were wrote into a corner and forced to wait and see.


Could you guys just do us a solid and kill both of them?

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Yeah no one likes it but please dont pretend the emotional impacts for the two are equal. If blizz could have said teld was empty ir near empty when it was birned then i would give you it was a trade but the stupid burn everyone alive choice they made means they werent.

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Nor did they Alliance player base want Teld to burn or for the Horde be Genocidal Maniacs. It was clearly the Alliances turn to pull the trigger. Yet Blizzard are boring and cant write anything Original anymore.

My idea is that Turyalon takes control of the Alliance with support of Genn and Jaina then leads us on a Crusade to take back Lordearon. Even killing the forsaken Civilians would have been a cool dark moment for the alliance as it would a lot of discussion with it. Like can you kill what is already dead? or are they humans or monsters? are we freeing them from undeath like we did the scourge?

for context I don’t support genocide but there is a difference between burning undead that have been raised back to life. To burning women and children. Plus it could play into the whole short story where Sylvanas saw undead throwing themselves onto pyres rather than face the Alliance.


The fact the city was filled with civilians had an emotional impact on both sides. When slyvanas burned teld I immediately lost all loyalty to my own faction, undercity wasn’t some rally point for us it was what slyvanas had coming.

As for the alliance pulling the trigger yeah I’d like to see that happen and it would have been a far more epic battle. Especially to see the deathstalkers use the classic tactics they were known for. The 7th legion getting ambushed by deathstalkers posing as corpses, the alliance purging the undead it’d be an actually interesting fight


Yep so many ways it could have gone to make it better

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Horde characters should not have to be sacrificed to make Alliance players happy.

We have suffered enough loss thank you very much. Throw your blame and anger where it belongs at Blizzard for forcing the Horde into this terrible position in the first place.


Well Alliance characters and locations certainly get sacrificed for your enjoyment.
Why is your position more privileged than mine?


You should read the second part lind of clear they dont like the horde being evil so likely means they dont like the kill the alliance burn everything story


I don’t care if they like it or not.
Blizzard thought it was cool for Alliance losing something as an interesting development for the Horde.

But yet somehow the reverse doesn’t seem to apply because that punishes the players rather than the faction.
Why doesn’t the same logic apply to me?

You should tsje that up with somone who likes it not somone who likely agrees the whole sitation is stupid.

I am afraid that’s not how this works.
The Horde does something then they need to pay for it.

I don’t care who is sad about it. Saurfang or real players.

I would try to arguee but it is like talking to one of those blood elf sylvanas die hards but fir the alliance. Likely the only acceptable vengence you have in mind is to kill off the horde as a playsble faction.


Apparently the Horde has killed so many night elves that their very continued existence is put into question.

Tell me. Have the Night Elf players disappeared from the game?

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It’s interesting that he says she doesn’t die, because Garrosh didn’t die in MoP either. Doesn’t mean she’s long for this world.

Nope but they also didnt lose any of their three important characters. Tell me what would be your vengence.