Jonh hight in chinajoy 2019 (Spoilers?)

Kudo’s the fact that you HAVE both the ability to fight your way out of an enemy city with a SINGLE exit point, and have the ability to spare the Horde. Should be an overwhelming testiment to how absolutely absurd it is for Blizzard to constantly make the Horde the antagonists in these stupid bouts of Faction Conflict (especially when the situation has only gotten worse with each concurrent installment of this game; the balance continues to get more and more out of wack).

Bluntly, at this point, the Alliance and Horde don’t even exist in the same genre of fantasy anymore. There was a time before Cata where one could have made the argument that to some degree they were operating within the same world; but that time has LONG since past (hell, our world shaman got nerfed through the floor; and we keep getting flooded with useless Warrior Reps). Thus, the concurrent punishment for the Alliance is that they KNOW they can destroy the Horde (and are forced to hold back); the punishment for the Horde is that we KNOW we could NEVER beat the Alliance (yet Blizzard continually forces us to suicidally try doing it anyway).

Tis a vicious cycle my dear Gale … one that no-one but the writers seem happy with.


Couldn’t agree more.


And yet, they are. The Horde is allowed to burn, pillage, and rampage across zone after zone of Alliance territory. But when the Alliance gets close to so much as putting a hair out of place on the Horde’s blessed head, the Alliance leadership pulls a sudden 180° into mercy mode. It happened in SoO. And again in BoD. Hell, the Alliance wasn’t even allowed to destroy Undercity. The honor went to the Warchief, on her own terms, as part of her own overly convoluted (and situational) trap.


I sort of feel like your so mired in the emotional elements of the story you’re missing the functional “needs” of the entirely convoluted plot I’m discussing here (its not just Sylvie’s nonsense at Lordaeron that’s convoluted). I mean … have you seen the Horde War Campaign that amounted to … I guess getting Stone (she’s cute for a Forsaken I suppose, its nice Voss has a friend)?

The reason the Alliance is being written like idiots is that the Horde is quite literally not capable of doing what Blizzard wants it to do in this story. They did not want to spend ANY time actually trying to mitigate the absurd power imbalance between the factions before they tasked the Horde with starting another Faction Conflict. We’re failing in the script Blizz wrote for us.

The feeling of frustration you are having right now (that ugly feeling of feeling like you’re being held back immensely) is a direct consequence of the absurd power-fantasy the Alliance has been given; and the deep neglect to provide the Horde the same before tasking them to once again be an antagonistic foil for the Blue Team. That … sadly … is all there is too it (seriously, it is what it is).


So what do you expect Blizzard to do then? Are the Alliance to kill Sylvanas and Nathanos and arrest Saurfang for his part. Are we to destroy Orgrimmar and take back all of Kalimdor?

The Horde already suffers from having no characters left to lead it and If we were to exact revenge it would probably mean destroying what little Identity they have left.

Blizzard have failed both factions. They should have had the Alliance be the Protagonist as we have plenty of champions to lose but giving us back some Terroritories we have lost. The Horde should have been fighting to protect itself and retain its existence while also dealing with Sylvanas internally.

It didn’t need to be a war of Genocide just the Alliance fighting to take back what it had lost. Punishing the horde for old sleights like Gilneas and invasions in Ashenvale.


Why do you think part of the reason I’m so opposed to us losing Saurfang is?

I am not being hyperbolic when I say that the ORCS (on the friggen Horde) are so destitute that one of their most developed characters is that meathead Cromush. The Tauren are in worse shape, with even Baine not getting quality development (his role as a plot device is always more important than his needs as a character). The Darkspear are one of the most brutalized PC races in this game (so much so I’ve seen threads making the legitimate argument that they should be extinct by now). That doesn’t even get into the Forsaken, who if they lose BOTH Sylvie and Nate … they’re pretty much a dead PC race in a narrative sense (not JUST a literal one).

Just about the ONLY Horde Race that is doing OK in representation is the elves atm.


Sad the Alliance has technically more “blood elf” champions than the horde does

I mean we have Veeresa, Alleria, Valeera, Umbric and Arator. Not to mention there are a few minor ones about.

The Horde have Lothremar and Rommanth, perhaps Hauldron and Aethas?

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We try not to talk about Aethas.


I have a homie who says the same thing who has made some infamous posts in this forum :thinking:

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Oh we don’t claim him :raised_hand:

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Really it seems like the big failure that leads to alliance or horde bias or accusations of it is perseption. I mean the horde has fewer characters but they also seem to be characters over mary sues and cut outs most accuse the alliance of having.

No… The Alliance has the justice league roster of hero’s… The Horde have well a couple of fighters, hunters and rouges maybe one archmage.

The Alliance has Turaylon who is super powered in the Light and lead the Army of light for a millennia against the legion.

Alleria, who also have been fighting the Legion for a millennia and has become a master of the void by absorbing Void demi gods and a Void Naaru.

Malfurion who has been called the strongest mortal, who went toe to toe with archimonde in the war of the Ancients and has only got more powerful since then.

Tyrande who is protected by Elune back in the war of ancients against even archimondes attempts to breach her protections. Who has now been made an Avatar of Elune.

Velen was one of the strongest archmages in the universe before the Legion invaded argus. He is now also a master of the light and has foresight into the future.

Muradin, a Powerful dwarf fighter, maybe one of the most skilled on Azeroth. Who has unlocked the power of his heritage and can take on a Avatar Titan form.

Anduin, The Chosen one powered by the light and magic bones, Who can leap tall siege engines in a single leap.

That is just a few of them, they’re are tons more on the alliance I haven’t even mentioned. Broll, Valeera, Moria, Falastad, Danath, Kuradan, Shandris, Umbric… the list goes on.


Yes but what have most of them done most dont say or do much. The alliance without a doubt has the edge in power and number the problem is after one or two moments they lose all character and become flat maty sues or none existant it seems.


That is simply because they need the Horde to somehow be on the same level at the alliance so they bend the lore to put the Horde on the same level when they simply aren’t. They aren’t mary sues its just bad writing to make the horde seem more threatening than they are.

Its why the Horde as a threat is laughable when a number of these heroes can technically destroy armies by themselves.

God. I forgot to even put Jaina in there


Yep the alliance gets flat characters the horde gets seemingly more ed ines when they arent evil afain hirde and alliance bais is perspective as all the power and glory the alliance gets means little to players when it all seems to amount to nothing.

The one thing that’s hard about the “representation” question is: how long does a character have to stay around to be a representative of their faction?

I mean we’ve gotten a lot of story content with Rokhan. When does he count?

To me, what they really need to do to push new characters is give them unique armor or models. Right now Rokhan is wearing BC shaman gear.

Liadran and Lor’themar also have unique armor now to show their increased role.

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i don’t think that they are “flat” the problem i think is that they have so much developed that has become even more difficult for blizzard to handle them.
that is why they focus in 1 or 2 or the “blue warchief”
while we have other characters in the background doing nothing.

Basically blizzard is too lazy to use the full roster of the alliance, i would say that we have too many.
look at the poor muradin one of the wc3 characters… has done NOTHING since he returned.

basically, blizzard is too lazy to use our entire roster properly.

Fair enough though this is all about perseption of bias really as this shows they could have a lot more character showing over feeling bland.

The flip side of that is that there were lots of complaints about Shandris fighting Azshara instead of Tyrande.

The alliance has always won those fights while the horde loses not only the fight but a major lore character and then couple with that the characters are never replaced leaving us with a comically b list roster of heroes. As for vengeance let me guess undercity wasn’t enough for you? You want thunder bluff and org too right? You want racial leader heads on pikes right?

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