They’re just called the “Ankoan” this time around. Honestly surprised not more people are talking about this because… damn, they look good :3
Is it too early to start asking for these guys to be playable? Because, you know, I totally wouldn’t mind if these guys were playable.
Pretty sure they will be playable
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They’re setup with creature models like sethrak and krokul, so they’re not likely planned to be playable. It’s tragic.
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Well yeah we are well aware that no new allied races are coming with the launch of patch 8.2, however this doesn’t inform any future plans. The Nightborne in Suramar are all constructed as NPCs; the player model has totally different rigging. All Jinyu in-game use male night elf skeletons, which means it shouldn’t be difficult to deliver a playable Jinyu with Ankoan racial features that we see here.
Optimism for the future and all that.
Probably one of the most ugly things I’ve ever seen.
wacks Nerubian upside the head with a fish.
You know, the prospect that Nazjatar might not deliver any new allied races to us at all is a very strange one to me. Ankoan in particular really have a perfect setup for it, yet really don’t seem intended to take advantage of it.
My whining aside, if people started making noise for these guys I’d be right there with them. Conceptually I think they’re very cool, and I bet they’d look incredible if they were given a player-quality model complete with customization and animated fins and barbels.
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Just imagine what the female version will look like considering they’re based on angler fish.
I agree, but we’ll see what happens. All they said was that no new allied races are coming in 8.2, the launch patch of the zone. It’s possible that, presuming there are indeed new allied races in the pipeline, we’ll need time to get acquainted with them and earn their trust the same way we did with the Kul Tirans and Zandalari, who weren’t made playable until 8.1.5 despite being central to the storylines of their respective zones since 8.0.
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Plot Twist: Taelia Fordragon dumps Anduin for an Ankoan, bringing them into the Alliance and initiating Anduins descent to madness. World of Warcraft: The Shape of Water
I’m imagining something akin to Mortal Kombat’s Mileena.
Yeah uh, I’ll stick with a male, please.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with any of this.
I’m all for them, but like Sethrak, until i see a female model, I’m not getting my hopes up for them being an AR.
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And that’s fair. I just like to voice my interest in such things early and often as sort of a nudge nudge, hint hint to the developers. I get that maybe the Jinyu/Ankoa aren’t slated to be an allied race anytime soon, but I’d absolutely love to keep the possibility alive for some point in the future.
At this point, if there isn’t a female model to pair with, I’m confident in saying Vulpera will be the first AR released without a pairing. Unless the next patch (8.3) has the Alliance teaming up with two unique races and the Horde teaming with one.
Mechagnomes are a strong contender.
I’m 100% sure it will be Gilblin and Junkergnomes paired together.
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Unlikely to be playable, also wonder if there is history/lore regarding these ankoan, as the jinyu are the products of murlocs being in contact with the vale of eternal blossoms life water, making them supposedly a race unique to Pandaria. Though of course maybe they migrated / went exploring, and those captured by the naga to be slaves are these ankoan(faction name)
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That would be some great lore development. If they do something like that, it could open the door for a lot more lore for these guys.
Virtually every race (and subrace) in WoW lore exists only due to magical energies (see: literally every elf race that ever existed
The jinyu look like they’ve adopted many of the qualities you see in deep sea murlocs. So these guys could have been Jinyu that jumped into the wrong puddle and were changed due to Old God influences over the course of, say, ten thousand years (because WoW loves the phrase “ten thousand years.” Anyone who’s anyone is saying it.)
Uh super racist thread, dude. You call the furbolg “Pandaren”? Or Night Elves “Troll”? I guess even as Worgen, humans are still the most racist people on Azeroth.