Ankoans: the Alliance's answer to playable jinyu?

Unfortunately, Ankoan only have one model currently, with different equipment models baked in and able to be toggled on or off as necessary. Outside their gear, the only difference between any two Ankoan are their scale colors.

So, right now we’re looking at another sethrak, where the Ankoan use creature models instead of the more detailed, customizable player models we actually experience the game with.

I want to get hyped and dig into everything we can learn about these fishfolk, but so far it’s not looking like they’re planned as an allied race. Granted, gilblins look like they just stepped out of Cataclysm, so maybe we won’t see the final product until 8.2.5 or later into the PTR.

Several UI elements related to Ankoan followers are currently prefixed with PH_ in their filenames, which suggests they’re placeholders.

One can hope, I have been wanting to play as the Jinyu since I first saw them.

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Sethrak and AnKian are both awesome, they’d both be a great new nonhuman race for the Alliance. They certainly need that flavour

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Rather have the Jinyu developed further - they’re already part of the Alliance.

Naming conventions might be a little tricksome, though.

Honestly, the more I look at these things, the less interest I feel in interacting with these people!
Jinyus does not even look like ankoan.

Can they be a success for the Alliance? Yes, they can! But they do not please my eyes!
Their faces are ugly and not at all friendly!

Totally in favor of playable Jinyu/Ankoa! After all, I did make this thread :3

Still, I’m quite curious as to where you’re getting your info. Those screenshots don’t seem to imply anything like a hunched/straight back position, probably just an ankoan in the middle of an attack-ready animation.

Also, Jinyu have always used the night elf rig. Where does it look like the worgen rig is being used, or is there something I should know?

You know, there’s just something about the female gilblin and Ankoan models that reminds me of the early vulpera. I wonder if they were all made around the same time? Maybe there’s a chance we see Ankoan get upgraded the same way vulpera did…

Gonna upset Horde posters with even suggesting The Alliance get something cool.


I, for one, would be happy to help them go extinct if they formally join the Alliance.

It’s the male Nelf rigging. Same as the normal Jinyu. I don’t know who got the idea they used a Worgen rig.

Here’s the in game model:

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these new models are improved on the original jinyuu imo. i would love them as an allied race. still holding out hope one day i will get my reptilian race in wow but fishpeople are cool too (but not cool enough to make me go blue). :wink:

It’s from the banner thing using the male night elf battle ready stance.

Yea i took more looks at it a little earlier and i think it was just a hunched position that made it look like they had hunchback, they don’t seem to be hunched passively

That would be amazing :0

they can deal with it >:3

I really wonder if that PH_ in front of the banner name means “placeholder” or not.

They made it a point to specifically say in their reveal at blizzcon that there aren’t many left and can’t reproduce. I wouldn’t get my hopes up.

Looks like a night elf rig to me, same as normal jinyu.

They also described void elves as a “crack elite squad” under Alleria’s command. There can’t possibly be that many mag’har orcs and pandaren on their respective factions either.

I’d say as long as there are about 50 individuals left in lore, there’s enough of a basis to play as one.


They make the perfect AR for Worgen!

What if they even originated from the same elves as the Naga, meaning they could get a Two Forms ability like Worgen to change into a Highborne? Maybe they are the ones lower down the totem pole in a caste system or something.

I like them, I hope they get an option with regular teeth and eyes like the original Jinyu

Ankoan’s would be a cool Alliance Race. That is why it won’t happen. Too much fun and it might not be fun in 3 years.