Jin’yu allied race leaked?

Even so, it’s not an equitable situation at all. It’s not like they already announced six new Allied Races, but have two more hidden somewhere as a surprise.

It is. They said there wouldn’t be any more customizations and they gave us a whole new wave of customizations.

Developers contradict themselves on a daily basis, their words are not the Bible.

Indeed. And like we saw with literally every Allied Race, they didn’t update the NPC “player ID” races and convert them into something playable. They created entirely new IDs for the playable iterations.


I’d love either the Ankoan or Jinyu to be playable, but I’ll have my reservations for this “leak”. Either way, they would clearly be Alliance, I wonder what race they would be paired with, I’d imagine either Hozen or Gilblin if we look historically, but then again they don’t have to pair them with their historical counterparts and could instead go with something else entire, like ogres or taunka (my fav would be sethrak if I got to pick).

I want Leper Gnomes for Horde! They already swore allegiance to Sylvanas since they’re both affected by some plague thing.

Plus… they make such good cup holders for blight. :sob:

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I’d be fine with either of those joining the Horde. There’s precedent for it. BFA had the giblins helping us and MoP has had Hozen helping us. None of that would bother me. I just don’t want another night elf model and I don’t want another model trade happening like it did with the Thalassian elf model and the night elf model. I felt that was incredibly lazy.


Honestly I’d feel Horde would be kind of ripped off if the Alliance got Jinyu and the Horde got Gilgoblins. :unamused:

That’d be like saying if the Horde got Vrykul or Furbolg and the Alliance just got deeper black & deep white toned (No inbetween) Draenie who had pointier ears, named ‘Zen-Draenie’ and then simply explaining they were disconnected during their long travels escaping the Legion and evolved differently overtime. :person_shrugging:

Personally I for one, would LOVE Tuskarr! :partying_face:

Honestly it’d just be cool if they whacked out all the four as neutral allied races.
Explaining that some have their own unique experiences & honorable stories with either faction, and all of them are wanting to forge their own path.

  • Tuskarr
  • Ankoan
  • Gilgoblin
  • Jinyu

Not to mention (Especially with Tuskarr)

There’s heaps of tribes & break-off factions from those races, they don’t all act under a singular government.

Rolling out the new playable races as neutral-allied races here on out, would be better for the community too.


On the downlow, Tuskarr is the only race with a real breadcrumb or two that point to being playable. Male and female new models and shaman totems.


I honestly dislike neutral races. Immensely, if I’m being direct. WoW has already lost so much involving the factions. We shouldn’t just keep removing things that give people faction identity. The Dracthyr are gonna be another mistake in this camp just like Pandaren were. I would like to get back to some kind of normalcy involving them at some point. Killing each other is fun. All this nonsense with neutral races, and holding hands and such is boring.


Both Hozen and Jin’yu have continued to make appearances in places after Mists.

Hozen were among Horde forces in BFA, for example:

And also in BFA some Hozen were found among the ranks of the Horde Vanguard in Dazar’alor.

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OMG yes!!!

Leper Gnomes for the Horde would look so good and funny :laughing:

As much as i like mechagnomes (i actually do like them), they were paired with vulpera.

Vulpera may be based off goblins, but they very easily pass as their own unique race. Heck they could have been a new core race and it would have worked.

The horde would be fine if the alliance got the better race next time :stuck_out_tongue:


and my last hopes for sethrak and high arrakoa shrivels and dies


This I agree with 100%.

However –

I feel like they could achieve it, if it’s done right and they roll it out well enough with a good story to suit & match, and don’t get lazy with it overtime.

I don’t mean neutral as in ‘We’re all friends’ I meant it more in the sense of free-will.
Pandaren didn’t really have much faction-identity, but races that have already been established and built such as the Tuskarr I feel could work much more better.

As for Ankoan / Jinyu and Gilgoblin, alright fair enough - asking for those, all as neutral is probably wishful thinkin :sweat_smile: – but I think those that haven’t really aligned itself with another faction in war and have a well-rooted culture & sense of honour (such as Tuskarr) could work successfully as a neutral race.

Good. Because this is how the Alliance has been treated for the past five years. Remember this feeling, because this is how unjustice and resentment is born and why “Horde bias” is a thing. It’s the fault of the developers not caring about a balanced system.

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As Moritz said… Vulpera were paired with Mechagnomes. I’d say it’s Horde players’ turn to get this kind of trade off for once :joy:

They’re not my favorite, but they’re definitely cool!

I always thought they would be a great allied race for Pandaren.

Yesssss I totally want more neutral ARs. I used to love the faction conflict back in vanilla, but honestly I’m getting tired of perpetual small skirmishes that go nowhere, the story is always stagnant in this sense.

One can only hope! :sweat_smile:

This just feels mean spirited and kinda spiteful.

The alliance has had it pretty good the last 5 years id say.

Yours is on display right now :stuck_out_tongue:

Then why say its a good thing for horde players to feel it? You just said its not their fault. Why want them to be unhappy?


In Cataclysm Goblins were paired with literal werewolves.
Like gobs are cool n all – but against werewolves!?

It was our turn to flex a furry win against a short stack :joy:

Well. I could say the Alliance got their pound of flesh when they ripped off a Horde race with the Blood Elves to Void Elves, then said “Oh no but they don’t have the same skin tones so it’ll never be like that.” then ultimately caved in and did that anyway.

No. It’s not :upside_down_face:

Why? Well –

That’s why it’s good to address it in forums, questionaires and expression before they’re brought forth so we can come to a fair & reasonable outcome. :slight_smile:


Golbins still win imo
Theyre great.
Worgen have lots of problems.

The only problem I hear worgens generally talk about is the lack of fur physics, their back-problems / being too ‘bendy’ and most of all: Not having tails. (All very valid concerns – Blizz should probably give them a bone and help them out with those)

That’s generally about it. lol