Jin’yu allied race leaked?

I honestly feel like “Horde bias” is rooted in misinformation like no one’s business.

Other than orc hardiness, there’s no Horde racial which is so powerful that people feel it’s a must pick in a lot of cases, other than very niche situations, such as troll voodoo shuffle on mythic Jaina during the race to world first for Dazar’alor. Meanwhile, Shadowmeld, DI Dwarf Fireblood and human trinket are all incredibly good.

Same deal with the AR’s. LFD racial is one of the biggest damage impacting racials and is modified by burst CD’s and damage debuffs. If you BTE someone on an LFD rogue right now, that Light’s Judgement has an increased crit chance (as far as I’m aware) and if it does, look out.

The MDI was nothing but night elves too for the longest time, much the same with arena teams all being humans and night elves. Very few teams actually even bothered with orc.

Like, what do Vulpera even mean to the greater game? Nothing. They’re not super competitive, nothing about them stands out, there’s nothing overly busted involving their racials like how Shadowmeld gives i-frames. They’re fluffy fox people. Gasp!


Theyre werewolves but you have to manually change back to human form outside of combat. Its tedious. Might as well just be wolves at that point.

Helms dont mog onto them well at all.

Their mount racial is worse than using any mount other than a turtle. Completely pointless. (Outside of the early maw)

And finally… i just think gobins are cooler.

Tell ya what, the horde can have worgen and mechagnomes. The alliance will take goblins and vulpera. And well call it a day. XD

Maybe not on the pure competive/min maxing side of things, but Nose for Trouble is a ton of damage simply mitigated automatically over time, and Make Camp is wonderful for overall use while playing.

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None of which is “horde bias” worthy though.


I’d love Jinyu.
I’ve wanted Jinyu for a long time.
I just don’t know why they’d randomly do it now.


It is the truth. Bad things happened and too many people ignore the ripple effects of the situation while still reveling in the misery of others. You cannot evolve and step up if you want to sweep it under the rug. You know as much as anyone how bad several Alliance AR have been received, with the Dark Iron Dwarves the only ones fairly accepted. Well, make it two with the pseudo High Elves now.

So good, that the official spelling is now “Horde and the Alliance”. You are an afterthought and low priority player, fallen from grace. If they really care this much about the Alliance, they wouldn’t have done these things to your faction in the first place.

We all can’t move on without acknowledging what happened to the player base. Ignoring it means not caring, not caring means that I do not bother about happiness of others. Everything is connected. Break one part down and the rest will follow over time. We have seen this happening the past years.

I wouldn’t say that we had a bad trade off. Just look at the High Elf 2.0 topic with the Worgen. Still don’t have tails and claw attack animations… and they have been rallying for a long time as well.

It was inevitable. The Alliance should have gotten High Elves in the first place. All the years have shown that resentment against players and developers are this strong, with an endless thirst to make things right. The developers had to bend their knee and accept that the player is the customer and not a hamster in a wheel, which is good in my eyes.

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Jin’yu? More like Jin’WHO!



Jin’yu are water oriented beings. As kool as they look, I dont think Blizz would invest a lot of time in them because of how unsuccessful Vashj’ir was. Most players did not like playing underwater. Blizz would really have to change the lore of the Jin’yu to make them an above water entity.

They werent received that poorly.
Void elves are popular.
Lightforged are lame but so are Highmountain so neither faction won that round.
Dark irons are liked by basically everyone.
Kul tiran popularity seems to be on the rise which is good. I always thought they were awesome.
And mechagnomes are cool, just so happens that theyre based off gnomes (which arent popular) and got paired with vulpera.

Does it really matter which is said first?
If the other way around would horde players be looked down upon?

I like what the alliance has been given.

Outside of people going to the horde because thats where the competitive players live, i wouldnt say anything else happened.

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So more Nelfs and Goblins.

I can picture Blizzard giving gilgoblins to the Alliance and jin’yu to Horde as part of a continuation of their BfA policy of giving Horde the better option whenever possible and giving Alliance the joke option that no one wants


Why not centaur or some other cool looking than a fishman?

Elune, I hope these fish people won’t be an allied race.

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Again –

Because many others strongly disagree with you, for a large handful of valid reasons.


Yeah uh, I highly doubt those will ever be playable. How do you make them compatible with armor and mounts?

We have the Dracthyr with in built armours, so the Centaur may have variety of in built armours.

As for the mount, the centaur will be the first race to not to hop on a mount, but will use racial ability to run like a mount. As for flying, they will use airships :smiley:

Thick boi and slender with boobs, imo. Add options, not remove current ones, obviously.

It’s only really in the past couple of years that worgens looked any good; they had awful casting animations for years, female worgen faces had issues, etc.

Goblins weren’t less appealing to me than worgens; they had a similar niche to gnomes but were less ugly and uncool

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Hmm, all of that’s really matter of perspective still.
I will agree with the casting animations for worgen though, those were whack. :joy: lol


Hopefully they’ll get their desired tails, they deserve it

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I have no idea who could be the horde pairing in this potential allied race.

I think gilgoblins would be a mistake as they would be the third race using a goblin rig. I don’t think hozen have a good playable model.

I guess you could go with fan requests such as San’layn or Saurok. San’layn would match up with using an elf rig and Saurok would match up using a Pandaria race.

Then again they can always give us an unpredictable joke race with the Gnolls or the Leper Gnomes.