Jin’yu allied race leaked?

But why are they tweaking Jinyu now? Like clearly they’re planning on using them for something. And they know they have been a popular AR request.


Not clear, at all. This is pure cherry picking. Files have small alterations made all the time that are flagged by dataminers that are ultimately meaningless. And if I recall, that “jin’yu 2.0” model refers to the Ankoan.


I now suspect it has something to do with the new foe, Primalists, empowering them to the elements.

Some of their members already are Night elves, Trolls, Tauren, Centaurs, Drakonids, and Furbolgs. Influencing their local Jinyu with the water element would make sense. I think.


this lol. It’s a Night elf.

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It is absolutely clear. Devs don’t touch files out of the blue. There’s a reason behind this. We just don’t know what it is.

This might be it, it’s a reasonable guess. I think they’re using the Sethrak model as well in DF for some other draconic creatures


Or they just changed something to a shared file with Night Elves (like adding primalist eyes or whatever) which flagged this other file as “updated.”


They do all the time.


Not out of the blue, not randomly. It’s always due to something


Are you implying that something…


…smells FISHY!?


:joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: good one!


And it could be as simple as a nosey intern opening a file and saving it with no changes.

I know this doesn’t feed your narrative, but as someone who has paid close attention to the dataminers since they started doing it (and dabbled a little myself when I had the time)… this is meaningless.

Ion also overtly stated that, as of the present, there are no plans for additional Allied Races.


I mean, if anything is meaningless here is Ion’s word. He also said no to high elven customizations for void elves, and also said they wouldn’t develop more customizations in SL.

I don’t have a narrative. I’m just speculating about the reason behind this change. I don’t agree with you that it’s a random thing, no, sorry.


No, this is not a leak for the stupid fish men becoming playable. Everything else in the files labeled “player tester” is just internal NPC stuff from BfA and SL, and it was already said that they currently have no allied races planned for DF.

Never, which is why I first assumed that OP was one of the dozen or so people here who shove apostrophes into lore words that never had them.


Let’s put this particular change aside for a moment.

Is there anything that corroborates this theory? Anything in the narrative? Any overt hints?

If there is anything other than confirmation bias, I’m open to hearing about it.


Oh no, not a race that can’t display gear! Whatever shall we do?! After all we’ve never gotten a race that can’t show certain pieces of gear!


It’s literally written with apostrophe in the internal files. You would know this if you had cared to actually look at the image posted in the linked tweet.

Just like no more customizations were planned for the rest of SL, indeed.

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Don’t care to be honest. Just as long as we don’t go through another model trade situation like we did with the Thalassian elf model. And like we will be with human female being on Horde. Those kinds of things just look wrong. Jinyu use the male night elf model and have been on Alliance affiliations twice now. Keep them over there where they belong. Give us something else.


What? That wasn’t a thing.

Additional customizations in Shadowlands were actually a tentpole feature.

Fixed it.

How do you feel about Gilbins or hozen?

I did, you brat. Did you not see the “first assumed” part, as in before I opened the thread, because I’ve seen so many people here misspell lore words before? After all the times I’ve seen them write vrykul as vry’kul, dracthyr as drac’thyr, etc., it got grating. Jinyu has never been spelled with an apostrophe in dialogue, so why it was spelled that way in the files is anyone’s guess.

Updating existing races isn’t the same as adding new ones.