Which is why it’s impossible to do a 1:1 comparison.
FFXIV also actually has a story with frequent cutscenes and animations that need to be created and vetted. Trials are added pretty regularly (which are standalone boss fights). Also the alliance raids added every other patch are not just arenas, they’re full fledged instances just like WoWs. And the past couple of expansions have seen extra zones and raids added for the relic weapon progression stuff. New sets of crafting gear and token gear are added every other patch, and there are new raid sets every patch. And each one is released in roughly half the time of a WoW patch.
None of which I care if Blizzard emulates, and I don’t know if it comes out to an exactly even amount of content. But again, it’s close enough that I don’t buy the whole “we don’t have time for this” shtick that Blizzard pulls, especially when it’s about features that they said they would work on.
I can always tell the people who think they know ffxiv and bring up dungeons and other content thinking it has less than WoW. Let’s see what ffxiv got in shadowbringers
8 dungeons at launch- 3 were max level, 5 leveling
4 more max level dungeons added through the MSQ
3 8 person raids 4 bosses each 2 difficulties
3 24 man alliance raids
7 trials/extreme trials
2 faux hallows trials
New zones for relic weapons, these had raid like fates (boss fights) in open world
3 instanced raids for relic weapons
10 A rank world bosses, 5 s rank world bosses
Edit: forgot 1 ultimate raid
That’s just the combat gameplay stuff they added. What exactly did you get in shadowlands? The same 8 dungeons you had since launch? Oh one more dungeon added later? 3 raids with varying difficulties? 2 new zones with open world rares and treasures? Torghast? Am I forgetting anything? Oh sorry I remember you have 6 world bosses right?
Stop pretending WoW creates more content than ffxiv. They don’t. WoW just takes dungeons they already have and adds affixes and calls it content.
Oh, my gosh. That is A LOT of stuff. I have a level 61 Dragoon / Dancer. Maybe I should go back to FF14 at some point. Currently playing Tales of Arise and got an array of amazing Switch games to go to afterward.
The only thing I can excuse the slowing down of customization for would be something like player housing… which we aren’t getting either so in other words I do not see any excuse for slowing down customization.
Dracthyr visage form if it’s an out of combat only thing anyways what’s the point of focusing customizations on it. Not that it shouldn’t have options but if it’s to the point it’s a detriment to all other races customizations being added my goodness
Honestly: I wish they would add 1 or 2 new customizations for each race every patch starting with the least customizable until they are all at the same baseline for options.
Tauren, Worgen, Vulpera, Goblins: all of these are pretty low on customization options, yet other races are what constantly get the focus for new customization.
Only thing I’ve read before is criticism that Dracthyr look too slim and that the “human” form shouldn’t look like blood elfs 2.0 but rather have some diversity, because we know that dragons can chose any humanoid form they want.
That’s VERY different from asking for some tattoos or more hair styles.
Wtf? How is it extreme to ask for “a little here and there” after ages of getting literally nothing? You must be joking, man.
Still it’s not a bad thing to give some feedback what players would want to see because Blizzard actively ASKED for that while putting out almost nothing. So I find it a bit silly to blame the players just for providing some input what they would like to see for customization. There’s nothing wrong with that and there’s no reason to expect people to just shut up and be quiet after they got a few skin colours.
Did I say they should go big or go home? No. I literally said a little here and there. Hardly “extreme.” What you did is exactly what Nilann accused you of, strawmanning by taking what someone said to an absurd extreme.
You should look at what happened to their numbers this expansion. The only thing they did close to right was their raids dungeons and pvp.
I mean apparently you don’t either, based on how this expansion went.
Yes. Which is why they should try to increase that money by catering to customers.
They would if it was minimal investment. This is more along the lines of McRib if you want to go that way. Minimal investment with lots of hype.
There is actually even more new content coming in 6.2, which will most likely be august.
A new deep dungeon( leveling content)
Criterion dungeons (challenge mode scales from 1-4 players)
That’s in addition to what we usually get with each patch. (Dungeon, trials, raid, relics, etc)
PvP was just reworked so everyone is doing pvp right now. A new 5 person match crystalline conflict is pretty fun. It’s great 5 minute queues and 10 minute battles for frontlines. PvP xp is pretty good for leveling too. Everyone is synced to level 30 so gear isn’t important.
The Garo crossover event is back if you want the gear, titled, mounts from that too.
That I can agree w but I’d say given their comments it seems like at least warrior is open to them in the future and I’d assume other classes as well. It just won’t come until after they’ve been introduced is what I thought was being alluded to
But the new class being ranged and heals I do agree w.
True, but they should at least give the rest of the races a pass. Zandalari are still stuck with like 6 skin tones and 6 hair colors, and Mechagnomes still have extremely limited options for their mechanical bits.
It used to be a valid point of discussion (although I still can think of many ways to make a sitting animation work with a snake “tail”), but it feels like the way that Dracthyr are being treated completely invalidates it.
They don’t wear pants and are forced to use an illusion and look like humans/elves when they want to mount. Naga can get the same amount of sillines and be just as fine.
On the topic of “more customization than ever!!!” as someone that’s very interested in maining a Dracthyr, it saddens me to hear that repeated ad nauseum when I truly don’t care that much… I have far more respect for the ability to customize my character through my achievements (mogs) than to go to the barbershop and switch between the same presets that everyone else has got.
No incredible amount of customization can ever be greater than the customization potential lost with no mogs.
If customization wasn’t important no one would care about farming xmogs. We wouldn’t even have the xmog system.
Customization is still important. Even if they only added a few things and one heritage armor per patch, it would be better than not doing anything at all.
I cannot imagine it’s such a huge undertaking for them to throw some tattoo options on other races, or add some new hairstyles.
The fact that our hair color selection is still so limited is honestly criminal. Having like 6 hair color/style options shouldn’t be a thing in 2022 lol.