JF Asked When we Want More Customization

That’s absolutely true about the dungeons and raids being smaller, but their patch release cadence is also typically about every 3-4 months, which is roughly twice as fast as WoW’s. So even though they have less time, and they also introduce entirely new features and updates in addition to the raids, there are still new aesthetic items and customizations added in every patch.

Not trying to say that WoW should just do everything that FFXIV does, because it shouldn’t. They’re different games. But Blizzard is a AAA developer that makes billions of dollars so it’s pretty sus when they say “sorry, new (insert x) will cost a raid tier” or “we can’t focus on Dracthyr AND new stuff for old races.”


basically language for “we are not interested in doing this for this expansion take it or leave it”


Exactly. It’s good that they’re giving us a new class / race, but let me remind you how they gave us a new class and 4 new races in Legion. Then another whole 6 races in BFA! Then compare those to SL. Just…customization. That was it, and it was NOT for everyone. Of course there is going to be a big issue there. And then DF is announced and we learn that a single race will be receiving more customization than any race has ever received before. And the rest are going to be benched for an indefinite timeframe.


Kinda, yeah.

Blizzard loves money.
Absolutely loves it. On that we can agree, surely?

Blizzard has more metrics than we can hypothesize about. They have sold transmog before, e.g. the 3 helms they did in WoD.
They never did do another specific item tmog on the store. Why is that? It certainly wasn’t because the WoW community absolutely loved it.

And then the what, 2 full sets they have sold recently? They don’t even care enough to fix the bugs - because they don’t need to focus effort and money onto it. The mass populous just does not care.

Ok. That wasn’t what I was saying.
They’ve spent 6+ months on Dracyhyr and people are already asking for more, before they even get them.
Yet Nilann tries and tells me that it is “extreme” for me to say the player base will always ask for more. That they could dedicate 6 months to race customization and players will say more more more.
Cur has already proven that to be the case.

No. They. Do. Not.
Four 3 boss dungeons at end game is not the same as WoW.
One 6 boss raid at end game is not the same as WoW.
No PVP is not the same as WoW.

And this game pulls in enough money that they could hire a crew just to do that. Doesn’t have to be a big crew. Just a few people to keep a trickle of customizations coming out.

Heck, any time I see a ‘we can’t have X because they need to work on Y’ it’s like, hire more people! Even with lower sub numbers this game is still making more money than god. But, you know, Bobby’s yachts ain’t gonna pay for themselves.


I mean, I’ve been on the forums and twitter every single date mate, and all I see them asking for is for Drakthyr to be fixed with their rig to look more bulky. The other thing is for the race to not be locked behind the Drakonic form. I’m not seeing them asking for anything else. These are perfectly reasonable requests and are not so much related to customization as they are to practicality and immersion.


Blizzard is a multi-billion dollar company. Profit is their world.
Do you seriously not think Blizzard would hire people to work on customizations if they believed it would turn profit?

Nobody is quitting WoW because they can’t change their hair style to look a certain way.
You have people on these forums that post about class customization every day.
Guess what? They’re still playing, they’re still paying.

Ah, yes mate.
The only two things you’ve seen asked for is:
A new skeleton
A ton of animation work

Kinda hard to do a 1:1 comparison but given the rate at which their patches come out, it’s honestly pretty close.

no they wont

store cosmetics and mounts make them way more money than random in game cosmetics

you remember they promised customization in shadowlands and then said no we’re not doing it?

you forgot everything hahah

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Like I said, Bobby’s yachts aren’t gonna pay for themselves.


I haven’t really cared about my character’s customization at the barbershop. (Can’t remember how my character actually looks. Without the gear/etc on.)
Have visited for druid forms though in the past.

With Dracthyr, I think I might change my scales every day.

he forgot that blizzard promised customizations when they announced shadowlands and then later said no thx bye


It really isn’t.
Not only do they have fewer raid bosses, but the raids themselves are like fighting arenas. It’s just from one room to the next. And the rooms are pretty bland.

The WoW raid zone itself probably takes about as much art effort as half of the FF14 raid boss encounters.

Yes, welcome to the real world. Money is a factor.

I’m not arguing that the wow community doesn’t like the store, that doesn’t mean they don’t like cosmetics. How many store mounts exist?

Alternatively, there was a large amount of feedback given and blizzard has ignored it so we’ve just stopped trying.

The end game content is different in these games, you cannot compare the numbers. You keep harping on how many bosses how many dungeons and it doesn’t work that way.

They both continue to produce their style of max level content, but only one of them also consistently adds cosmetics as part of that content.

Lol, how is end game content different?

Aside from instanced content, are there more elaborate quest chains?

I would love for hairstyles to be usable by all the races (Tauren and worgen I wolf forms would be tough).

But, I would love more would be additional systems that would tie into professions (I love systems not tied to player power) such as armor dyes, more emotes, dances etc (instructions for emotes for inscription and dye’s made by alchemist, but raw materials from herbalism) .

I think DF is the perfect expansion to take a chill from the world ending threats a little bit and focus on that player agency and social interactions that will carry over to when we have the next cosmic threat

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Actually, they have already said in an interview that a bulkier version of Drakthyr is already available :stuck_out_tongue: so that’s out of the way.

The animation work is irrelevant to new hairstyles / tattoos / jewellery etc.


Professions overhauls won’t change much, end result: letting people create more or less stuff (relative to end game gear.) That’s the only thing that matters, as well as bop mats or not.

Since specialization was mentioned, imagine shadowlands legendaries but you can only elevate one to rank 4.