[Jan 31st] Missing Tenders after maintenance

It’s the last day to purchase from the Trader’s post and all my tokens are gone! I had over 7k tokens and I was about to spend some before they reset. I have 0 and I have disabled all my addons and it’s still not working.

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Same thing happened to me, can’t even get my 1000 tenders

Same thing here

I just hope this gets fixed before the day ends, I really want the mounts!

Don’t have any info for ya’ll yet - but it is being looked into.


Thank you for the update!

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I was hopping around Org after the reset and decided to talk to the Trading Post vendor and saw that I had 0 trader’s tender. I don’t remember spending all of it. I asked a friend in discord who claimed he still had Trader’s Tender to check as well, and he says his balance is now also 0.

Was a bit surprising because I only bought one thing from this month’s catalog, the Time Marshal’s Carbine, which I don’t think is worth more than the amount of Tender we earned for the month of January at the very least, and I filled the bar for this month and got collected all of the Tender from the chest.

i am showing zero also i had 10k saved up

Someone from blizz addressed it in another thread I commented on, they’re looking into it. Hopefully it’s fixed before tomorrow!

I feel like this has happened before.

Appears I am not having this issue. Now if they gave me the missing tender from people that are missing it, I would be a happy camper. :grinning:

This happened to me some time ago, but it eventually fixed itself.

I had about 1500 trader tender in my account as of yesterday. Today, after the reset, I now have zero. Where did all of my tender go?

idk i lost about 10k here

Looks like it’s affecting everyone. There’s a post in CS that it’s being investigated.

EDIT: Looks like threads were merged, when I made this post it was in bug reports.


In case more data is needed for looking into, I’m experiencing the same, zero TT, though I had thousands before.

sameee missing 4k

just stumbled into this after 2 days back… as another quirk, I finished the months Adventure guide stuff and the chest is glowing and ready to open yet when you click it, it just opens then closes again.

it’s like the server/data feed for this specific feature is down or something :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine was deleted and I can’t purchase anything.

Put me in the “I have zero Tenders” category. I did have over 6500 I believe. Hopefully it’s fixed.

I’m not too worried, I’m pretty certain Blizz will fix it.

Mine have returned.