Jaina Proudmoore should Be Older Than Me

I feel awful for Genn, for example. I mean, he lost everything. Wife, son, and kingdom. I want to see him get something nice, for a change.

I disagree.

She looks like a 45 year old would if she took really good care of herself. Have you seen some actresses and models at 45?


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Genn’s wife isn’t dead?

Genn rescued Mia during the War of Thorns. I don’t know if they moved her model in-game, though.

He also still has a daughter of marriageable age (hint hint, Anduin).

He’s got his daughter still right? Tess? And supposedly, the Alliance took back Gilneas by the end of BfA. Though, I doubt we’ll see that updated in game anytime soon.

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I’m 40 but if I shave I look like I’m early 20’s.
They definitely have aged her up in BFA a bit, but some of us just look forever youthful :stuck_out_tongue:

It doesn’t matter how well you care for yourself when it comes to facial lines and skin texture. The sun and time do their work on all of us. Even Angelina has laugh lines and crow’s feet. Cate Blanchett, Kyra Sedgwick, Angelina Jolie, Regina King…all knockouts. Absolutely gorgeous human specimens…but they don’t look 25.

Except for Angela Bassett. That woman hasn’t aged a day in the last 30 years. She’s either a vampire or kissed by the gods. Either way…good lawdy, that woman is still fine.

Age is one thing, but how is she more powerful than all the other bosses we defeated. Horde lose saurfang and king r in bfa, alliance lose no one.

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Well, training by four of the most powerful mages on the planet and 1 substitute blue dragon flight leader will do that for you.

what’re you talkin about? jaina is CLEARLY almost 40 (i’d say she’s like… 38-39). she’s got grey hair, a couple wrinkles here and there, but she clearly moisturizes. sure, she’s not ancient, but she ain’t young anymore.

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The Jaina fight was so good, though. It was a really, really good raid encounter.

Someone figured out the timeline above and put her at about 36

I went back and watched the daughter of the sea cinematic again after posting this, and I can see it. They DID age her a bit.

Several people talked about mages and aging.
Someone was kind enough to point out that because she is not fat, she looks younger (eye roll).
Genetically gifted people sometimes have better skin elasticity than the average bear.

This was a good talk, y’all. I feel better about the whole thing, now.


There is also the issue where She did take the WoW equivalent of a Nuke to the face.

(Which is why she has white hair with a streak of blonde.)

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She really only did that because of Rhonin. She caught more of a sideswipe for lack of better terms. (I know there is a better term…I just can’t think of it)

never forget the power of a good moisturizer! :slight_smile:


The passage of time on Azeroth is weird… up until Cataclysm the world had a day-night cycle that was 6 hours long… 1 day IRL was 4 days in game… if that cycle were continued today then we’d be looking at over 80 years of time having passed on Azeroth since the launch of WoW… even the time that passed before they changed the day-night cycle to lineup with real world… still amounted to 24 years…

It’s probably a good thing that the lore timeline doesn’t match up to either real world time or the previous day-night cycle passage of time…

Kinndy Sparkshine didn’t die from the bomb, she was absorbed into whatever Dreadlord Jaina is.

Human in WoW also live longer than Humans in real life.

Because instead of sitting at a computer eating junk food, they’re out fighting dragons and running around 90% of their day.

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I feel attacked.