Jaina Proudmoore should Be Older Than Me

Looking it up on the WIki she was born 3 years prior to the first war, which puts her at 36 at the beginning of BfA. It’s not clear how many years BfA lasted in lore, but I’d say the estimates in this thread of 37/38 are pretty good.

There’s the whole mage thing, but Blizzard also makes most of their female characters look younger than they are.

The same thing happens with some of their Overwatch characters. Ashe is supposed to be almost 40.

I can’t even talk about that. I just can’t. I was SO happy to have a canon gnome character I liked so much. They blew her up, Grummle. Blew. Her. Up.

You realize the life expectancy of a dragon slayer is incredibly short right? It’s anywhere from 1-5 years after they decide to be a dragon slayer… same goes for bandits… and well adventurers of any kind… their life is expected to be cut short at any moment…

Listen. I don’t eat junk food…much. /grin

Also, killing dragons is dangerous, and not a way to extend one’s life expectancy.

Well I meant more so to imply WoW Humans are physically healthier than normal real life Humans.


I know. I was just playing with you. :stuck_out_tongue:

What about Kelsey Steelspark? Or my favorite Gila Crosswires

That’s right. This is what peak perfection looks like. You may not like it, but here it is.


Well, I like Kelsey, but she’s a little scary. I’m a fan of the shipping between her and Keeshan, though. That could go places.

Ah those two are cute. They have…so much in common. xD

Gila Crosswires will always remain my favorite. Also I thought forsure they were gonna turn Kelsey into a Mechagnome.

I’m glad that thought didn’t occur to me. I woulda been so upset.

It wouldn’t bother me. I like MGs, but I guess I didn’t see it either.

She makes a mention about having robot arms or something along those lines. And we all know blizz is about as subtle as two hippos on a unicycle.


Kelsey is perfect just the way she is. She doesn’t need robot arms. Her arms are fine!

Also, they won’t let me like any more posts today. What is this heinous suppression of my affection and approval!!!?

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Make Jaina a Forsaken leader before she gets old. I want my Ice Queen mommy gf to stay pretty.

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It’s an illusion spell sort of like the the Red Woman Melisandre from the Game of Thrones. It’s magic baby. You just have to believe.

She looks milfy with the white hair. Also, she is not that old.

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Alliance skin care routine, obtained by SI:7 from Silvermoon.

And really, you would not believe the benefits of a good diet have on your body. That, and good cosmetics. Not the department store trash, the good stuff.

Play the DK intro to Legion, where you acquire your Legendary.

It talks about how the “fall of the Lich King… which was TWO years ago.”


Yeah, to say the game timeline is a “bit” different, is a massive, Massive, MASSIVE understatement. As with most things in the game, it makes absolutely no sense at all.

I’d side with you that they’re just keeping her pretty for a poor societal norm, but … it’s not like the men age either. So before you call the PC police, I think the reality is more like: updating chr models COSTS MONEY. We’re keeping them the same PURELY because of cost. That’s it.

The “magic keeps us young” is a fine excuse in the meantime. :wink: