Jaina Proudmoore should Be Older Than Me

It’s starting to bother me that everyone ages except Jaina. I mean, I have serious issues with her to begin with, but setting that aside, why does she still look under 30?

She’s my age (I’m 45). When I played the WC2 game, she was potentially older than me at the time, so she should be at least my age in BfA, but she still looks like a 20-something. It’s insulting.

Sylvanas gets a pass. Undead and Elf and all…but c’mon. Give Jaina some forehead lines–and no, they didn’t make her hair white to show age. That was from Theramore.

Okay, that’s all. Happy Wednesday.

Edited: I mean WC3…not WC2


Dreadlords taking on human guises can look however they want, plus their vampiric powers allow them to suck youthful essences from their victims to live longer, healthier lives.


I like it. Good effort. Let’s explore this.

Bring her into Suramar, maybe they’ll expose her

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Jaina’s about 37/38 years old right now. She was born just a little while before the First War. She’s not as old as you just yet! :slight_smile:


because magic


I dunno…she and I seemed the same age back in Frozen Throne days, but maybe she was younger. Maybe…/grumble

What about Moira’s baby?
And Li Li?

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Mages canonically live longer in the warcraft universe. Remember Archmage Modera? She’s about 200 years old. It’s never fully explained (as far as I know), but mages basically use arcane power to lengthen their lives.


OMG, thank you. I’m gonna cling to this one. I can accept this.


Probably a little hard to tell there I guess, but her life is mapped out pretty well in the story. She was in her early twenties in WC3.

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My head-canon is that Jaina’s mother is actually the real Jaina, stressed af from everything she’s been through, and the ‘young’ Jaina we’re all talking to is an Alliance Dreadlord just wearing her skin, the real one is dead.

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So was I!!! Ha ha

I get what you mean, though. The game timeline is a bit different than RL time.

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It was bothering me too.

Then I realized… mage.

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She looks her age. She’s just not fat.


Shaw is like the only human who looks older than ~35. Doesn’t seem like a big deal.

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Genn! He looks older, but he’s seriously good-lookin’ for a cartoon.

According to canon sources (novels) Jaina was 3 when Stormwind was sacked in the First War.

If we take the intro of WC2 as canon vs. the Tides of Darkness novel, that puts Jaina at 9 when the Second War started, 11 when it ended and she went to study in Dalaran, 17 when she was apprenticed to Antonidas and 18 when she started her Romantic relationship with Arthas.

According to the Lich King novel, Jaina is 1 year younger than Arthas, and the 3rd war broke out when Arthas was 24, putting Jaina at 23 during the events of the 3rd war.

It is believed, though unconfirmed, that Vanilla WoW starts ~5 years after the Third War which puts Jaina at 28 at the start of WoW, and that the events of WoW itself take place over roughly a year per expansion, putting Jaina at 36.


I love you a little bit right now. Thank you for doing that. Ha ha.

I’ll accept that. She can easily pass for 35-ish in some of the cinematics. Also, the mage thing that everyone brought up with extended lifespan for the arcane users.

I feel better about this. Thanks, guys!

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Li Li Stormstout.

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