Jaina Proudmoore should Be Older Than Me

I like where you’re going with this. To me she’s a middle-aged cartoon woman, I guess you can only convey that so much.

Oh, she’s my age…

…So you’re saying there’s a chance >.>


Are you a cartoon man, and are you better looking than her blue dragonflight boyfriend?

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Hands off my Waifu!


Sigh no… Stupid fake dragon man. With his magic and rugged pirate like good looks.

They did break up though.

Lol that gif is a perfect representation of any fight I would likely be involved in. xD


Because video game woman = must be hot

Didn’t you know?

She does tend to go for the magical pretty boys. Arthas was…well, he was a trope prior to the whole Lich King possession issue.

I know, but rage against the machine.

He-Man in plate mail.

Honestly I ship her and Genn. He’s a bit older but he’s rocking it. Besides aren’t worgen also long lived. I’d go to that wedding.

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I’ll sit with you and we can gossip. Just tell people I’m your mom or something. I’ll play along.

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You’re 9 years older than me according to your post. We can go as friends. You know that’s two different royal families, they have to have good food and an open bar. We can totally gossip. That would be amazing.

…It would probably have to be held in Kul Tiras… I get seasick… Maybe Stormwind xD

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Hey, royal weddings probably hand out really good swag bags, too. We MUST get invites.

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She’s the hottest mage.


Some bloodlines of humanity are simply more fit and longer-lived.

I think the whole Kalecgos thing was just a one-off and not really a full on passionate love affair, especially considering how quickly she did dump him. She really does seem to have had only eyes for Arthas.

She was creeped out by Kael’thas when they met, the only other magical pretty boy she’s come across.

I like to think that Terenas was withholding a betrothal of Arthas and Jaina to see if Varian produced a female offspring to try and marry Arthas off to as at the time Kul Tiras was virtually bankrupt despite Jaina and Arthas’ known compatability.

Terenas did arrange a marriage between Calia and Lord Prestor (Deathwing in disguise) but it was called off before going through as Calia and Terenas seemed to sense something off.

So, had the third war not happened at all, Arthas and Jaina likely would have been married following Anduin’s birth.

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Once you go grey, there aint no other way!

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Sadly, I think they’ll end up keeping her single because of the whole “video game girls must be hot and available” thing.

It might be interesting to see some of the NPC’s make families and actually develop lives. Thrall got a family, after all. Of course, he deserted the Horde and started the spiral of bad-guy chiefs after that…but he DID get some development of his personal life.

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I dunno. Artha seemed to have more say in his love life than Calia did. He’d already dumped her at least once. (twice?)

I think he liked the companionship but wanted to keep the freedom. Dude was a jerk even before Frostmorne munched on his soul.
No…I’m not bitter. I don’t have any idea what you mean. You’re bitter.

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Yeah, as much as I joke around about Jaina being my Waifu… I would like to see here find a suitable… I guess… retirement where the character could build a family life and get a happily ever after.

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My hair started going grey when I was in my teens. I was salt and pepper by 21 and fully white-headed by 30. I was thrilled around age 35 when all of a sudden, my hair color became a popular choice people paid good money for. Ha ha.

Sigh. Ah well.

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Only her doctors know for sure.

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