Jaina Proudmoore committed unspeakable acts against blood elves,m

You’re still an extreme minority opinion. So again, why would they cater to an extreme minority?

Because they catered to MHPs for 20 years. Let the pendelum swing Back for once

“Cater to an extreme minority because it is something different.” Doesn’t sound very compelling.

I started to get salty Back in wotlk but didn’t have a forum presence because I was like 12 and Cataclysm was a huge Motivation to keep playing. Now I have learned and realised to be loud on all official places in order to be noticed. 3 of my Threads the past 3 months alone gained over 1k replies so i simply have to adjust the tone.

I used to think Erevien was an Allaince fan trolling since he always was the person pointed to when someone wanted to say “nuh uh, Horde fans want to be the poopy bad guys”

He’s just done it so consistently that I don’t think it’s a bit anymore.


Erevien seems to be more interested in the Alliance “losing” than the horde getting built up, shows distate for every new horde character, is against the idea of developing new faces or orgrimmar getting improved. Idk

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Blizzard has shown to not build up anything horde related. They keep killing the old guard off and Thrall is now the last Orc standing. The only solution is to take away alliance stuff too to make it even. And yes all new characters are garbage since they are powerless and get less screentime for general rule while Jaina only has to exist to win every battle by default.

Being apart of the story is not enough. I want to win. in the faction war. not pale neutral bad guys.

So your solution to when you are down is to bring others down instead of picking yourself up?


Ask for better treatment of the horde instead of asking for everyone to be treated badly.

the players has no power. And I reject all new characters on purpose. I want the same stuff the alliance has, and if that is not possible I want to kill all RTS leaders of the blue team too so they might feel like what it is like when the pendelum swings against them for a change.

I really dislike the idea of wanting the other side to “suffer” out of fanboy patriotism or whatever. Yet its sadly really common in a lot of WoW spaces.

I think the Horde has gotten the shaft on a lot of things like killing off iconic leaders for no real payoff or being the victim of the Villain bat too many times, but the answer isn’t to do the same dumb bad things to blueside, the answer is to fix the issues and stop doing those kinds of plots. At worst, I want a few specific characters to get their noses rubbed in the messes they made before they’re allowed to join the fun happy “neutral” expansion plots.


Not possible. 90% of our lore characters are already gone. The Horde can’t be fixed unless a mass resurrections happens.

no final last stands. No cutscenes. No novels. Just tradedgy to raise the stakes of a threat and that was it. If people are bitter blame Blizzard.

You can have the new characters and existing ones to be stablished and become major. You can’t be stuck in the past forever.

I don’t want new characters. I want legendary veterans with super powers that laser the enemy to bits just like Tyrande, Alleria and Jaina do it all the time.

He said while the alliance has their whole originals alive and doing fine.

Blizzard had the chance for 11 years and did nothing. Trust is gone. Now I want to watch the world burn.

Either you are trolling and you deserve no attention, or you are sincere, and I pity you.

This is a videogame that costs money to play, id you hate so much the horde direction, just stop playing dude, do some therapy, play another videogame.


We had 3 fake death out of alliance characters because pointless tradgedy is reserved for the Horde only. Blizzard had their chance to do better after the first rebellion. Instead they doubled down on removing every red leader that ever looked at the alliance in a mean way on purpose.


aliance fans are certified hypocrites.

Alliance: “It feels so great to be the center of attention and get alot of good story!”
Horde: “Can we have some of that too?”
Alliance: “Nooooo! You are evil scum don’t take away our glory!”

I’m not denying more alliance heroes have been kept alive (though khadgar has been neutral ever since his return to WoW, but i know for you every human is alliance despite no real affiliation). I am not saying the horde doesnt deserve better, It does deserve better, but you can’t simply remove what happened, you cant undo Garrosh just like you cant undo Teldrassil. What I’m saying, your commitment to this bit makes me legit worried for you, you can do better in your life than this.

FF14 says hello. Literally the whole world was retconned to make way for a better plot in the long run.

I feel sorry for you if you expect horde fans to be happy about Geya’rah and Gorgonna and their non existant quests, books, cutscenes or anything else that could flesh out their characters because it would take away screentime from the people Blizzard deems more important aka the whole alliance cast.

You could just play Alliance.

Really weird mindset.

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Or Blizzard could start treating the Horde just like the alliance.


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