Jaina Proudmoore committed unspeakable acts against blood elves,m

I mean, yes. That is the joke.

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Nevermind how the insanity plea is usually nullified by premeditated circumstances


I know you can’t help but try to fight, but someone explained the situation better to me and I understood then, no need to trow a tantrum.

I hadn’t seen that, i’m sorry.
i assumed you were like the traditional alliance story forum poster that thinks “oh well she may have tried to kill children but thrall stopped her so she’s innocent.”

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No problem, I honestly didn’t have all context, my understanding was that thrall talked her down from attempting, not that she was forcibly stopped from an attempt made.

Sorry for calling that a tantrum, I just get sick of pointless heat.

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And it’s not “oh, you’re free to go”, rather you get incarcerated in an entirely different system because you’re still a danger to society


It’s honestly quite wild it’s not really referenced again.
Thrall have a vision of countless water elementals pleading for help as they’re enslaved and forced to do something they have no wish in doing. Then Thrall go and find Jaina as the one enslaving them and her plan to drown Orgrimmar, and he plead with her and she refuses to listen and send a tidal wave forward but Thrall halt it.

At this point she fires a bolt of fire at him and other attacks with intent to kill so he won’t interrupt her anymore. which Thrall manages to survive, she then force the tidal wave to continue moving but Thrall momentarily manages to halt it again but this takes his everything, so he’s wide open unable to move as long as he’s holding it.

Keep in mind during all this Thrall continuously beg Jaina not to do this, and while Jaina charges up her killing blow Kalec arrives and manages to talk her down.


Wait really, that happened in the book??!

Holy light… what? For less than that we have Horde character and other important NPCs killed in the game…wow. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Blizzard hates the Horde that much should be obvious.

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After reading your posts for the past five years, I hate the Horde too.


It is genuinly wild how that this never comes up again, just jaina pulled the trigger and no one cares


I try to drag the Horde out of the mud Blizzard pushed them Into.

Amusingly enough, I do think he does more harm to his goals than good.


Considering the dire Situation being moderate wouldn’t work.

Well your current approach sure isn’t working.

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I created a Reddit Account after the Warcraft Team joined there. It might gives the perfect opportunity.

Opportunity for what, convincing them a extremely small minority want a huge change in direction?


An Overall change that benefits half of the community.

But a lot of horde players don’t want the “benefits” you want. And neither do most of the Alliance players.


Horde players grew comfortable with being Underdogs that gets ignored all the time while alliance fans fear losing their special Status as the bobba of the story.