Jaina Proudmoore committed unspeakable acts against blood elves,m

So why the HELL is my player character so chill and happy to be helping her out?


Because dialog and questing is generally character agnostic. Next.


That’s a bit of a cop out reply. This is a RPG is it not? Isn’t this just poor writing?


Unspeakable? People speak about them constantly here.

Yeah. Standard stuff.


It’s also an MMO, so all player characters have to remain upon a similar track.

What would you be hoping for, in all honesty?


I suspect that if Jaina was a howling banshee towards blood elf players, people would be complaining about that too. I don’t get it personally

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I haven’t played seriously since around the beginning of WoD, so I was hoping for, you know, Alliance quest line AND Horde quest line? Seems like that’s not the case anymore and it’s kind of frustrating.


That’s understandable, they’ve walked away from there being largely two separate questlines and zone chains for the factions with the exception of Battle for Azeroth.

It’s usually goes like this:
A. The Big Bad (Xal’atath/N’zoth) is enough of a threat that all faction tension is put to the side in order to respond to the threat.

B. The zone is under control of a neutral party that’d like the Horde and Alliance to play nice, or at least not kill each other on their lawn. (Dragon Isles/Mechagon/Dornogal).

Blizzard operates from the assumption that the NPCs and the Players will put aside their differences entirely in order to take out the biggest and baddest threat, which is probably part of the reason Dalaran was put to the torch.

We are “united in tragedy.” Only, we are only MOSTLY united, because this forgive and forget act cannot possibly appeal to every player when, either conflict between factions is likened to a time-honored tradition, OR people have particular grievances towards specific characters, like BE have towards Jaina for her actions in MoP, specifically.

Blizzard has elected to sweeping these conflicts under the rug for the sake of telling a different story. It’s a constant debate in these forums about whether or not this was the right move.


It’s an MMOrpg, not tabletop.

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It is also the fact that some revisions made Jaina’s unspeakable acts not so unspeakable.

She basically just arrested some blood elves.

The bloodshed was Vereesa and her crew (and people still want high elves, void elves are cooler).


They’re definitely still pretty unspeakable. She did a pogrom against the Belves who were citizens of Dalaran, including a fellow Council of Six member lmao

She put Vereesa and her crew, a group who had known tensions with the Sunreavers, in charge of said Pogrom.


She has the power to snap freeze the sea and rides a magic pirate ship to work. So we all just sort of have to put up with her.


She forgave herself, what more could you ask of her?


Did Aethas Sunreaver get her that apology gift?

Same with Thrall and putting Garrosh in charge. Hell, Alleria’s story end with both of them alluding to those events.

In short, this is all water under the bridge for both factions.

Revisions? I was told she kills people even in Remix.


And Chronicles give a different picture/even ingame she mostly teleports them. So the canon one is she teleports them.

Unless Chronicle specifically says she doesn’t kill anyone, omission is not a retcon as the devs noted.


It specifically mentions she moved to expel them. The only time violence was used was when the blood elves resisted.

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Ok, so it doesn’t say she doesn’t kill anyone.
Chronicle lack of detail is not retcon.
We see it happen.
She kills people.