Jaina Proudmoore’s age

Generally each expansion is one year in-universe.

Azeroth has yearly apocalypses lol

I was under the impression that xpacs covered roughly a decade or at the very least there is a time skip of roughly 10 years between each xpac.

And now I am wondering what the cannon age of Carne was when he died. Last I remember he was over 100 at the time of his death.

WoW could do that, if we were all elves lol

We’ve been through vanilla, tbc, wotlk, cat, WoD, legion and bfa.

That would be 70 years if each expansion was a decade lol

Jaina would be like 100 years old. Probably dead of old age.

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I mean I am a 8ft tall bull with the ability to summon the elements to help me fight world ending threats on the regular. I think I am allowed to skip the ageing process.

You are.

But not everybody else.

Blizzard won’t just make every human character immortal because that would bite on the things that make their elves and Draenei special.

And believe me when I say this: Jaina, Li Li, Vanessa Vancleef and Whitemane wouldn’t be nearly as popular if they were elderly ladies lol

Anduin probably would though.

Also, they would have to keep making new characters to replace the ones who got too old and died, and they would have to keep making new models for others every expansion to show them aging, etc. It would be expensive.

All those factors are why Blizzard decided to make each expansion one year. A relatively small amount of time so that change happens slowly enough that they can dev and profit from it.

I know but I just like the thought of people living in fear of the army of immortal murder hobos that somehow manage to get organized enough each year to kill the new bbeg.

That’s not generally a problem until you realize that a second grader hitting on their teacher, in general, is inappropriate.

It was one of the other kids asking the teacher how old she was. I didn’t bother to remember details but it was a comical question.

She’s 36 years old.

You know it is rude to ask a lady her age!

Theory she is in her late thirties.

Hmm I see she is starting to put on that fame Kul Tiran weight. She use to be slim and healthy but she is covering up her paunchy stomach with all those heavy layer of clothes.

First off, you do not ask a woman her age… well unless you have a deathwish.
Second, she is old enough to know better but too young to care.

Right now he’s like in her late 30s or 30s in general.

The passage of time in the game isn’t clear. I would guess she is in her late 30s, early 40s.

I’ll swipe right

Average male life expectancy in the USA is 78.

Its amazing that azeroth even has a population at this point. Has it even been enough time for kids to grow up at this point.

She’s just forever 29. Something something mage magic.

The denizens of azeroth are just meticulous reproducers, that’s all.

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