Jaina Proudmoore’s age

Just how old is she? She was young when Arthes was around so she has to be an old lady right?

There are world ending calamities pretty much every 6 months on the world of Azeroth. She’s probably only 19.


probably 40+ years old


I think she’s like late 30s currently?


She was a young(ish) woman during the purging of Stratholme, and I think that occurred something like 15 to 20 years before present day Azeroth. In other words, she’s likely in her 40’s.

She should be roughly 37.


I think she was a teen, maybe early 20s during the human campaign in WC3, so I’d guess that she’s in her 30s right now. Remember, Arthas isn’t massively old. His hair turned white from becoming a DK, before he became the Lich King.

Between 33 and 37, I want to guess.

According to WoWpedia, Jaina was born three years before the First War, and it’s currently been about 33-34 years since then, which would make her 36 or 37.


Beats me, but i still dig her.


Around 34-37 but i’m not asking her.


She was 19 when she and Arthas became lovers. She was a year younger than Arthas and he was three years younger than Varian. So late 30s seems about right.

I learned in 2nd grade you never ask a lady her age.


Jaina was born on year -3 (AKA 3 years before WC1) and BfA happened on year 33, so Jaina is 36 years old as of BfA.

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If you consider a woman in her mid thirties to be old…but speaking as a 40 year old lady I don’t consider myself to be an old lady and I feel the sudden urge to smack you if you do.

mutters about dang kids


That worked out pretty well for Laura Bailey then, pretty close in age.

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People confuse her white hair for age, because it’s only explained in a book.

When The Horde nuked Theramore, Jaina hadn’t left yet. Rhonin was still there, pulling in the bombs energy into himself to reduce the blast radius.

He pushed Jaina through a portal at the last second, and some of that bombs energy hit her as she went through, turning her hair white.

  1. Perfect age for me imo, because I may or may not be incredibly close to 40.

Others say 33. That’s on the younger side, but I’ll allow it.

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Old is a relative concept. A 40 year old lady is old compared to a 20 year old, but young compared to a 60 year old.

It all depends on what your point of reference is.

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I hope to be like Paul Rudd.

51 but look mid twenties.

That man is a real life elf.

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