Jaina Proudmoore’s age

Late 30s id assume, maybe early 40’s still looks as young as 20 though, absolute queen! also Anduins like 18 or something and refers to her as auntie so do the math ig

Is there an interesting story behind this?

She was born 3 years before the First War, according to a (sadly) now unavailable tweet. As of BFA it’s currently Year 33 after the Dark Portal opened, making Jaina approximately 36 years old. Give or take a few months.

She’s 36 years old.

Warcraft III wasn’t that long ago.

I think she’s…mid 40s? Anduin calls her Auntie, and he’s 21 now at this point I think. Yeah, probably mid 40s early 50s.

I haven’t bothered to remember much of it, but it was in response to what someone else started talking about. Led to a wider discussion that it was considered impolite to ask a woman outright what her age was.

Ah less embarrassing than my second grade lesson, puke away from the chest of the woman holding you when you’re a nauseous little child, at 20 years old ill never forget her reaction to my vomit going down her shirt


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That’s rough, buddy.

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WoW is weird in the fact every expansion has happened in like a decade TOPS, anduin was like 10 when it started and he was 18 i’d say in legion. so I’d say she’s mid 30s.

personally I’d yeet myself off the nearest cliff if i had to live in a world that was close to an Apocalypse every year.

All that and monsters trying to kill you to top it off

She’s around 36

36 or 37, the events of WoW don’t necessarily follow our timeline. I wonder if she’ll pull a Tsunade thing (Naruto) and transform herself to look youthful as the years pile on.

It is possible. We have seen it before with Aegwynn. But she was able to pull it off for 1000 years or so because she was the Guardian. We have also seen the reverse, where a character gets aged because of magic. Poor Khadgar, he truly is a kid trapped in a grown mans body.

She’s roughly 36~.

Going by WC1 and WC2: Beyond the Dark Portal, what would Khadgar’s age be? (I find this much more interesting than Jaina’s). What about Thrall?

Apparently 36 which does make sense but for some reason Blizzard has made her look 50

Not saggin yet!

This entire city must be purged.

Well Khadgar was around 17 when he first became the student to Medivh. Which was shortly before WC1. So we can assume that he was born around the year -17. Given that BFA is around year 34, he should be around 51 years old chronologically.

My guess is that at some point he might’ve found a way to reverse the aging curse Sargeras (via Medivh) put on him. Probably from his time learning from A’dal and the Naaru. Given that he went from a frail old man (TBC model) to someone that does look like he is in his late 40’s / early 50’s in WoD. Blizzard made the joke that he “shaved” his beard and that is the reason why he looks “young” in WoD, compared to TBC. I wish though they didn’t replace his TBC model with the WoD one in Shattrah, to show that character progression.

As for Thrall, his is very basic. He was born during the year where the dark portal was first opened (year 0) so he would be around 34-35 years old.

Then again we also have the wrinkle-free still witty timeless Azshara/Tyrande/Shandris/Maiev. Nightelf/Naga skin is so flawless, however the same can’t be said for some of their voices (Maiev!!)