If we really wanna get hairbrained, we can combine this with the recent Proto-dragon lore.
Tyr was studying Proto-dragons and observed how they could take in nearly any sort of energy and make it a part of themselves.
As in, give a Proto-dragon earth magic, and suddenly you’ve got a big rock lizard.
And Tyr openly wonders if there’s something out there they couldn’t adapt to.
So what does this give us?
Proto-dragons are super malleable and mutate when exposed to external energy.
Elves are super malleable and mutate when exposed to external energy.
Hmmmm? Hmmmmmm?
Elves also tend to be the preferred choice of draconic visage. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM???
I mean, Elves did come by due to the energies of the Well of Eternity… which basically is titan blood (And Freya creating the lifeforms which was affected by the Well of Eternity and that eventually created the trolls).
Waaaay early when Blizz had a video thingy talking about Dragonflight, one of the devs let slip something like “You’ll meet proto-trolls” or something.
It confused people because we assumed that meant the Djaradin were the “proto-trolls”, despite the Djaradin not really resembling Trolls.
B-B-But what if we’ve been misled?
Elves are all malleable as Proto-dragons.
Elves came from Trolls.
Zandalari Trolls, one of the most ancient tribes still in existence, have an affinity for reptiles and even grow scales.
What if the proto-trolls they mentioned were actually the proto-dragons!?!
And even if that was the case, “infinite retaliation for being bombed” just means the Horde/Tauren have a rock solid excuse to bomb Theramore to begin with!
lol I think your not far off, Trolls and Elves might be the only one’s alive at that time in the past (or their pro-primitive race I think lol), if you listen to the 2 leaders Talk about Visages… they tease at hinting that Visages had another purpose, but this could just be flavored text.
This would be an Interesting revelation for sure and can open a lot of possibilities with future stories.
I know your joking but your theory is not off of what little have been said so far in the lore and story. We will have to see I guess.
One guy was killed while trying to get his stuff out of the bank. Furthermore there were Silver Convent agents acting on their hate, for ex the one guy who fed a civilian to a shark.
So the context of his friends death are not clear.
Trolls used to be sort of unique as the only native sapient race not created or modified by anyone else. But now they sort of botched that by saying lots of races are just… native. Like Centaurs. Somehow.
Apparently the unknown precursor to Goblin and Pygmy-kind was a native race of Azeroth as well. Not sure how Sapient they happened to be tho? That said, Goblins are modified. By thousands of years of heavy metal exposure in slave mines. But its not their natural state.
If Lother’mar gets a trial as well. Something tells me banishing the high elves from Silvermoon was not any less brutal(and possibly the reason why the silver covenant detested the blood elves)