Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Huh, one more Hordd race that is a “children of the titans”. I never knew/probably forgot.

The Quel’dorei are not barred from making pilgrimage to the sunwell. The only ones not allowed within the borders of Quel’thalas are the void elves because they may corrupt the sunwell. Lor’themar even tried in the past to extend an olive branch to the Quel’dorei of the lodge yet they rebuffed him.


Kinda? Goblins are weird. Mimiron experimented on the primitive peoples using vast saturations of Kejamite all at once. But over next X thousand years, the effects of that experimentation slowly reversed till the Goblins actually regressed back to their natural primitive states. Then they were enslaved and for over 3000 years straight were forced to work endlessly in toxic heavy metal mines by an offshot of the Zandalari. Being exposed to the stuff in lower doses, constantly, over countless generations.

Current Goblins aren’t the product of Mimiron, they’re instead the second time the form has taken root due to some type of Kejamite exposure on the same species. In this case, absurdly long term, constant, intergenerational exposure. Which is why its implied that there is no/less chance of regression. So, no, Goblins (current Goblins) weren’t uplifted by the Titans. But sort of are a natural byproduct of thousands of years of adaptation to that same material, resulting in the same “uplifted” outcome.

EDIT: Current Goblin culture and civilization is only a little over 100 years old.

That is a post mist of pandaria change.

Baenan spat on the floor near the elf’s feet. “Ye blood elves wouldn’t know nobility if ye had th’ definition tattooed on yer foreheads. Pathetic, slavering magic addicts, ye even sold out yer own people!”

Talithar’s face whitened, giving Baenan the satisfaction of having hit a nerve. He realized it was unwise to bait his jailor, but he was too angry to care.

“Aye,” he pressed, “I’ve met high elves in me life. I know what ye did tae them. I come from Loch Modan; I’ve heard th’ stories from th’ Farstrider lass there—”

In a surprising display of raw physical strength, Talithar crossed the room in a single stride and lifted Baenan clean off his feet, slamming him into the wall. He held Baenan there at the blood elf’s own height, almost twice that of the dwarf’s, and stared him dead in the eye.

“Do not ever—ever—mention her in my presence.” Talithar’s voice was calm, but had a menacing undercurrent that made Baenan’s hair stand on end. He’d intended to upset the elf, but the depth of Talithar’s reaction was shocking. Still, the Horde had taken Baenan captive and denied him the chance to fight with weapons, so he battled with words. And this mage was a symbol of everything he despised.

“I see ye know Vyrin Swiftwind,” Baenan said, purely out of spite. “Someone special tae ye? Well, she hates yer kind now, an’ everything ye stand fer!”

Talithar threw Baenan to the floor. The dwarf landed painfully on his shoulder, bracing himself for the mage’s wrath, but Talithar possessed a surprising amount of restraint and took no further action.

Baenan managed to push himself into a sitting position. His shoulder throbbed, but it was worth it to have provoked the blood elf. Talithar’s head was bowed, and his fists were clenched and white at the knuckles. He looked up, and Baenan’s mouth fell open.

Talithar’s face was streaked with tears.

“A wife does tend to be someone special to her husband.” His voice was thick with rage, humiliation, and despair. He reached into the front of his robe and wrenched a thin gold chain from around his neck, hurling it at Baenan’s feet. The necklace boasted no beads or pendant, just two exquisitely crafted rings, a man’s and a woman’s, high elven in design.

“You think I do not know what I am? We sin’dorei were given a choice: our integrity or our well-being. As if that were any kind of choice at all. I chose my well-being. My wife chose her integrity.”

So yeah, clearly the high elves got a raw deal from blood elves deciding to go all mana vampire.

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I remember reading lore at one point that the Goblins have regressed to an extent since they kicked the Zandalari out and built undercity. At one point they full out eclipsed the gnomes in technical prowess, but over a few generations their intellects have slowly diminished which is why so many took up business and the cartels formed, and why goblins engineering is usually notoriously shoddy.

Its iffy. Kejamite gives Goblin’s temp intellect boosts if consumed, but their entire tech based civilization is only a little over 100 years old anyway. They truly were a slave race until very recently, which is why on Kezan they’re still pissed at Trolls. However, if I recall correctly the eclipsing of Gnomes in technological prowess actually was from the original Mimiron generation. Not the current post Zandalari slavery generation.

Frankly, the current “draft” of Goblins hasn’t been around long enough to judge how long term the effects of this type of Kejamite exposure will have. But its implied its more stable, albeit less effective.

EDIT: Oh, yup, it was Mimiron’s generation that saw that absurd intellect and then degradation. Neltharion actually used uplifted Goblin artificers/servants to craft the original Demon Soul shortly before the WoTA.


Another race that’s really interesting and their origins unknown are the Pandaren. We know they’ been around at the minimum, as long as the kaldorei have.

And their own myths and stories say they were here before the kaldorei or Furlborgs. Possibly making them the oldest race on Azeroth besides the trolls.


I have wondered if they were once Jalgar which migrated further south than those who would become the Furbolg, and they were changed when they came into contact with the waters of the vale of eternal blossoms, sort of like how they turned murloc into the Jinyu due to similar exposure.


There’s been a suggestion that there was once a Ancient Racoon Wild God that the pandaren are at least related to.

It’s also quite possible the pandaren were once Jalgar or a race really similar to them. From a In-Universe perspective, there have been stories of bear people seen walking the world for thousands of years. So it’s quite possible there’s some truth to it

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Man I love the Racial/Cultural Lore in this game. Whenever Blizz isn’t just trampling over it in an effort to support its “newest big bad or stories”, truly what makes WoW feel like WoW are the peoples in it. Its what made BfA so much more tolerable whenever I could forget the Meta-Narrative. Zandalar was truly wondrous.


Me never having heard of the Jalgar before today :eyes:

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I learn something new about lore everyday.

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These kind of fun stories, learning about the trolls, gobs, pandaren and other races and their real origins are the kind of stories that keep me playing. Not whatever current meta narrative they want to tell.

Hope that clears up any misunderstandings on my views about the games story. I love certain aspects of it. Just wish they purge some of their more disastrous decisions concerning the overarching story :blush:


The problem with the story is Anduin as long as he is a member of the Alliance, they won’t ever allow the Alliance be in the wrong. Every facet of the character is designed about being morally right and the writers refuse to ever let him be construed as being on the wrong side of a conflict.

The simple fact is they intend to make him the superhero leader of us all against the big bad. So he can’t be seen as ever being an antagonist to the Horde cause he will end up leading them as well. its why even after a Massive world war the Horde player base was right along the Alliance trying to save him and kill their own warchief.

Anduin is the poison to the narrative and needs to be removed. I think part of the reasons DF is far more enjoyable as Anduin is no longer a part of the story.

If they do bring him back to the story I think it would be best that he goes off and joins the priest hall and stay out of the alliance (jaina can also disappear as well off to kirin tor as she has gone peacenik again.)

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I hope him better not to come back, IMO he should stay out of the whole lore as the biggest narrative cancer in wow


With those at least I can make barbecue jokes. This topics just beaten like a dead horse. Almost as dead as Jaina made all those innocent Belves.

You are free not to post in it. Regardless, this is proof of something for years everyone here debated about, that Jaina did teleport the civilians/is at least not some civilian killer.

For years I always knew about the “Bug” excuse and decide to give Jaina the benefit of the doubt and never hold it against her she was setting blood elves on fire as clear as day. I just find it funny how long it toke them to finally fix the bug.

However, this doesn’t excuse how cutthroat the Silver Covenant was and the fact Jaina wouldn’t let anyone leave simply because ONE elf said no to her.

So congrats, Blizzard you cleared up Jaina being a Dungeon & Dragon murder hobo. Just her subordinates were. :roll_eyes: