Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

The ‘Barrens’ actually has an abundance of wild life, and probably deep water, and the tauren are actually accomplished engineers and water seekers. Shamanism not druidism. They also might have objected to the poisoning of Orgrimmars primary water supply.

My own interpretation (headcannon) of Garrosh’s push into night elf territories was to a) prove he was his fathers son by exceeding his fathers expansion into night elf territories, and b) secure the hordes future through the acquisition of resources for future infrastructure.


Jaina is a war criminal who murdered innocent people and tried to drown children three separate times.

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Would you rather have another Sylvanas or Teldrassil thread?

Like this Void Elf - I had the name saved on Proudmoore, I wanted a Blonde Elf to be Blonde like her name sake, and Proudmoore is Alliance heavy


Any Void Elf I have is basically a Blood Elf on an Alliance heavy server, where I had a name saved




See I can get behind that interpretation, yet if that was his goals he was doing an awful job at securing future resources given he was just clear cutting ashenvale down as fast as he could. Which given how environmentally disastrous the Iron Horde was I guess sorta makes sense.

Orcs have an innate impulse to cut down any trees they see from Grond, I swear.


Well … given the Botani, I’m not sure I can blame them. Getting crushed to death by breakers seems like a much nicer way to go than getting infested by a zombie plant virus. Primals were terrifying.

Apparently their loose on Azeroth now, so time to start killing trees again!


I know what your really trying to say or at least I think I do, but… this reads in a really mess up way. Just letting you know, just in case… (IMO)

Responsible for underlings they ordered to act, or who they accepted the actions of (Jaina never even demoted or fired Vanessa. And accepted that it was her right to do the purge to Varian).

If you are talking some other form of collective guilt. I’m not in.

(And no, you don’t have a right to kill people who resist ethnic cleansing.)


Well, the other difference is that Jaina was acting out of racist hatred while Sylvanas was “merely delusional”. She actually thought even the victims would be better off.

Depends. Because outside of Thrall pulling a Jason Statham and retiring on a Wheat Farm (where did he get wheat from?), it seems Orcish peoples generally took after their RW cultural inspirations on this matter. Mongol/Hunnic peoples were partially nomadic and pastural cultures, rather than agrarian. Due to the limited agricultural land in the region. Nothing prior to Thrall’s vacation home suggests Agriculture was common among Orcish clans. So, just because with MASSIVE input from Druidic and Shamanistic places like the Barrens could be terraformed into fertile agricultural land … doesn’t mean it would. Which I guess tracks, because the Orcs didn’t really have a reliable way to prevent the Breakers and Primals from destroying any farms they made.

Not that anything would have been able to be thrown together fast enough to deal with an already impeding famine in Cata. The Trade from elsewhere would have to tide over the population until such a time as that agricultural infrastructure could be implemented. Both technological and magical.

No. Absolutely not. If someone harms you, you do not have the right kill innocents because they were the same race or are otherwise someone part of what you consider a group.


i flagged it tbh.
it’s never okay to do what he’s justifying.


I love this idea! I keep it in mind if I ever make another one… the only one I wanted to make a Void Elf was my DH however this one you had to do more mental gymnastics with the lore to justify it in WoW… even if they introduce this with a new DH Void Spec. lol :upside_down_face:

Sorry to sidetrack the main subject… carry on! :sweat_smile:

There’s implied lore that the Void Elves who look like High Elves are second generation Void Elves recruited post creation by the ethereals. We even meet a Darkfallen Void Elf in the Valdrakken hot spa. He’s the elf with the groupies. Elves truly are the most malleable species.


Elves in Warcraft, whenever blizzard needs a new race Why not elf?


We now have Night/Blood/Void/High/Nightborne/Darkfallen Elves and Dracthyr who can appear like draconic elves. You get an elf! She gets an elf! Everybody gets an elf of a different flavor!


“Look under your chairs audience members! You get an elf, you get an elf! Elves for everyone!”


I don’t want playable elves :frowning: I want playable elves to be gone!