Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

It’s difficult cause the Void Elf backstory is so convoluted, making them this unknown group of Blood Elves that have totally been around this whole time, I promise.
And they’re super passionate about protecting their people, to the point that they’ll join the Alliance and aid in killing their people.

The only satisfactory backstory I was able to think up involved making the character a High Elf, not a Blood Elf.
A survivor of Quel’lithien Lodge after it fell to magical corruption in Cata.
Fled northward and nearly died to the feral Undead roaming the Ghostlands before being saved by Umbric and his crew.
He wouldn’t care for the Void. Would find it too dangerous. But he’d stick around cause he owed them a life debt.

Then BAM he’s a Void Elf now and losing his sanity for power he didn’t even want.

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I see your bear and raise you a happy sloth.

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Oh, it’s artificial and stupid, I don’t disagree.

But we’ve never seen Tauren druids just whisking up raw resources like the night elves have been shown to do as a core part of their civilization from the start.

And if we assume that a druid can’t just magic one tree to make infinite apples, the tauren lands are still far less able to support such an endeavor even if they have all the same capabilities. Orcs don’t eat grass, after all.

But i’m not willing to discount that the Tauren druids couldn’t have gone into overdrive covering the slack to some extent and that Garrosh also pigheadedly ignored some ways he could have mitigated the famine.

I see your sloth and raise you a relaxing panda

But Hathorel wasn’t there to see it, so he can’t be talking about that.

they are alliance silly nothing they EVER do is reprehensible

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Which honestly? That should worry everyone on both sides, but only horde players seem legitimately concerned about it


Whoever reported my comment as inappropriate for pointing out that they fixed this bug in Dalaran. Really? We are discussing the purge of Dalaran and my post got removed, because I stated what Blizzard confirmed 10 years ago? That it was a bug and the intended scenario was not had Jaina end the life of Sunreavers, but properly teleport them? OK, it’s one thing to disagree with me and there is another to be vindictive.

The Purge of Dalaran was bad, but Aethas forgave her and as we can see in the updated scenario the degree of how bad is now reflective of the lore as stated in 2013. I am not justifying the purge of Dalaran just providing the detail for it.

True… but we know Durotar had forests before Daelin got all snitty and lopped them all down like a jerk. I never got why the horde has not worked to restore them. The soil and other resources for them are there.


Well they seem to flip flop on the viability of Durotar quite often, like there was sprawling forests before Daelin deforested the whole area, yet in books it’s discussed how Durotar is a very harsh land that Thrall settled as penance for his peoples past sins? Also apparently Durotar hasn’t been able to recover from the deforestation, did Daelin also salt the earth while he was at it?

How dare you even comment about a developer comment! Why I have half a mind to report even this comment! (Joking of course moderators and people of the thread)

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I know people get heated on this forum, but we can agree to disagree if we look at the lore differently and/or conclude differently. This is one of those reasons this subject should never be discussed or the Bombing of Theramore or the Burning of Teldrassil or Taurajo. People cannot take off their partisan hat for a min.

I mean I stopped Truly caring about either side cause blizzard writers are the reason these things are the way they are, so I don’t blame a faction I blame the bean counters at blizzard who don’t think long term.

Edit: should’ve let Arthas scourge the world in wrath


The big thing is that the Horde basically lives in a desert, they could not grow stuff there.

The barrens are basically… well, barren and not suitable for crops as far as I know as well.

And Azshara was contested area too at the time of Cataclysm.

The druids fixed some drinking water, if I remember correctly. But crops was a little harder to come by, they worked on it for long in the desolace, can’t remember what eventually made life grow there, whether it was just the many years of efforts from the druids or whatevs.

Everything seems to point to, that druids can not just make stuff grow in dead land. Otherwise the deadscar in Quel’thalas would probably be fixed quickly… not considering blizzard’s lazyness of not updating the zone… and authors of books and comics not taking into account there being a whole lot of undead is quite nonsesible after many years.

There are many examples of historical cultures which live in deserts that thrive, and that is without magic—The Neubians are a famous example. It just takes smart irrigation and water management. Which I guess is asking too much from orcs? I dunno.

Its all very contrived to me.

Well, Nubians had trade no doubt… and they probably had grass-planes and didn’t have to deal with an elemental destroying, global catastrophy which split the world in half and what not.

Durotar is a rocky landscape.
The Barrens are primarily made up of infertile soil and sand, with minor patches of oasis.
Azshara was probably the closest to fertile land that the orcs had, and that was contested by Night Elves too.
The orcs just barely had it going for themselves before the shattering - which seemed to destroy their infrastructure and availability of such, and thus they were heavily reliant on trade which was refused due to the Wrath Gate Incident.

The Cataclysm made the Desolace a fertile land.

Huge amount of land that’s so environmentally harsh even the NEs couldn’t make it fertile. And thats not without trying. Like it or not, Southern Kalimdor is one of the most unforgiving landscapes in this setting. With those few locals that weren’t arid deserts or scorching savanna’s being still very contested by the Alliance up through Cata. Stonetalon, Dustwallow, Azshara, and Ferelas. The sole exception to this is Mulgore. I’m not sure what to consider Northern EK in terms of how plagueridden it is.

Frankly, we’re talking straight up terraforming here to turn Durotar, the Barrens, Desolace and Tanaris into land capable of supporting agriculture for any sustainable period. Not really something you can do in a timely manner during an elemental upheaval and famine. Let alone with a largely Pastural people like Orcs (not many regions supported stable Agriculture on Draenor due to several factors). What the Horde did have in abundance in those regions were mineral resources and oil; but you can’t eat those.

Got to be careful, I found out recently that this little discussion is actually “sensitive”, not sure if it has to do with Jaina and how bad it looks on her (being so popular with the fans/kids) or the whole bug of her killing civilians… or just someone really upset about it going out of their way to report it.

Just be mindful… and specially when adding Dev comments etc. Just speculation on my part, but apperantly CM are actually monitoring this talks… you guys made so much noise! haha :sweat_smile:

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I was actually thinking of the Nabateans, my brain mixed them up with the Nubians who were further south and lived in the Nile valley. Sorry, long day at work.

Petra is about as desert as you can imagine. It is 100% a good analog of Durotar.

But through elaborate irrigation and cistern systems they had vast gardens and fields able to sustain a civilization. I guess it comes down to this being a game about warfare, and attacking the neighboring civilization is more in line with how the game works than plot arcs about building cisterns and aqueducts.

My Void Elves are not even in the lore. Basically pale blonde blood elves on the Alliance - the only thing on the Alliance that is tolerable.

If they got a Broken cosmetic for Draenei, that might make a difference.