Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Not only night elf trades, all trades of the entire alliance were immidiatly whitedrawn after the wrath gate incidence. the night elf one was only the one that really hurt the kalimdor horde.

So they didn’t turn over a prominent citizen who was explicitly not responsible and had dubious at best evidence pointing him to the crime?

Wow, great reasoning to go straight to consigning thousands to slow deaths by starvation.

Especially since the ties between the two weren’t so bad that the Nelves didn’t come hat in hand begging for assistance in Hyjal shortly after.

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I mean I’ve already stated my issues about the present story, not enough to love for me, but conversely not enough to out right hate the expansion. So I guess that’s cool beans.

I thought your position was that she did kill them if they could hurt her, and she was right to do so?

The reason why Hyjal was playable for both sides is that both sides have content, that’s why the night elves became hypocrites there, because strictly speaking, if it had been an RTS, you can be sure that there would have been no letter in OG that you can accept a quest.

And a trade deal is a trade deal, considering everything that happened before, not entirely without reason with stricter conditions and as I said, the night elves wanted to investigate themselves, in real life you would have asked as a state to be able to send their own investigators, this is of course not the case in Warcraft because the political depth is completely missing.

Well she did murder like 4-5 of Aethas guards clear as day, so they hadn’t changed that bit. No wait she Justice smacked 4 guards to forever sleep.


and jaina allowed the silver covenant to start their own killing spree


So there was a bit of death to go there, and the silver covenant were particularly brutal. Maybe we needs put Vareesa to trial for all that? She was their leader

Edit: and to be more in line with Zerde’s line of thinking of blaming civilians along with the military, let’s jail those pesky silver covenant shop keepers for a time. Make them sweat. (Sarcasm btw)


Stoooop it! lol I know what you trying to say
 but its making me laughs at the irony the more you guys bring to light all these details!
I have so much to go with my Blood Elves personal RPG story still the humor you guys bring to these forums is just priceless! :grin:


What can I say I’m a pretty humorous Looks at hand Uman Deathlight? Sorry Appears to be smudged


The thing I find funny about that - Umbric says he and his ilk were always leaning towards the Alliance, anyway.

Like, they can not even have the taint of wanting to be in the Horde in their brief time as Sindorei.


Very true, and the gall to be upset with the Sin’dorei for not wanting to risk the sunwell being corrupted again is annoying. It’s like come on, you guys willingly infused yourself with a power that drives most insane.


Ah, to be fair, it was only a speculation of rommath that something like that could happen.

It was until allerias incidence two seperate theorys of two scientists.

Umbric and rommath

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Well regardless I do not blame the Sin’dorei for being super extra careful to not wanting their pretty reignited sunwell to get ruined again


I will admit, that I still struggle to this day to built a proper personal story with my Void Elves

The only way I could make it work is making one DK and the other a Warlock with Darkfallen skin who replace my Shadow Priest in BfA as he die (in my headcannon) in the fight with Nzoth only to be brought back with all those other undead Elves that serve Sylvanaas
etc, well you know how we unlock the Darkfallen skin.

But as for other classes I do struggle to built a proper story around them.

I don’t even try, I don’t like them as a concept nor do I like their story.

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Shadow user who wield the magic of the void against it, truethseeker, scientist, fighting against void cultists, spies in the unseen darkness and, and, and

I mean, the possibilitys are
infinite :smile:

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I mean, it was a ritual so risky that even the most power crazed, evil belf to ever exist passed on actually using it after creating it.

If Dar’khan didn’t do it, it must be bad.

I have never gotten this aspect of the conflict. The Horde has Druids. They could magic crops into being. You can watch night elves making pumpkins like some deranged factory in stormwind right this moment.

And on top of that? There is a huge amount of land to the south of the barrens to pull resources from. why steal from a dangerous, well organized and inhabited area instead.

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