Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

The high elves have nothing so far mind you. Your headcanon isn’t matching facts. Dalaran and Theramore were their hubs and both will be gone.


Not sure why you think this is a “gotcha” moment when you constantly QQ that all Horde races have nothing beyond Durotar and The Barrens.

And if you people get your way they’d have even less. Aren’t you fellas already drooling over Silvermoon in Midnight? You don’t see the Horde doing that.


Uhm, the Horde already controls Silvermoon, so why would they be drooling over it? :man_facepalming:

They enjoy the Horde being treated like dirt by Blizzard that much is obvious. They know Quel’thalas is the one good place the Horde has and if we lose that the alliance fanboys can claim total victory.

No? So you don’t want it to be neutral in Midnight? Well good for you.

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High elf fans want Silvermoon to be blue. Having the playable race was never enough for them.


Alliance fanatics will never be satisfied until it’s just the alliance as a playable faction


Of course not. As long as belfs are belfs and not some discarded, homeless, refugees, they aren’t really THE High Elves. They want everything, the belf looks, the belf culture and their lore. I know that.


There are quite a few people saying the world is flat.
Numbers of debaters aren’t an insurance of accuracy.


I’ve said it before, people who push this good alliance/Evil horde meme are their own worst enemies. Given How Blizzard does their plots BfA is The kind of thing you can expect from that. And we know how popular that was.


I never said it was, and this is a double edge sword because people keep claiming I was “scolded” here because so many people also disagree with me when they could just be wrong.

Your entire stance is absolutely illogical. There are many ways to kill your oponent, and let me tell you that going directly and killing them personally is the way of amateur.

Real scoundrels are doing that from a higher position and hire people to do that for them. But the order was still given.
Because if we take that fallacy of approach that even if you didn’t directly particiace in the action while at the same time giving an order makes you somewhat innocent, then using your Logic, Sylvanas also didn’t kill any Civilians, it’s those mooks who were following the orders.

So I really don’t get the point you’re tring to make. Either way Jaina is involved, directly or indirectly by using her goons to do that.


And everyone else, including all the Horde leaders like Lother’mar/Baine/Vol’jin would have the same involvement. If Jaina is suppose to be judge by this standard then so should Horde leaders.

In fact, we see troll in Theramore sacking the place. So does that mean Vol’jin is as horrible as Jaina?

Nobody is denying that horde leaders did things wrong. The only difference is that horde leaders actually suffer the consequences of their actions while everything the alliance does is whitewashed and then sweeped under the rug because people like you need the alliance to be morally white as snow as possible

And this is exactly why the alliance is stagnate and it’s storytelling is often derided as boring and Lawful Stupid is a meme when it comes to the alliance in general


Yea, by definition.

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Jaina literally got thrown into a hell dimension, twice.

Also, where is Lother’mar punishment for his involvement in Garrosh war?

Okay? And her crimes were ultimately whitewashed and swept away because she felt bad and in the end ol’ mom REWARDED her by making her the new Kul’tiran leader


As oppose to Theron where we ignoring how openly supported Garrosh’s attack on Theramore when literally every other Horde race wanted Garrosh to stop.

Vol’Jin was only grossed out by using a nuke, he didn’t have bigger objections from attacking Theramore.
In the end Theramore was a big threat to not one but three playable Horde races, (Assault on gates of Mulgore, Invasion plans to strike at Orgrimmar, Valley of Trials and Echo Isles) and the offensive was going for years, so it was obvious that Theramore should’ve expect retaliation.
Theramore was a valid target therefore. Jaina was on full blown offensive.
Vol’Jin was participating in the battle, but he was not the one orchestrating it. So I wouldn’t put him on the level of Jaina, but on the level of Silver convenant. Jaina would be the Garrosh equivalent.

But Dalaran Purge had nothing to do with Theramore, it was about Divine Bell being Stolen from Darnassus and ported to Silvermoon.