Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

The big question is: Will Chronicles IV even cover the “Purge” of Dalaran events at all?

I mean, in the grand scheme of things, the ““Purge”” of Dalaran was a pretty minor and irrelevant event. The Alliance got the city, cool, too bad that Dalaran couldn’t be used offensively against Orgrimmar because of Lag (same reason the Argent tournament wasn’t under Dalaran).

Oh, and 10 Blood Elf armed rebels were taken into custody at Violet Hold.

The thing is, Chronicles IV will have to talk abut MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, SL… I truly doubt that they will have time to even mention this small event. In the grand scheme of things, it really wasn’t important that Dalaran joined the Alliance and 10 armed traitors were taken into custody at Violet Hold. :slight_smile:

The big question is: Will Chronicles IV even cover the “Purge” of Dalaran events at all?

Considering it was rather major to Mists of Pandaria and even was referenced all the way in BFA… more likely than not. And btw, the air quotes aren’t needed; it is directly called the Purge of Dalaran in both the Alliance achievement Operation: Shieldwall Campaign and the Horde achievement Dominance Offensive Campaign.

I mean, in the grand scheme of things, the ““Purge”” of Dalaran was a pretty minor and irrelevant event. The Alliance got the city, cool, too bad that Dalaran couldn’t be used offensively against Orgrimmar because of Lag (same reason the Argent tournament wasn’t under Dalaran).

You can think that. I mean, you’re wrong considering it as I just said was major to MoP and all the way referenced in BFA but still, you can certainly think that.

Oh, and 10 Blood Elf armed rebels were taken into custody at Violet Hold.

I too can make stuff up, watch this: “Jaina killed thousands of blood elves and was going to kill off the Silver Covenant too just for fun.”

The thing is, Chronicles IV will have to talk abut MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA, SL… I truly doubt that they will have time to even mention this small event. In the grand scheme of things, it really wasn’t important that Dalaran joined the Alliance and 10 armed traitors were taken into custody at Violet Hold.

About’. There’s nothing to suggest that they won’t cover it, in fact I fully expect they will cover it as they SHOULD considering that it was still being referenced all the way in BFA, even let alone Legion where Jaina threw a temper tantrum over having to fight off a world-ending invasion with the Horde.


Do you really want to start this game with me now? We all know the death toll list of notable Horde NPCs will be much longer.

Out of the three he mentioned, two of them are literally minor characters in the grand scheme of things, unless you played Westfall (Bot vanilla and Cata versions for Amber) even then, she was a minor NPC. And Taylor…well, he’s not nearly as important as some people make him out to be

And Taylor…well, he’s not nearly as important as some people make him out to be

This, unironically. Something that a lot of people don’t realize is that just because THEY might love a character, that does not translate/correlate to their relevance in the story. I’m a huge fan of Anub’arak for instance but the last time he’s appeared in any official Warcraft medium would have been in WoTLK, and he was just a dungeon & raid boss.

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I disagree. Taylor was one of the few characters in game that really got to “grow”, shoulder to shoulder with the players. Same as Nazgrim. That, in my opinion, puts them above some of the major characters. And Taylor was done dirty here. They killed him because they killed Nazgrim, they shouldn’t have or if they had to at least make it good. It was a crappy ending to a very good character in my opinion. Another victim of MoP. He deserved more.



The most interesting parts of the faction conflicts that we have had, was the internal Horde conflicts that the Horde players got.

For those of us who care about story, an Alliance and Horde war just does not make sense, atleast not in the way that Blizzard keeps telling it. For me it is a step further, because blizzard do not take logistics into consideration, which makes a fictional war lackluster, because all the story then does, is just pull troops and ressources out of nowhere.

Still why I am somewhat okay with Garrosh’ earlier war in Cataclysm. Because I for one, understand the idea behind invading a land full of ressources, when you see your own ressources starts ticking down. You either gamble some ressources and attack for hopefully a bigger batch of ressources down the line, or you just sit by and watch the ressources slowly disappear and then death.


The most interesting parts of the faction conflicts that we have had, was the internal Horde conflicts that the Horde players got.

I’ll give and admit MoP’s internal conflict was interesting but iunno about BFA’s horde internal conflict.


Now we are also just speaking comparatively.

Compared to the Alliance vs Horde conflict the internal Horde conflict underneath was more interesting.

We can agree that the Internal Horde conflict in MoP is better than the one in BFA.


Because these hardcore Alliance fans wants to punish Horde while maintaining somewhat pristine reputation.
But thankfully not all Alliance players are like that. Some people are well aware that faction so big cannot act like monolith. In fact just because it is meant to be coalition of independant kingdoms should be perfect explanation why Certain sub-faction differs when it comes to their approach to warfare.

You can have goody-two shoes dranei, and you can have douchy Dark Irons. These are different people, have different cultures, different needs and priorities. painting them with the same brush does massive disservice to them.

And worgen would be 100% justified in it. It baffles me why Blizzard would harmstring them like that. I even think there should be exploration on these worgen who stuggle with controling their curse, which would also serve as a great storline to explore and see actual drawbacks, to showcase in very visible way that it’s both curse and the blessing for them.

By putting worgen to the shadows and ignoring them for years Blizzard did a very bad choice. Worgen lost their revelancy and momentum. And for years were just there. I still remember how hyped people were over worgen - far more than goblins. And first they mishandled the female model (I really liked the alpha version and I wanted to pick option without any hairstyle, but worgen female are stuck with something that reminds of tauren hump).

And the same reason why I really like Dark Iron dwarves, not only they’re supposed to be warlocks and sorcerers which isn’t usually associated with dwarves, and they’re also quite a douche bags. I even liked that insensitive joke about Teldrassil, becuase it showed what kind of “no ooks given” these people are. I’d love more of that. But I am alread worried after I saw that they want to make of Dagran a nerdy kid, and that will be his whole stick. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

It’s because Alliance never really had any internal conflict so to speak. There was not a true clash between Alliance members. Tyrande was turning back on Anduin, but Shandris was there to help, and nelves still came to aid as suicide squad. You’d think nelves wouldn’t go for that after recent events.

I’d really like to see Alliance going through some internal struggle but it needs to be written in reasonable way, where you can see clash of mindsets, while at the same time you could see reasonining behind them to make your own judgement on which vision is more appealing to you and which one you’d like to support.


Which to double back on my previous point is a big gripe I have with how the Scarlet Crusade is written. As for Garrosh wanting some lebensraum in Cataclysm; I always felt it would’ve made more sense if they showed Mad Max levels of problems from Deathwings tantrum, especially on Kalimdor. Like that whole expansion would’ve been a lot more interesting if everyone got the sense that resources were now scarce and fighting over them was justifiable as a means of survival and morality became a “better them than us” mentality.

And in the hands of a good writer you’d see more of that; in BfA you had Dark Irons burning hundreds of goblins on the beaches of Zandalar (which was awesome) but then it’s like…sorta played for laughs, which felt weird. In a faction like the Alliance there’s a lot of potential for inner conflict, especially given that the whole show’s been run by Turalyon who I’m assuming is just a narrative placeholder since he hasn’t done anything and didn’t seem to care at all that Manari were suddenly showing up in droves in Stormwind. There’s been a few times were a faction leader went off the reservation like Tyrande or Genn and then it’s like “oh my GAWD what have you DONE?!” with a cute cutscene where they do the weird shakey head thing to show they’re being emotive.


Still, your point was the Alliance did not lose faction leaders. Still by your own standed if alternate Velen counts then that is two faction leaders lost. Two to two if we want to keep score.

And we list the number of cities. If you want to play the game of losses we can play that as well.

Kill count was done alot more by the Player Character than Jaina and Vereesa. Quests only requested just 10 and few members stealing stuff through whole could had been reworked and fixed better by having an option to arrest and caught some of the members of the sunreavers while those who still attack the player still goes out the same minus the huge purge.

Whole 2 of them? Teldrassil is narratively gone, but you can still access it in game. And Teldrassil was lost in the same time as UC was. But again both are still available in game just fine and it was said that nelves will get back Teldrassil eventually.

Theramore was actually removed but Horde also lost a town, sure it’s not as big Theramore but it was still a base with a flightpath.

Territories can be lost and regained, Cities can be rebuilt or you can get something
completely new.

But the moment you’re depleted from major characters you’re pushed to irrelevancy and hard to get any big story beats going for you when you don’t even have a cast for that.
So I’d say taking chracters is bigger blow becuase it takes years to make them grow.


Lore characters are more important then the places. I told you this many times before.

And as been explained to YOU, bot lore characters AND places are important to some people.

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last time I checked Stormwind and Orgrimmar are usually not the place the cinematic videos show us. The feature is always a well known leader.

Then you might want to check again since the first features revealed are usually the new zones/capital.

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a place being destroyed means nothing. Many cities were rebuild more then just once see Dalaran for that. If a faction loses too many leaders they don’t have representation on the story anymore which we see clearly while the alliance has ALL sons of Lothar present and the Horde just 3 noname Orcs nobody cares about.

Yet you people keep crying about the High Elves settling on a bunch of ruins. Curious how that works, huh?