Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

I’m one of the few who for many years, wanted the worgen to be the alliances morally grey and antagonistic race against the horde

But you know, the die hard fanboys simply don’t want anything that taints their precious image of the alliance


You mean the Horde rebellion that you constantly talk trash and QQ about on the forums?

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They will be happy when the Horde is deleted which can’t happen for obvious reasons.

I’m not particularly interested in the Alliance get to do “bad things”. In fact, I actually dont want them to “do bad things”.

Then why do you always downplay the purge, Taurajo, the vulpera squads and the attack on the Zandalari?

Because they were at worse neccesary evil and their root cause would be the Horde.

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When did this happen?

I certainly didn’t choose to play the side with beautiful, noble humans and elves to do something bad.

He lost the discussion here, sent his troll alt varodoc to continue trolling here and made a new post in GD:



Lost? Again, there were more then quite a few people defending/agreeing with me. And even if no one agreed with me this isn’t some popularity vote.

Yeah, that Horde rebellion we had to endure twice over unless guys like you cried Horde bias, the Horde does not get a pass when it comes to consequences. Horde characters actually get killed, removed or ruined. All or 3, like Saurfang.


Last I checked Jaina got killed(it was in war crimes) removed(or rather left as is with the case with Sylvanas) from Dalaran and as for ruined. Well, people certainly have an axe to grind against her.

Cheap thrills. Anyone who knows anything knew that Alliance characters don’t stay dead. She died the same way Calia did and was brought back, consequence free. But you are right about one thing, Jaina as a character was ruined a long time ago.

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Once because she got shot during a trial that is mostly thrall varian and taran zu’s fault and again when she was literally thrown into a hell dimension after she was kidnapped by the banshee queen. Neither time was because of her own actions during the purge


Only for certain people.

Last I checked Varian is very much still dead. So is Amber/Maraad/Taylor.

You say she doesn’t face consequences for her actions when Jaina was literally thrown into a hell dimension…twice!

Well, to be honest I’d love to see Varian come back. But sadly interesting characters have no role in the Alliance. Taylor is a ghost haunting Draenor and Maraad, who the hell was Maraad to the Alliance before WoD, please don’t act like it’s some huge loss.

He is the draenei on the Burning Crusade cinematic!

Ok, and? He was a nobody and he still got more attention in his sendoff than Doomhammer did, who was a pretty big deal to the Horde.


You mean alternate timeline Doomhammer. Which is not the same as mainline Doomhammer. Unless you are willing to admit the Draenei also someone important. His name is Velen.

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Uhm, No. AU Doomhammer had no connection to the Horde and was actually their enemy as he was a high-ranking general of the Iron Horde. The Doomhammer who had an actual connection to the Horde died 30 years ago.

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Well yeah, since he was one of the big names in the Horde, a historical figure who got killed casually and randomly. Your Velen double at least got a cinematic and even Maraad had his own cinematic sendoff. And you people made a bigger deal about it than the Horde made about Cairne.