Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

You only pulled out Broken Shore. And my reponse was that she was acting on an order, and it was beneficial to her.

And that is fair, I had no issue with that, She is undead queen and nobody should expect hugs and kisses from her, and never I even implied I wanted that. I wanted a Leader that wouldn’t waste soldiers left and right and wouldn’t treat them as a fodder, that “For the Horde” would mean something.

Again, I scrolled up and only saw you using Broken shore, then saying that I don’t understand the horde, and then saying that I shouldn’t expect Sylvanas to give a pat on the bum.

But in order to come to you in good faith- unlike Garrosh she wasn’t outright antagonistic to the rest of the Horde members, which made others obey her orders for a long time. In this regard she was improvement over Garrosh. But she also destroyed the entire purpose Horde pressed into Darkshore, leaving that zone with nothing. No hostages, no loot, no upper hand in negotiations. That was a waste. Then we also have the whole thing in Nazjatar, where she sent the remaining ships down to the bottom of the sea, seemingly to make things even, but once again Horde was used as a sacrifice. All of her tactics seemed focused to inflict as much damage to Alliance as to Horde. So you’re right, actions does speak louder than words.

True it wasn’t but My comment was said after You agreed that Sylvanas should’ve never been Warchief. And again it was not her Idea, it was an order. Just Like Garrosh ordered her to attack Gilneas, because she wasn’t Warchief then. I think this instance shows that indeed she used her resources to save the Horde, but I believe it was out of self-preservation, the more Horde survives the bigger chance they’d all survive Legion invasion.

Except you have no proof for that. Neither there was any poll made, nor you work for Blizzard to know for sure. The only Poll I recall was made on MMO-Champion by avid Vol’Jin hater, where he hyped every other option up - even Ji Firepaw, And found awesome artwork for everyone, while for Vol’Jin he found caricature. And yet Vol’Jin won the poll by the landslide ending up to be spectacular backfire .

Also judging by the comments from Youtube Video under Siege of Orgrimmar ending cinematic lots of people were very excited for the future. So this makes me believe that his popularity was not an issue.

Every leader had the moments when they were acting ridiculous. I can easily pull up plenty of memes that are roasting plenty of Warcraft Characters or youtube videos about how dumb certain character is. Because Character is as smart as the person who writes it.




That is absolutely baseless. He had leadership and tactical skills. His biggest strenght was to achieve his goal using minimal amount of resources. Like it was in Cataclysm where behind Garrosh back he secured the Horde, in MoP when in massive disadvantage he stopped Zandalari invasion, and when Thrall was upset and unsure what to do Vol’Jin was already leading the charge.

You’re missing very important factor, He did his research, in MoP you had scenario where Vol’Jin sends Gob Squad to infiltrate Orgrimmar to see what machinery Garrosh is using to actually prepare for it. Juggernaut was a massive surprise, but it’s not becuase of his failure. The spies he sent didn’t find said Juggernaut. Vol’Jin did prepared siege weapons and resources. But we as a players also need to have bosses to fight. Itwas laso his idea to attack Tanaan Jungle from behind to reduce casulties to minimum. And this is why I was looking forward to his reign. I wanted actual pragmatic leader. Who by using minimal resources could achieve his goals. Claiming that he has zero leadership skills is just untrue.

He is good character, albeit flawed, and he deffinietly had a potential. That is not to say that he didn’t have flaws or he wasn’t mischaracterized. I also had objections to some of his ideas or some of his philosophies, like a contradiction that “Trolls cling too much to the past” while at the same time wanting to fulfill his father’s dream of Trolls returning to venerating Shadow hunters like they did before empires were created. So clinging to the past is bad, but clinging to the super ancient past is good?

I also believe that he was loyal to the Horde to a fault. I really wish he would priotize Darkspear needs a little bit more, and was interested in other troll matters more, but thankfully he was not Baine to punish his own people for wanting retaliation.
I hope that this will be how Rokhan would operate, but I don’t hold my breath anymore. What are the chances that Rokhan would rise to be a big player the way Vol’Jin did?
Darkkspears are back to irrelevancy. Their big chance ended before it even started.
THAT is a real tragedy.

I also believe he didn’t really reach that extra mile to earn ascension, but it was obviously done to calm down the players who kept on nagging developers about him.

Forsaken already had a rich representation in game. Through WotLK questing, and after Cataclysm revamp, their Leader had a defined story already in WC3. They were in good position already.

On this forum everybody has their preferences, and I’m not gonna press anyone to like anything and this is a futile task. To some, one character is boring, to others it’s entertaining. And they’re deffinietly entilted to their opinion, no matter how much I disagree with it.

The bigger picture I try to take is if overall the story was well crafted. Well for Warcraft standards that is.

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You know we are doing Remix right? Well, it wouldn’t be MoP remix if we didn’t do this. And with 2 more months we can see what happens after that.

Reading comprehension.

Yep. The die-hards will deny anything that removes them from the moral high-ground — or simply dethrone them from their seat of power that allows them to virtue-signal the Horde. :person_shrugging:

Yeah Blizzard’s word of ‘concrete’ means nothing to me now.


They originally argued that the Chronicles series would be the concrete, glue and bible of WoW lore — and remain unchanged.

  • Then when people questioned Shadowlands due to Chronicles lore, Blizzard turned around and uttered: “Uuuuh :eyes: … that’s just the perspective of the titans!”

:point_up_2: To which we all know such a statement was a load of bull, merely to justify their retcons & terrible storytelling for the coming expansion (as within Chronicles, there were events the titans did not even know about).

So 100% —

If it’s simply convenient or their mood changes, they’ll alter the lore on their whims.


I quit buying their books and out-of-game media wholesale after danuser went and tried to bite off what Bethesda does well.


Yeah Shadowlands unsheathed their pants & took a lava-fountain dump on the lore for me, along with using the money I spent on books they had also retconned as toilet paper afterwards.

  • For them to turn around & say Chronicles is just a perspective — And go back on their word of it being the concrete lore bible of WoW (which was their major selling point for the books) just felt extremely & blatantly disrespectful to their passionate players of the story & customers who had purchased them.

:face_exhaling: So yeah, I’m not really too keen as I once was upon buying their books anymore either. :person_shrugging:
Why bother? Who’s to say they won’t go: “Yeahnah that was just a perspective thing, the truth is rather more something far different.”

Very interesting.

This passage reiterates, once again, that Jaina was the HEAD of the Kirin Tor.


Because she was the HEAD of the Kirin Tor. She out-ranks the Council of Six, as Antonidas did. Last I checked, Antonidas didn’t need the Council to decide for Dalaran that they would join the Alliance and the Second War. So, by that same logic, Jaina was within her legal rights to expel the Sunreaveers from the city-state that she ruled. She outranked the Council of Six.

This passage also suggests that the event is not nearly as “bloody” as some people here think. Come to think of it, where does the “Purge of Dalaran” name even come from? Is it mentioned anywhere in a quest text?

Anyway, the Sunreavers were simply “expelled” from Dalaran. Not slaughtered or exterminated. “Expelled”. Aka, they were not killed.

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Anyway, the Sunreavers were simply “expelled” from Dalaran. Not slaughtered or exterminated. “Expelled”. Aka, they were not killed.

Ah yes, the Exploring Azeroth Series: Infamous for it’s lore accuracy. Next are you going to claim that the Dark Portal was used by the Legion to invade Azeroth during the War of the Ancients?


Don’t mind him he likes to bait and troll because a strong reaction to his posts usually gets you banned on mmo champion. I am not sure how much he bribed the admins with but so far he is the last faction partisan on that forum now.

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Because Borken Shore is an example of her doing something for the Horde, a pretty damn important thing. Also an example of her taking an unnecessary risk to herself in order to help members of the Horde. I say this gives her quite a bit of credibility, you say it does not because it was done for some self-preservation ploy, then I point out that if that were true, why bother risking the most valuable things to her, the only things that could save her if crap goes wrong. I’m not gonna insist on convincing you, because I get it. You don’t like Sylvanas. Fine. I don’t like Vol’jin and nothing said based on what he did so far can change that because I tried to like him, like I mentioned, I even wasted time on his boring book, but I can’t accept other people’s interpetation of his utter failures and how they serve some other purpose, Vol’jin was a boring character, a crappy leader and a charlatan. So yeah, enough said.

Yeah there you go. The signature crap writing that surrounds Elsa Proudmoore. Nobody questions her. Everyone just falls in line. But hey, it’s not that weird since the guy who passed her the leadership mantle was a bigger writer’s pet than she is. Or was. Was hopefully. But which normal character in any story would have the power to question a decision made between not one but two writer’s pets.


This coming from a Sylvanas fanboy is hilarious, considering how everyone was expected to follow Sylvanas’ every whim simply because dead troll spirit said so.

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You know we literally beat up Alliance/Horde soldiers to free them from the sha. A fireball(at least in WoW) case is not fatal and if it means you dont end up killing them is certain a better option.

I see the alliance fanatical fanboys are still going at it

It would be sad if it wasn’t so predictable and painful to watch


The Horde rebellion vehemently disagrees with your statement. You aren’t bright enough to use irony to make an argument. Don’t try again please.


And I see you have nothing but venomous statements to add as always.

Sure, whatever you say :stuck_out_tongue:

That tends to happen when the story stays too one sided alot. People get over confident. And arrogant.


That’s what gets me. The alliance side story is garbage and boring. But when blizz tries to write anything remotely interesting, the die hard alliance fanboys cry foul and it gets changed


I always love the eternal loop of:

  • Alliance does bad or at least morally grey thing

  • Fanboys spend years trying to downplay it and claim it wasn’t bad

  • Same fanboys are then upset the Alliance “doesn’t get to do anything bad”

I really like the Horde but lmao I never claim they never do anything wrong.