Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Yes, I know, I’ve played through both MoP and BFA. Cause if I didn’t want to turn against Garrosh for example, I couldn’t progress the game. So yeah, I know. Thing is that was a world quest and it wasn’t such a big deal if you skipped it. But that’s not the point. They had no problem doing the quest, they just didn’t like the way it made them look, so the point was, if they got all worked up for something that trivial, imagine the reaction they might have regarding what you suggested.

Luckily it not morally dubious anymore and with the knowledge that Sylvanas was literally about to sell all of to whatevef the Jailer’s plan was mean it was retroactively the right call.

True, but its like the ONLY quest blizz didn’t walk back in BfA and actually had Sylvanas use Stormheim as an excuse to get Saurfang on board with the invasion

It’s why Stormheim remains one of my favorite zones in game for that very reason

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Was it? Because it’s stuff like this why the Alliance is always boring. You people couldn’t have just run with it and see where it leads? Nah, the Alliance must always do the right thing, or they aren’t the Alliance, right? I mean that’s what Zerde keeps telling me.

I’m not arguing against it being the right call. I have rountinely defended Greymane after the events of Stormheim, you know that

I’m just saying it was one the best morally grey quests we got alliance side is all :dracthyr_nod:

I like things to have a reason, and preferably some build up. It is the same reason I loath Brennadam. The horde just appearing and killing everyone felt very random… because it was, it was never meant to be the horde that perpetrated that attack originally.


It was very random, it would make more sense if Horde assault Daelin’s Fort, to take over fortress that is in strategic location and not a town with people that pose no threat.

And ye, bottom line should always be reasoning to do something. So even if something would upset you at least you’d see why it had to be done.


It’s baffling that you’ve arrived at this point while running defense for collective punishment. You know, the war crime of collective punishment, as ratified under the very convention Christie Golden consulted for her War Crimes novel…


Heh, classic Proudmoore. I love that hag.

Collective punishment unless you’re a human, short human, or elf.

But not the bad kind of elf


Seeing this as “enslavement of angels” kind of depends on seeing Odyn as the good guy.


That could have had a reason. Some guy in the Alliance decided to go nuts on the fox people cause, I don’t know, his parents were murdered by a fox or some tragic past stuff, I’m not a writer… then have the Alliance react to that. Not just go to the forums and have it blasted. Who knows what could have come out of it. I guess what I’m saying is that stuff like that that could lead to other things isn’t tolerated and that is not a good thing because with a fanbase this rigid, the Alliance isn’t gonna stop being boring. At least to me.

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Man this is the one post in this whole thread I hope Blizzard reads. It’s been really grating to see the Alliance attitude towards everything is tolerance and apathy in equal measure; like yeah, Anduin is the “king” of Stormwind but apparently he just left like what, 5 years ago? And the nobility whose last act of relevance was to go along with Onyxia’s plan to screw over the stonemasons after they rebuilt Stormwind and therefor formed the Defias Brotherhood are just okie-dokie with it? And the current regent, Turalyon–he of all people had nothing at all to say about the sudden appearance of Manari Eredar in the Alliance?

And the Dwarves, after unifying and essentially tripling their strength, they’re still OK with playing second fiddle to humans? The same dwarves who now include the Dark Irons (who are awesome)?

I get that it makes some people super happy to play WoW without the second W but the factions are becoming painfully boring; I’m not even talking about faction conflict, there’s nothing going on within them.


I keep telling you his your opposite but in steroids!

You fight hard here and there from time to time defending the Horde, but Zerde he will fight the WHOLE posters or fight the whole GD or Story Forums by himself ALWAYS, no rest, if he has to, to defend the Alliance!
Got to admire such zealotry… :sweat_smile:

Bringing the drinks and candy

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You’re talking as if Alliance was not complicid in genociding others in the past. For Zandalari it was a matter of business. Horde did something for Zandas, and Zandas allowed Horde to use their ships, that was meant to be transactional.

If Alliance was smart, they’d destroy the ships and using the opportiunity that most of the Horde is on Zandalar, charge directly at Sylvanas.

Or even better, use actual Intelligence to turn Zandalari against the Horde, and Horde already did something terrible to them - Goblins were stealing gold from Atal’Dazar.
This way Alliance would achieve it’s goal that was to sever the ties between the two and not waste a single soldier.


Instead, the alliances bright idea was to send a bunch of kaldorei and others on a suicide mission that drove the Zandalari right into the arms of the hord anyway


You know how Blizzards LOOOOooooves to take normal expectations and flip them 180% on their heads… it’s only a matter of time and the “right” built up to the “right expansion”.

I still believe that Faction Wars should be focus on the PvP aspect of the game… you know feed that hate and competitive spirit with good faction music and some NPC talking patriotic faction nonsense like Warfronts or DF open world when you become an Assassin in the Map and EVERYONE comes to get you, to inject you with that adrenaline rush to PvP. (IMO)

However with so many cosmic threats looming, end of the World events every other Tuesday, Faction conflict could be nice and cool side quest distraction patch content while waiting for the next expansion or real big patch… maybe nobles and ambitious fellows trying to take advantage of the clearly absent leadership of Factions who seem always hugging the screen or leading the quests, etc…

I’m a bit burnout of ideas when it comes to faction stuff but I’m sure you guys could add a few, now that we had seen a new Dwarf race… who knows? Maybe it is the end of Factions and content might take a more race nation to nation approach! Who can say…

Gods knows the racial cities do need a any kind of content to have them be no so empty or irrelevant… Blizz does not update anything without having plans for it, even if the get scrap at last moment… or at least one would think so.

I also suspect both Forsaken and Worgen might get a attention in this Saga too… not sure it’s too soon but maybe.

But you know, we had to have another troll raid.


Sad part is, Zandalar questing itself was a lot of fun. Just everything else kind of ruined it all


Hey now, the unnamed faceless nobility also apparently are the reason Anduin was such a useless spineless wimp when it came to trying to defuse tensions pre-BFA.

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