Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

For an undeveloped group, they sure wield a lot of power in Stormwind. :rofl:

I’d say Zandalar was also fumbled becuase it didn’t have half of the stuff it was meant to have, and got shoved in lots of stuff that was not meant to be there. Like titan facility.
Apparently the scholar caste that is Zandalari never bothered to research it.
Also when you think of peak of troll civilization in it’s pristine state you think of grotesque irredeemable blood cannibals right in the heart of their land.
And second reference to “Heart of Darkness” in WoW, (book written by Joseph Conrad).

I was hoping that Zandalar would provide a deep dive to Zandalari culture. Like Pandaria did, that every place will ooze with history and meaning. In the end it’s cradle of Azeroth civilization.
I was expecting we would meet chroniclers that would teach you about history of troll kind, instead of walking around and killing trolls to walk around with a tour that would tell you about their history throrough centuries. Instead of cheap references to popculture to have something of essence.
Like lore on Zandalari Arcanitals, to interact with Zanza the Restless the very first Zandalari Loa ever introduced to a game, and a shame that he was demoted to lesser Loa.
I was expecting that one Zone would reflect on the fact that this island was hit by Cataclysm, so we go and help Zandas fix the damage, but no.
Also the Jaguar Warriors disappeared- they appeared in MoP and they’re absent from Zandalar.

There are no places like shipyards, where we could see how Zandalari construct their ships, no goldmines for a nation that oozez with gold, their pprophet turned to be blood slug worshipper, their King didn’t procreate for 200 years and only recently had Talanji.
They introduce super cool Holy T-Rex just to kill him off.
And after years of waiting we meet infamous Rastakhan only to se him die after one patch.
And it’s a great shame becuase I loved his sassy attitude. When Talanji said “Just let him do the talking and hopefully he won’t throw you of the pyramid” instantly sold me. :heart:
He was boastful, positively charged, confident and larger than life. I’d love to hang around him more, even to just watch him diss others and claim how much superior he is.
He would stand out among edge lords, mopheads and the likes of Baine.

To me Zandalar while it had it’s moments in the questing overall was pretty shallow.
I really wanted to have a raid like Caverns of time to learn about Aquir Wars, and for dungeon to be about Zandalari vs nelf empire to achieve phyrric victory, and learn why Zandalari hold a grudge against them.


While I agree with everything you said, but I wanted to highlight this, because when I first heard Talanji said, it had me rolling. Such a simple quote and it packed quite a lot :dracthyr_nod:

I was like Yep, sounds about right for a long lived king :dracthyr_nod:


Zerde, I ask this out of genuine curiosity.

If that’s what the Alliance is supposed to be, in your view of things, what is the Horde supposed to be?

The darkness

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They’re a nice faceless group to blame for all of stormwind’s internal problems without having to put any of that silly blame on named figures.

Stormwind settlers picking fights with the Gurubashi? Oh that’s the Nobles wanting more lands, Barathen Wrynn doesn’t want a nasty territory war.

Stonemasons got screwed out of their labor and personal investments in rebuilding Stormwind? Sorry, Varian was totally gonna cover that, before he got all sad.

Oh, Anduin wasn’t happy with Genn picking fights with the Horde, but its those mean old nobles making it so that he can’t even slap Genn on the wrist for it


Let’s not pretend swathes of Horde players don’t want to do this particular atrocity as well.


You’re not wrong, but I’d like to see them turn into named figures.

Edgelords gonna edgelord.


Hey it’s not me, just take a dip through GD and the Vulpera discourse always turns to that. The purge squad thing was dumb as it amounted to kicking a third party for no reason, kind of like the attack on Dazar’alor that probably would have made more sense narratively to be aimed at Mulgore or something. Maybe Baine would stop being such a throwrug for Anduin if that had happened.

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Heros aren’t heroes without an effective foe.

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No, I believe you. I just personally think the hostility toward vulpera Hordeside is way out of proportion.

I actually agree with this. It’s like the writers couldn’t be bothered to think of a bad act the Alliance might actually have motivation to commit.


I am continually disappointed by the lack of House of Nobles characters - primarily because I think it would be best to seed a few characters early, so that when Blizz does want to feature one, they’ll be an existing character rather than a new one and thus have some more weight behind them. (Like the human noble in the human heritage quest who never existed beforehand, so even though his existence makes sense in the story, it carries less weight because the player hasn’t had any chance to see him in context outside ‘here’s a villain, hunt him down’.)

Frankly, I don’t think these would need to be very deep characters, either - they’d only a scattering of archetypes: a warmonger (maybe make them a sponsor of Sky-Admiral Rogers, and the reason she never suffers repercussions from Anduin), an obsessive bureaucrat who slows things down, a corrupt noble up for anything as long as he/she can skim off the top, a regional lord who only ever votes according to how something would impact his own lands, etc. That’s just a 2-minute brainstorm.

There’s so many story opportunities, and it’d be a great opportunity to pin certain story beats to a name (like the guy who keeps Admiral Rogers posted in a place where she can hurt the Horde) so that if/when the story finally focuses on that beat, the characters involved will have a history.

And really, that is the strength of this setting - its breadth and range of characters. So I’d hope to see those characters getting seeded in!


If you name them, you eventually have to deal with them, otherwise questions about why lord Duche of house Peasantkicker has so much power start to pop up.

And if the devs were interested in writing that kind of alliance internal intrigue, I think they’d already have done so.

Sigh I can dream, can’t I?

I was eagerly waiting to see how the Alliance would handle Genn’s actions in Stormheim, ambushing the Horde warchief like that. I’d built up a whole prediction about Anduin wanting to punish Genn, but getting hauled up short by the other Alliance leaders since they were all equals and thus Anduin had no standing to punish Genn… which would neatly show the limitations of the High King, too, while giving a reason for the Alliance to be deadlocked while the Horde can rightly view the administrative excuse as no excuse.

But, instead, we got… Nothing at all.


Who is pretending?

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Yikes, wow… dang… ok. lol (Just saw the link… I guess it’s true what people say that the internet never forgets! :rofl:)

“I wonder oooooh wonders sooo much now, what would happend if Alliance was turn into Blue Horde while Horde becomes the Red Alliance”~~~~ :musical_score::notes: :musical_note:

Would players like him join, be disgusted or endlessly complain as their leaders are shot down left and right or just are given the benches like they did with Sylvanna?

BTW just wondering… so did Jaina and Talanji have their closure…?
If I were Jaina I never accept a gift of any kind, it could have a Voodoo curse, oh wait she already did got a gift! :woozy_face: (joking, just stocking the embers)

Joking aside, have faith a few things will eventually even out over time when the right expansion/patch with this theme hits WoW… Not sure if I’ll be alive but I’m sure it will be address at some point, I do agree that Alliance does need to be skaken a bit… even my die hard Alliance friends say it’s become stale and monotonous.
I’m sure (or at least HOPE) Blizz is aware of that for some time now…

You don’t have to “deal with” them permanently. Much better if they stick around so they can keep generating story.

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I mean, thats kind of how it went down, except with nameless nobles rather than putting it on any of the named leaders.

Which makes a lot of sense from a Horde PC perspective. Tyrande/Malfurion/Velen really shouldn’t be all that happy about Genn attempting to murder the PC immediately before/after they got done helping save them. As far as Dalaran goes as a pseudo-member, Khadgar should be apoplectic about it. The Horde PC was a sanctioned KT representative on a KT mission.

Legion was a terrible expansion to be the precursor to a faction war expansion.

What are you talking about? If you are talking about Daelin/Garithos we are told the Alliance did not know/did not condone it.

And for the Alliance it was a matter of survival. I doubt the Alliance should care they had some transactional thing going and one of the major thing is Talanji’s greatest mistake is not trying to appeal to both factions. If she played the part of something like Nogenfogger she would have both faction fawning to make sure she does/does not get involved in the faction war.

We saw what happened in Org. I doubt the Alliance could Seige it quickly enough before the remaining Horde could retaliate.

Or Gallawix would have been slippery enough to try and hide his crimes. Regardless, isnt this why we are waiting for Chronicles? To finally see the details and the why events occured?


Rishtakil is correct.

For the most part this is what I think of the Horde which is it was an evil organization that until recently(ahem getting rid of Sylvanas/Garrosh/Gallawix).

Now what it will be in the future is unclear. Presumably it will try to be more noble(as shown by them helping the night elves defend the new world tree). Geya’rah was the last possibly dubious leader and while seems to be trading barbs with Turaylon that is all she was doing.

I’m talking about Night elves who fully intended to completely wipe out Shatterspear tribe (I know that Shatterspear tribe attacked, but they only targeted sentinels (correction, there was one civilian casulty)- I even re-did the quest to be absolutely sure) and Dwarves who were commiting genocide on Frostmane Tribe, going this far as to kill their children for a starter quest. And When Zandalari gets involved Varian stops them so Dwarves could continue this foul act. (Making Varian complicid, using your logic).
What about Dwarves wiping out entire Stonespire Tauren tribe (except one) just so they could dig in Barrens?
What about playable Kul’Tirans who successfully wiped Drust out of existance?

Why would she appeal to Alliance when they threw her to jail and tried to kill her when she tried to get back home? Alliance never gave a reason to the trolls to trust them, when Alliance was always very agressive when it came to encrouching on their territories.
Let’s not forget that Daelin Proudmore also immediately attacked Darkspears who were already exiles and tried to start their life a new, and when they reached Kalimdor Daelin started to bombard their new home.
So to write that Talanji would somehow make Alliance to fawn over them is imo absolutely baseless. Alliance was never good to the trolls, ever.

Alliance would be successful in Sieging Orgrimmar if Majority of the Horde was stuck on Zandalar after blowing their ships. Orgrimmar is additionally a TERRIBLY constructed stronghold, it has 3(!) entrances.
And the easiest to breach is the one that comes from Ashenvale side.

Hide? How would he hide that Atal’Dazar is missing huge chunks of gold? That should be very easy thing to investigate. And it should’ve been enough to plant a seed of distrust, if that wouldn’t help, there is always a flase flag operations - Alliance pretending to be Horde and attacking Zandalari.
So what Twilight Hammer did to undo the trade negotiations between nelves and the Horde. Twilight Cultists pretended to be squad sent by Garrosh and went rogue on both nelves and tauren.

But that would require to use actual intelligence.