Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Then we need the Horde to account for all their actions. And that list is alot longer. I would also point out Lother’mar SUPPORTED Garrosh’s attack on Theramore(with the irony of Sylvanas disagreeing to it). So maybe we need him to account for his role in all this.

Okay. Great. We punished the horde enough as it is.

People are frankly tired of the alliance walking away blame free as usual.


It is a profoundly dumb statement to claim that the Horde does not get called out for its actions compared to the Alliance.


Zerde vs everyone else. This is gonna be fun. grabs popcorn

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In truth no. The purge is more of a Jaina thing than an Alliance thing, so much so that Varian found out about it after the fact and even showed disapproval.

Way to miss the entire point I was talking about :dracthyr_shrug:

It does not matter what happens in game. Zerdes precious alliance is never at fault

Which was my ENTIRE POINT

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It’s not though.

  1. The Alliance is not at fault because Jaina acted of her own volition and the High King condemned her soon afterward.

  2. But Jaina is also not at fault because the Sunreavers betrayed her (fact) and so she, as the leader of the Kirin Tor, was in her legal rights to punish them (fact). At the Pandaren Trials, no one ever confronted Jaina for her actions at the Purge (fact). Which means, that Jaina is not guilty of anything. :slight_smile:

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Nice job making my point

Y’all so predictable

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Jaina is not guilty of anything or the August Celestials would have put her on trials for war crimes.

Play MoP Remix.


There was a war going, and Theramore was an Alliance fortress settled just down the street of Durotar, not to mention that Theramore troops had invaded Durotar already and made plans to attack nearby Horde settlements.

Theramore was obviously going to be a target, and the Horde leaders agreed, and Sylvanas reacted in fear.

We still can’t cry about Theramore, it was, and always have been, a military institution and was used as such in Cataclysm. The eventuelt methods of destroying it was way too far, and many of the other races that were not orcs, who participated in the attack agreed as much and got killed when they expressed said disagreement.

Nope, not fact. The Sunreavers is a Kirin’tor faction, and two elves betrayed the Sunreavers and in turn the Kirin’tor.

But a heavy bias plants the Sunreavers as a solid Horde faction, despite the fact that the entire purpose of the Sunreavers, is to draw Blood Elves out of the Horde. Now, THAT is fact.

Jaina betrayed the Sunreavers… fact.

And the Alliance betrayed the Blood Elves… also fact.


Oh FFS all these things these forums ever fight over happen so long ago WHOOOOOO CAAAAAAAAARES

Jaina acted exaggeratedly and prejudiced and nothing more. Everything else wasn’t her fault.

This is my conclusion from this event.

In truth it is an Alliance thing, but not the killing, it’s the absolute lack of consequences. Alliance does bad stuff, everyone miraculously forgets about it. The Dalaran fiasco, the attack on the leader of the Horde during a truce in Stormheim, the tentative of regicide against the Forsaken leader, the killing of the Zandalari leader. No consequences, no reprimands, no nothing and later it’s not even mentioned. I mean the way they made Talanji not only be ok with Jaina wakling around but pretty much forgiving her, cause, you know, it’s Jaina because Christine Golden had chosen Elsa Proudmoore to be her avatar in game.


Did she though? I thought that it was more along the lines of postponing her vengeance and focusing on needs of her people first. But Talanji is never in the same room with Jaina.
When Theron and Thalyssra took wedding, There was no Jaina in there.
And in DF Talanji didn’t appear at all.
They’re avoiding each other.

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He’s not wrong though about the alliance never being held accountable for the actions they take. Everyone in game gets collective amnesia when it comes time to holding the alliance responsible for any crimes they commit


Because ultimately this was the fault of the Horde.

You mean while she was working for the Jailer and making deals with Helya?

What are you talking about?

Again, the Zandalar were about to give their ships to a person who commited GENOCIDE.

If she wasn’t then why was she talking it out with Turalyon. Not saying she should be on the war path, even if she should, every Zandalari should be since Rastakan was a pretty big deal, but ok, maybe she hasn’t forgiven Jaina, not much out there to really confirm if she did or didn’t. But ok, I wanna change my statement from Jaina to the Alliance. Talanji should not be ok with the Alliance.

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This is the debate that never ends, it just goes on, and on my friends.


It always is to you.

You saying that’s the reason she was attacked?


Look bro, I get it that you have a really Alliance mind, but do try to keep up with what I’m writing here. I’m not questioning the morality behind it. Try to at least get what I’m saying before replying.

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Yes, He isn’t wrong . And to be fair I’d wish Alliance was more agressive so we’d have fair share of hitting each other. What matters should be a reasoning behind it on “why are we doing it”, if the resoning is compelling enough I cannot see why Alliance players would be upset over it.

And I personally believe that Alliance would thrive on political drama. My friend Human Male Paladin and founder of Church of Greymane (that was a thing on EU forums xD, fun times).
Often wrote how he would love for House of the Nobles to return and once more cause some unrest. He believed that It would be great if they’d challenge Anduin as the King of Stormwind and force him to abdicate becuase he doesn’t care about people of Stormwind and seems to be occupied with anything other than what happens on his own yard. THAT would force Anduin to rethink his priorities - should he focus more on his own people as a King of Stormwind, or he should follow his heart and continuously fight for the peace between Horde and Alliance.

Or use Dwarves to use the fact that humans were massively weakened and demand that from now on they’re the top dogs and they will mainly dicatate on how Alliance operates. And Dwarves being focused on resources and getting their hands on stuff they see fit, would also naturally ignite certain friction.

What was done is the opposite, establishing that Alliance is super clean, each time they seem to cross certain line there is either retcon (like on Varian declaring War in Undercity), or they backpedal (like on Jaina becoming sad again after the raid, and therefore apparently excused for going full Proudmore and not paying with her head).
While Horde is constantly being villanbatted to the extreme.

I think going with black and white approach is causing damage to both Horde and Alliance and imo a much better approach would be to establish that both factions have heroes and extremists, and simply allow the player to make that choice. Kinda like picking if you want to do quests for Wrathion or Sabellian. Either you want to have more like Anduin approach, or more “ook it, let’s go rogue”, and there are Alliance players who would like to have such an option, I remember how many people loved Admiral Rogers becuase she was ruthless. Ivar Bloodfang and Crowley also won hearts pretty fast. Not to mention how Scarlet Crusade is popular among roleplayers.

This way you’d have a fairly balanced depiction of Horde and Alliance.