Actually, it’s Aethas’ fault, considering how he failed to keep control of his own organization and allowed terrorist cells to form insice of it without his own knowledge.
Which is why Aethas bought Jaina a gift at the Trading post to apologize for his own incompetence.
We could always just blame it on the Horde and the Horde players. Afterall, they stole the divine bell and caused the inciting incident that lead to all this and were supporting Garrosh in making a patsy of the Sunreavers.
Maybe the Horde should stop being evil and be more like the Alliance, which it is now doing.
The Alliance has the agency to act and stop the Horde from commiting horrible crimes. If anyone doesnt have agency it was the Horde blindly following Warchief after warchief off a cliff.
Why it does, I’m sure I don’t know. Thing is, it’s killing it for everyone else. People trying to fix a fictive situation for the good of… no one. Tell me, do you guys claim credit for brining peace to the fictional world of Azeroth acting like you brought peace to a real world place? You guys do that?
Like I said, it’s an obessive need of his to purify the alliance at any and all costs. It requires ignoring the vast majority of the lore and taking all nuance out of any given situation
Yeah, you mean after they found out they were about to drive the Horde off said cliff? Nevermind they were all willing to follow along that Theramore and Teldrassil happened.
If you want to play nuance then blaming Jaina for what happened in Dalaran and ignoring all the Horde’s(including the players) culpability in what transpired seem quite hypocritical in my book.
Look, two months we see what Chronicles has to say about the whole thing. While I doubt Jaina will get away blameless I also thimk she will be shown in a more sypathetic light about the whole thing. Hell, pretty big chance it just blames Garrosh for the chaos more then anyone else.
I know this is extremely difficult for you to understand, but both groups can be in the wrong. Jaina was in the wrong for the extreme measures she took.
And so was the horde.
But yeah, two more months we’ll see what blizz has to say about it officially.
And I am saying the Horde was more in the wrong and if we want someone to blame for it would be them for causing the mess in the first place.
Jaina is not blameless, but she doesnt deserve to be punish for it(and even if she did she already spent time in Thros) and if anyone does it should be the Horde for instigating it.