Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

I still don’t get why it’d be some kind of win if Jaina didn’t personally kill civilians. She still sent the militant blood elf hate group after the Sunreavers and they did very much murder civilians. Jaina is responsible for those deaths even if she didn’t personally do it.


Ofcourse. Which is what I’m saying. Just because someone says it’s a strategic target when Civilians died, doesn’t mean it was ok. I’m actively agreeing with that point.

At best, Jaina is the Alliance version of Charles Manson. He didn’t actually kill anyone, he just sent people to do it.


It is hard to feel too bad about the Stormheim incident knowing she was trying to enslave basically angels and make them into zombie printers using the borrowed power of Helya of all people.

Even Sylvanas knew that not go down well with the general public, which is likely why she never used it as an excuse.

She absolutely did reference it as one of the hostile acts taken against the Horde though?

My bad, I confused killing their dragonhawks with killing their civilians lol.

Dragonhawks are civilians =D joking

Oh my gosh your Glamor looks soo good with Blood Elves Heritage Armor!!! EEEEEEeee!

I’m ssssooooo jelly… I remember when my Warlock could use a Verdant Sphere as soul stones! Ahhhh the pain of losss!!!
Dang that such a cool transmog… sigh, sadly Mage has never click with me… never been able to like its gameplay.
Oooooouuuh I hope Void Elves get a similar Xal’atath transmog like that of Keal’thas iconic Blood Mage look. Ugh nvm it probably be mage too lol :sweat_smile:

Anyway sorry to derail the topic, carry on very cool transmog! :clap::grin:

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Wait, you can see it? I swapped posting characters and spent half the week waiting for the new blood mage tassels to update and she’s still in her flower crown and great gaudy pauldrons on my end. Truly unjust. :crying_cat_face:

Meanwhile, we only have evidence of Rommath, Aethas, and the PC getting out of Dalaran.

Nowhere is it mentioned that there was an evacuation underway for the Sunreavers.

Claiming that we only have evidence of Rommath, Aethas and the PC getting out of Dalaran is objectively false; we help rescue multiple NPCS. And as for an evacuation underway for the Sunreavers? Vereesa ordering the Alliance PC to put to sleep and/or kill Sunreaver Dragonhawks would render this hard.

Yes and it looks AMAZING!!! I’m so jelly… in a good way! :laughing:

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Was Rommath ever even in Dalaran? I thought he hung out with the Quel’Danas magisters.

Yeah, he was a Kirin Tor archmage who rage quit the faction after it turned a blind eye during the Garithos incident.

I call him the Twilight Prophet, not because he nearly joined the cult in Cataclysm, but because between “the Kirin Tor’s neutrality will never last,” “Sylvanas will definitely betray us,” and “the Void is our biggest threat,” he’s three for three on major league predictions right now.

  1. Because she(like every other leader) isn’t responsible for actions of individuals who defied orders. Meaning, while she would have likely ordered anyone who resisted arrest to be killed(a gray area considering the chaos of the divine bell) she was likely not ordering Silver Covenant peeps to feed people to crocodiles/unnecessarily kill people.
  2. if we are to blame individuals directly acting on you behalf but not necessarily following your order then Aethas in particular would be guilty of negligence three times and Jaina would have just cause for her actions, considering the Sunreavers had betrayed Dalaran twice at that point.

She sent a militant hate group to round up people. She knew what would happen.

He didn’t give them orders to do it. They did it on their own behind his back.


She sent them to imprison the Sunreavers and kill only if neccesarily. Not kill unneccesarily.

He gave Songweaver the order to help Theramore, not betray it. Similarly, Jaina did not sent the Silver Covenant to try and feed people to crocolisk.

She literally sent people to kill the Sunreaver dragonhawks so they couldn’t leave the city she was exiling them from then sent the militant hate group after the people who were trapped in the city.

Jaina is 100% at fault for it.

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Aethas turn downed the demand for exile. So she imprisoned them.

We will see won’t we. July is only only a month and a half away.

Sure, Blizzard can retcon what happened, but what currently happened is 100% Jaina’s fault.

You send a militant hate group after a group of people who are trapped in a city then you are responsible for what happens.


Aethas was always implied to have a fault in all of this, that he knew ALOT more then he ever lead on(hence his whole “shift uncomfotably”). The only thing chronicles will do is finally confirm what he did(or rather didn’t) do.