Jaina doesn't actually kill civilians in the Purge/Teleport them the Violet Hold

Which is still not a faction war, in the same way that WoD wasn’t a faction war expansion*. At worst it made the orcs look bad because the WoD orcs were just alt-reality versions of our playable orcs. But the Arathi are, effectively, a different species altogether with a different society and culture. Even if the mainland Empire turned out to be monsterous that doesn’t make Stormwind or Quel’thalas look “bad” in the same way that people felt the Iron Horde made the orcs look bad.

*Exception for the stupidity that was Trashran.

PVE or PVP, the game has always been about red vs blue. This was not a problem until some guys came to the forums and said that the faction conflict is a problem, yeah, they just decided that.

They take it one step further to assure us that everything will be better if the faction conflict is cut away from the game, as if they would know what impact that would have on the game.

That is total crap.

Well, hasnt been shown that Dragonflight has been one of the most successful expansions of WoW?

While correlation isnt causation, this is also the xpac with least ammount of faction turmoil and things like cross faction guilds and pve content.

I think the majority of the playerbase is ready to move on from red vs blue to red and blue.

Playing the MoP remix gives some good perspective on how to do an expansion where you explore a new land but the game remembers it’s World of Warcraft and the faction conflict is still there and is still important. I respect that it can be a balancing act where if you go too far in one direction or another the game feels for lack of a better word, bad. BfA was too much faction conflict, Dragonflight wasn’t enough (for me anyway). MoP seemed to do the best job of any expansion in hitting that balance just right.


Nerds arguing about whether the goofy cartoon lion is morally superior to the horseshoe is a good indicator of player investment IMO. There’s something to be said for garnering fans in deep enough to do that.

Unfortunately, they wrote a war between those two factions that was so bad, so unutterably, hysterically bad, that overt criticism of the writing/writers took pride of place in the fandom. It’s no great surprise they washed their hands of faction war content after the sort of feedback they got (and continued to get) on BfA.


LMFAOOOOOOO!!! This actually made me crack up IRL XD

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And yet he is not doing anything about Jaina/was even working with her again in BfA.(he even invited her to his wedding)

So while he certainly thinks there were murders that happened during the purge, Jaina either 1) is no longer being blamed 2) he is not interested in trying to bring her to justice.

I would also point mages are not exactly civilians. Or more precisely they can be considered as much a part of the military army of the Sunreavers.

Cata: Makes sure to remind you every 5 minutes that the cycle of hate sucks, your hands are not clean, Garrosh might be the worst but someone like him arising was inevitable with the current state of affairs. Ties the current conflict in with the meta pandarien conflict very well even before the Vale gets desecrated.

BFA: “Wanna see me kill a bunch of waiters as fast as I can? Wheeeeeeeeeeeee warcrimes are awesome.”


No it hasn’t. Cause if that was the whole reason for the success of an expansion then why did Shadowlands suck that much? And depends who you ask, cause the Horde isn’t that excited about being written out of the story.

And I think you are still talking crap when you say that the “majority” cause you have nothing to base that statement on. I on the other hand can tell you that the majority of the players have enjoyed WoW the way it has always been.

Right? MoP would have been a good story for the most part. You had a good presentation of the situation seen from the perspective of your own faction. You did the right thing for YOUR faction. Good stuff. Then they gave in to this generic morality and declared Garrosh enemy no. 1 for everyone. Huge mistake in my opinion.

With BFA, it does not even matter. That was MoP 2 but they skipped the good presentation and went straight to villain-batting the Horde. But that’s when the Golden writing team took over.

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I think the only things about MoP I didn’t like were how long the Siege of Orgimmar went on for while they were busy half-finishing WoD and also, just as a personal point of contention, I felt Pandas were a little goofy. They actually managed to pull it off pretty well with giving them some underlying serious tones but at the end of the day I think adding Pandas as the “fantasy China” race tipped the scales too far into furry stuff.

Still, playing both factions in MoP is fun because I’m not a psycho who can’t tell the difference between video games and real life and don’t really get all up in my feelings when “my faction” does something or has something done to them.

So yeah I turn off WoW’s music and blast “Fortunate Son” super loud in the intro Alliance quest where you’re mowing down Horde from a gyrocopter.

It’s just really easy to manipulate people into us vs. them. We pretty much always take the bait unless we’re not of the mind to do so.


tbf the lead-in to BFA wasn’t terrible, its just that all of it was dropped immediately once the WOT started.

There was not an ounce of introspection about “oh hey maybe we f’d up a bit by gloating about Genn’s attack rather than giving him even a token punishment and sending diplomatic apologies and assurances that we’re not about to keep doing that” or the fact that the WoT only could have happened because Tyrande pulled all of her standing forces to attack a horde force lead by Baine of all people.

Nope. Sylvanas bad, Saurfang sad, Baine and Anduin impotent until midway through where they suddenly realize they have agency.

Yeah, I noticed that too. For one the Sylvanas in the cinematic and the one going “HORDE IS NOTHING” are so far apart they might be on different planets. But that’s what you get when you get a fangirl like Golden who can write if you tell her what to, but can’t create for crap. Well she’s gone now, so there’s something to look forward to.

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So i did the Purge on the Alliance side: She only teleport people EXCEPT if you pull guards from the Sunreaver’s Sanctuary when she walks nearby.
For those ones, she kills them without mercy.

We can add that Vereesa made it clear: This is a bloody day, (name), and this is bloody work.
If it’s not a slaughter against those who resisted under Jaina’s orders, i don’t know what it is.


When all is said and done, there are still many Sunreavers left in Dalaran today, yet only Rommath, Aethas, and the PC escaped at the end of the questline, which means that Jaina did not exterminate the Sunreavers, or there would be no Sunreavers left. :slight_smile:

Hmm… using your reasoning, seeing that Tyranda, Malfurion and Shandris left, and the PC escaped by the end, means that Horde didn’t exterminate Nelves, if Horde exterminated nelves then would be no nelves left.

Or it only applies when the blues does it?


Uhm, No, because we know for a fact that the Night Elves were evacuating civilians from the Burning (war table mission text).

Meanwhile, we only have evidence of Rommath, Aethas, and the PC getting out of Dalaran.

Nowhere is it mentioned that there was an evacuation underway for the Sunreavers.

So wouldn’t that mean that Alliance was successful in purging Sunreavers if Sunreavers didn’t have evacuation and only 3 characters got out? (actually there was more as they were able to even go to Isle of Thunder right after the purge).

But for the sake of argument, that is one strange reasoning you used.


No, because if JAINA (NOT THE ALLIANCE) was successful in purging the Sunreavers, there wouldn’t be Sunreavers in TWW chatting and chilling with the Silver Covenant in preparation for Neutral Silvermoon. :slight_smile:

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You spend half the Horde-side quests evacuating Sunreavers. You’re even sent to rescue the dragonhawks the Alliance PC trapped so they can evacuate. Silvermoon is teeming with evacuated Sunreavers by the time Rommath, Aethas, and the Horde PC return.