Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Oh I completely agree with that last sentiment. I think that this is an unfortunate outcome of writers being swapped out so frequently. The pace of the story, and the risks, keeps changing. There’s no cohesion anymore.


So, did you make this thread for your cope because your SF thread wasn’t agreeing with you?


Two wrongs don’t make a right. You’re really bad at this; you should stop. :disappointed:

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I just find it interesting that you can’t seem to hold Jaina responsible for the deaths of Sunreavers citizens since you know all those killed/murdered were done so by those under her authority. You’re fine with accepting Jaina as being authorized to do other things but not Vereesa’s actions.


I made this thread because I kept seeing Horde say Jaina was killing civilian in the Purge event. (which is just a lie and anyone who makes a toon in Remix can do so with less of the grind)

As for “coping” why would I care what other people say? Ultimately the SF have always been an echo chamber.

Anyway as I said in that forum we are two months away from Chronicles 4. Let see what happens at that point.

Jaina personally killed several Sunreavers, even on the Alliance side. You walk up as she’s calling for Mr. Sunreaver himself and she pulls up with an elemental that just kills everyone in the room except Aethas who she teleports away with.

Then you go with her subordinate to murder or imprison everyone and you are even told to cripple or kill their mounts so they can’t flee. To put things into perspective, that’s like going into a city and saying, “A fan of a sports team put a bomb on a car, hunt down everyone who supports that team, slash their tires and kill them if they don’t willingly go to prison.” They literally took ‘Guilty by Association’ and made it justification for murder and imprisonment.


she did kill civilians as does horde all the time alliance are not innocent if i was mainly alliance id be all cheering the killn of them but im horde so i am anti anything alliance alliance need to admit when they do bad things horde does which says more about the alliance than it does horde, horde knows when they cross the line and many are ok with it.


Sunreaver guards, not a civilian. Not to mention guards ready to attack her. Maybe don’t raise your weapons against the head of the nation you are in?

The order from jaina was imprison the Sunreavers. The only one we killed were those that resisted. As for that mount thing, if Aethas had agreed to Jaina’s ultimately his people could have left the city. He did not agree to it.

It does(Daelin and Arthas were those mentioned by Anduin). The difference so far is the Alliance has not followed multiple leaders off a damn cliff.

Agreed to what? She came in and didn’t offer anything, she froze him solid and teleported with him, effectively forcefully abducting him.

Also, those guards didn’t make any attempt to fight, they were just standing there then DEAD.


no one says guards were not being killed they were talking about the civilians

she well since she is alliance that would mean she violated the neutrality allowing all aggression against dalaran which no one would be ok with. and the horde wouldnt do what jaina did as dalaran like the other neutral areas like moonglade and druid areas were not targets of garrosh only alliance garrosh even killed one of his top generals for droppn a bomb on a druid site jaina purged out all neutrals in that city who were horde something not even garrosh did .

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Archmage Aethas Sunreaver says: You have it all wrong, Jaina. I did nothing.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: You looked the other way. You and your insubordinate kind are no longer welcome here.
Archmage Aethas Sunreaver says: This is OUR city too, Proudmoore.

When she said “no longer welcome here” it should have been Aethas queue to leave/get his people to leave. He did not. Instead he did not and refused to leave.

Why do Alliance players get so up in arms when the Alliance actually does something interesting?

Did you not see what they were doing to the Blood Elves in the sewers? Did you not read the dialogue?

Dalaran isn’t even Alliance, so I don’t know why you feel like you have to defend the horrible actions of a few High Elves and Jaina.


Because maybe it is, or more precisely is James Raynor level of pure and innocent. And maybe the Horde(at least until now) was the villains of the story. :astonished:

-implying the Alliance is on James Raynor’s level of being ‘pure’ and ‘innocent’
-also implying that Raynor is ‘pure’

With the logic you’re spouting Raynor is guilty as buck with an F for helping Arcturus rise to power as Emperor of the Terran Dominion, but that’s not the topic.

It does(Daelin and Arthas were those mentioned by Anduin). The difference so far is the Alliance has not followed multiple leaders off a damn cliff.

Multiple? Two, and both times there was a rebellion formed. Also, Anduin citing Arthas as a fault of the Alliance makes everything the Horde has done a drop in the water in comparison. He has more blood on his hands than Sylvanas and Garrosh combined.


“[After] Arriving in the Violet Citadel, Jaina slew High Sunreaver Magi and called [Aethas] out directly. Accusing him of treachery (an accusation Aethas claimed was false), Jaina ordered him to take his people and leave the city… After imprisoning Aethas within the Violet Citadel, Jaina and her water elementals took to patrolling the city streets, teleporting some Sunreaver citizens to the Violet Hold and attacking others - both with those that attempted to fight her and some civilians attempting to flee.”

This is according to wowpedia, proving Jaina’s guilt.


Why is it so bad for her to kill Sunreaver civilians? The Horde killed the civilians of Theramore, Kul Tiras and we burned a whole tree full of them. To me it made perfect sense for her to snap and kill a few people. Jaina was just being a bit morally grey is all.

That is the thing. He is only guilty of wanting a better government for the Terrans and to stop the Cofederacy. If he had know Megnsk plan from the start he would never have condoned it.

Anduin however is only half right. He didn’t know it was actually Ner’zhul who caused Arthas to turn the way he did. And thefore the Horde’s fault, again.

the alliance doesnt like to admit when they do wrong.


You do realize… Jaina was doing the same thing Garrosh was, right?

“You are no longer welcome in my city.” -Proceeds to imprison and murder based upon affiliation in this case, Sunreavers
“You are no longer welcome in my Horde.” -Proceeds to imprison and murder based upon affiliation in this case, Voljin supporters or non-greenies

Difference was, people like you see nothing wrong with what Jaina did, “Oh, they should have just gave up their home, no big deal! It’s only a little bit of imprisonment and death.”

Yeah, this is why people don’t like one-faction die-hards, they are denser than a tungsten block.


The difference is Garrosh did it because of his racist and superiority complex. Jaina did because the Horde just gave a WEAPON OF MASS DESTRUCTION to a GENOCIDAL MANIAC. And outright supports said maniac.

Jaina evacuated the citizens before the bomb was dropped. Us Horde helped evacuate civilians at Teldrassil. I wish we killed the civilians just to spice things up, but we didn’t lol.