Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Right? I was about to say, I just went though there a couple days ago and she’s war criming it up. I dunno, I feel like there should be lines a character can’t come back from to be one of the “good guys”.


play a troll listen to vol’jins dialogue shows voljin threatening to someday murder garrosh and you wonder why garrosh doesnt like vol’jin.

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Did he have a chance? I mean, she popped in, killed his guards before they could do anything and takes him away?

Like by not wanting to donate all their possessions to a hate group that’s actively on a rampage against you?

So, person going off incomplete info that’s tainted by double agents acting against the wishes of the Sunreavers who makes an unreasonable demands while wantonly killing off his people is someone who should be respected?


Jaina? Is that you?


You do realize that the Sunreavers weren’t even the people who gave them the bell, right? So all the people that were murdered and imprisoned weren’t even guilty of what they were being punished for, right?


She never did, I did the original event back in the day and I specifically attacked her during the event, She always teleported me to the Violet Citadel.

The so called “purge” has always been a meme, nothing more.

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And Jaina killed civilians attempting to flee.


That is the thing. He is only guilty of wanting a better government for the Terrans and to stop the Cofederacy. If he had know Megnsk plan from the start he would never have condoned it.

It should have been perfectly obvious to anyone with half of a brain that Mengsk wasn’t a benevolent figure and was just as much of an evil as the Confederacy if not even more. Any reasonable and good person should never hire Duke, especially as swiftly as he did. Any reasonable and good person would NEVER use the Psi Emitter even against the Confederacy.

Anduin however is only half right. He didn’t know it was actually Ner’zhul who caused Arthas to turn the way he did. And thefore the Horde’s fault, again.

Ah yes, Ner’zhul is the Horde’s fault because orc ignoring the fact that it was Kil’jaeden who twisted his spirit into the Lich King. No. Arthas CHOSE to purge Stratholme, he CHOSE to ignore the advice of just about every last one of the people closest to him to go to Northrend, he CHOSE to burn his ships and betray the mercenaries that fought for him and he CHOSE to lead the Scourge into destroying Lordaeron, Quel’thalas and Dalaran alongside the countless lives killed inbetween and after.

At no point was Arthas’s will ever explicitly robbed, at no point was he ever a mindless one like the ghouls or zombies in the Scourge.


how DARE You put the alliance God empress jaina in a bad light by pointing out thing she has done in the past that makes her look bad at all.


:dracthyr_lulmao: She could still gut me and I’d thank her.

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I’m all for Garrosh doing his thing, and Jaina doing her thing. However you gotta call a spade a spade no matter what faction you’re on or who you’re rooting for.


This would lead to more interesting story telling if they were “wrong” once and awhile. Instead they are always stuck being “right or good” which means they are left reacting to things at best. At the worst they always have to take the high road with forgiveness. looks at Night Elves

She was able to save a few but not all and I don’t remember helping civilians Horde side. I do remember doing it Alliance side. But besides that it is like me burning down your house then helping you and your family get out. I am still a terrible person that has committed a crime against you.

Finally! someone who can confirm people have been lying though their teeth.

Doing the Alliance quests, it made me realize… Varian was the only sane leader they had. Everyone else was having wild moodswings (Jaina), was a bloodthirsty lunatic (Tyrande), or didn’t exist, Gnome existed just to get blown up and turned into an Iron Man cosplay, Greymane at least had reasons to be angry but now he’s just sad pathetic old man, dwarves are… Somewhere.

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oh no we couldnt have our sweet innocent Jaina do such a thing. uggh cant stand her lol.


teldrassil was justified. it was full of alliance civilians and soldiers.


Okay, so you’re just not going to read any sources referenced and have formed your own opinion. That’s fine, but you’re incorrect. I don’t think this thread can go anywhere if you aren’t willing to change your mind when presented with sources.


Finally! someone who can confirm people have been lying though their teeth.

To claim he’s wrong would be incorrect because he’s not even on the point to be incorrect. The Player Character is not a Sunreaver civilian.


Yeah during the event we carried civilians out their homes in Darnassus. I wish we would of killed them because it would of been a shocking moment in Warcraft history. But I think blizz thought that went too far, and Sylvanas burning down the tree was enough.

Didn’t we beat this poor horse enough when MoP was current?