Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

He still used it after getting it second. Didn’t change a thing except adding more steps in the middle where it caused the whole Dalaran thing. If the Night elves didn’t take it, Dalaran would have remained neutral and the end result with the bell would be the same.

If they did things in a different order, they could have stopped him from using the bell entirely and prevented the Dalaran incident.

Sounds like a plan, let’s do it!

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The thing is if she had gone after the leaders of the Horde there would be no problem.

Your saying it isn’t a policing force; but it is? Or it wasn’t; but it is from WotLK onwards?

Your approval or critique of their effectiveness is irrelevant to the fact that they house and store magical artifacts. Some for research and some because of extreme danger to the world at large.

Can you show me where the Sunreavers equate to half the Kirin Tor? Both Sunreavers and Silver Covenant are sub factions and there were Kirin Tor that were neither faction.

Lastly saying the Sunreavers could have been bigger A-holes is not an argumet. It’s litte better than head cannon.

The fact that they had members of ther faction providing material support to Garrosh and failed twice to expunged those who were the perpetrators meant they couldn’t be allowed access to Dalaran.


If the night elves didn’t take it he would have found it sooner, sooner then Anduin could have found the hammer, and used it to cause unspeakable horrors. Finding the bell gave the Alliance time to actually find a solution.

Adding note to this, how was the Alliance champion suppose to steal the wine? Garrosh was right next to the wine and he would have crushed the Alliance player if they tried to take it.

Or… Instead of going in, excavating the area, killing all the guardians… They could have just left it collapsed so it would have taken time for them to get in there? Maybe wait for them to go in and then… Collapse the tunnels on them? If they knew where it was, they could have done a million different things to achieve a better outcome.

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Alliance gets tiny bits of fist pump moments and horde loses its mind. News at 11

Whether she kills then or not, she ordered others to do so. She is accountable. I even like Jaina, but I am not going to ignore this part of her writing like some players will.


That would of been pretty cool to see actually, I think I would of liked that kind of story better.

They could slap Baine on the backside and cause a distraction. It worked for stealing the journal right from under Garrosh’s nose in the previous quest.

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The neutrality that Jaina had already broken by using the resources of Dalaran to secure that WMD in the capital of the historically most xenophobic and aggressive group in the Alliance?

She wasn’t the dictator of Dalaran to make up her own rules that she can break at will.

Why? A hostile military fortification that had been evacuated got taken out, if she didn’t want to FO she shouldn’t have FA.


And there could have been a million different ways that could have failed and Garrosh could have gotten to the bell sooner.

Except it wasn’t hostile at the time(there was a truce) the issue was never the Horde attacking it because it threatened them. The issue was the Horde attacked Theramore even though it was NOT threatening them at the time.

The purge proved to be a bloody affair. Though compliant Sunreavers were imprisoned, many proved defiant in the face of exile from Dalaran and took up arms against Jaina, the Alliance forces, and the Silver Covenant, while some Silver Covenant opportunists took the chance to rob, attack, and otherwise harass the civilians of their political rivals.


“No, Your Honor. I didn’t kill the victim; the assassin I hired did. I’m innocent!”


All this says is wow writers just want to keep loyal Alliance players happy with the notion their faction is pure and innoncent. :scream_cat:


Fixed for you.

Because maybe it is, or more precisely is James Raynor level of pure and innocent. And maybe the Horde(at least until now) was the villains of the story. :astonished:

All that says is that the Alliance have worse storylines.

Like Game of Thrones, I prefer stories with some teeth that have high stakes and aren’t afraid of killing off characters.

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so by your logic the alliance are terrorist supporters?

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I don’t see the Alliance giving weapons of mass destruction to someone intent on causing Genocide.

I get that although Varian is dead, but he’s just one.
I think it’s more perspective on who gets written worse. I think both factions have their fair share of unhappy players who want things to be written differently.

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well since the alliance supported the horde against garrosh and are buddy buddy with horde and the alliance did mass genocide in the past against many other sentient non playable races i mean …