Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Blizz has a different approach to Alliance committing war crimes for sure.


By this logic then Aethas should be blame for the bell as well, and the actions of his underlings should be blame on him. So again, the entire divine bell incident in the fault of the Horde.

Aethas should have been the one she went after, not citizens.


Hahaha! Thatā€™s so true lol

She did. The issue was she couldnā€™t tell who else was in cahoots with the Horde and she couldnā€™t let another weapon of mass destruction fall into Horde hands.

If the Sunreavers should blame anyone, it should be the Horde who followed Garrosh and turned them into scapegoats for his war. Oh, wait, isnā€™t that the Horde players?


Who found the bell, acquired it, then secured it within one of their capital cities? Iā€™m pretty sure the Alliance did.

Now, imagine you are in a war scenario and you know your enemy just acquired something that could possibly be used as a powerful weapon, and they had it hidden away someplace. Of course, first expectation is they are trying to keep it from you, the next expectation is that they may be planning to use it against you. The logical course when dealing with a powerful macguffin is to be the one that has it, so technically, by finding it and bringing it to their city, the Alliance started it.


Lol, Iā€™m sure she knew that the shopkeepers and families werenā€™t in on it. She just didnā€™t care. She was the perfect mate for Arthas.


Except the entire Alliance agreed before hand NOT to use Sha based weapons. The Horde on the other hand were using it.

And the reason the Alliance was trying to get the bell was to make sure the Horde did not use it because the Horde was searching for it. So again, the Horde started it.

Irrelevant, the Horde isnā€™t privy to the Alliance decisions, the mindset still remains the same.

The fool-proof solution was to find it and destroy it, not find it and take it but they couldnā€™t do that or else there would have been no incident.


But you see itā€™s different if the Alliance has it because they do no wrong, and when they do, itā€™s either changed, denied and not punished. Just completely ignored.


Iā€™m really not seeing the logic in refusing to hold people accountable who committed crimes. How about all the npcs be held equally accountable?
It seems there is no real justice in World of Warcraft and as loyalists to our factions I feel weā€™re being manipulated.
lol :joy_cat:


This is why Goblins are great at what they do (not that it is a ā€œgreatā€ good thing, but the chaos they unleash is at great levels). Many (lore wise and players) often forgot and overlooked (figuratively and literally) goblins had a very big role in the production and creation of the manabomb along side the Sunreavers. As well laying down heavy artillery fire from both sea and air on Theramor / Therenomore.


You do realize that was what the Alliance was trying to do?

Then by this logic we should have Aethasā€™, Sylvanas, Lotherā€™mar, Rokhan and Baine head for their part in the war.

Yes, I did the campaign on an Alliance character but they did things the wrong way to get the ā€˜only good guyā€™ resolution. Instead of getting the means to destroy it first, they got the bell first. Garrosh and Crew likely would have never found it if the Alliance Champion simply stole the memory wine to buy time for them to find the means to destroy it before going after it.

Garrosh didnā€™t need to search for it if all of the sudden thereā€™s word that the Night Elves got something big stashed in their city all of the sudden.

Letā€™s do it! For the Horde! Iā€¦ I mean Azeroth!

The Alliance couldnā€™t steal the wine/the Horde would have just made more.

Because if they didnā€™t Garrosh would have gotten it first and used it.

While we at it then we should probably have at least half the Horde population in chains. A fair price if Jaina has to fall.

There are no factions now. Weā€™re all making love and holding hands while punching primal dragons.

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You can try, come at us bro! :joy:

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Yes, yes, Zerde. Of course the Alliance is always completely innocent and never to blame.
pats Zerde on on the shoulder There, there.


And you can try coming for Jaina and we can see how that ends.

I mean so far our leaders are alive and Varian died heroically. Which is more then I can say for the last two Horde warchiefs.