Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Yeah I’d be VERY surprised to be wrong. Not saying it couldn’t be a cool storyline, but I don’t see it happening in world soul saga. So that’s 6+ more years minimum. By then it will have been over 10 years irl since the raid on their capital.

She was going to offer the use of the fleet for help from Sylvanas.

Even in the most softest reading of it, even if she didn’t want to join Sylvanas killing people, she was still willing to give Sylvanas her fleet to continue her war. At best she is still an accessory to a world war.

Talanji was already planning on meeting with the Horde. Again, presumably to offer her fleet in exchange for aid and she wasn’t going to stop. So, there wasn’t much choice but to capture her and prevent any deals from happening.

The issue is that only HORDE characters actually get punished for the bad decisions they make. If said character happens to be a pretty blue eyed, blonde haired powerful mage AND alliance?

She conviently gets to be forgiven because she was super sad that one time


Would you care to read here the quest line and let me know what does exactly he say?

What’s worse - I fear that some villagers are being held against their will. If you find them, , let them know that it is time to come home.

wow. How did it changes when you say “convince them to come home” to “let them know it is time to come home”.

Why did he had to ask for help, if he the friendly alliance were just buddying with them?

Yeah, it is forced labor, gulag, enslavement. Call it what you want. They were hold against their will and couldn’t leave without our help.

When you comparing by saying that the Horde was actively enslaving pandaren in the other side of Jade forest, you’re saying that you’re not as bad as the group that followed Garrosh’s order to the letter. That is, the final villain of the expansion.

When we look alone at the alliance’s actions, they’re bad enough.

he was only able to do that because he interfered with the war, thus involving the Kirin Tor in the conflict.

The council meets to discuss important issues and vote on matters — no single member holds sway, and the majority vote decides every issue. In case of a tie, the members reconvene a day later, during which interval each member considers his or her vote and all relevant information

Looks like again, you’re out of your league in this conversation, just like all the others you try to engage troll.


With this kind of diplomacy, how could they not be pleased?

And that only Alliance characters get the multi-faceted treatment too


I like how the alliance peer into one possibility and strike first.
They were the good guys, because they prevented the horde from taking the advantage of the fleet that wasn’t offered to them yet.

Mass murderer is always justified by the blue side.

Just like the Goblins in Cataclysm, uh?

Is it too painful to admit that the alliance is bad as well?
You don’t need to be though for this.

We’ll take care of you.
We’re here for you.


See, according to some people, there is no Horde Problem if you simply massacre the problem before it becomes one thus ensuring that very thing comes to pass anyway

Don’t ask me why people actually enjoy that dumb 4th grade level sense of military tactics, but…people clearly eat it up.


If being attractive were the only qualification for storytelling leniency then Sylvanas wouldn’t be serving her penance in the Maw right now.

The only two characters I can think of off the top of my head who were narratively punished by others for making evil decisions were Garrosh and Sylvanas. (And Arthas if you want to include him but I won’t because his evil turn predates WoW). I’ll grant you, those are both Horde leaders. But it’s a small enough sample size that I’m not willing to call it a trend.

I wouldn’t even say that the Alliance has no champions with questionable morality. Tyrande has been ruthless ever since her introduction in Warcraft 3. I don’t know that Greymane is capable of any thought that doesn’t involve vengeance. Both of these characters have had bad things happen to them as a result of their flaws. (Though they did get a chance at redemption as well I’ll grant.) And between you and me, I’d keep an eye on Valera and Turalyon in the coming story arcs.

It’s not like the Horde is short of unambiguously good characters either. Baine and Thrall spring to mind as obvious examples. Both of whom have had episodes where they did something bad and were forgiven for it later.

Why did they even catch her to begin with lol
Imprisoning royalty is basically asking for war


We will know soon enough wont we. Again 1 1/2 month to see how Chronicles tells the tale of two faction war.

But Sylvanas wasn’t a blonde haired, blue eyed Alliance waifu like Jaina and Vereesa.

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that is very racist towards those with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Great, go write a strongly worded memo to blizz about it than

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no because knowing they are mostly Californians they would agree with you and their Californians so it’s not worth the effort.

You do realize it was blizz who continuesly favors Jaina right?

But don’t worry, she’s super sad about murdering people, so it’s okay


I mean, we kill Arthas, Garithos, that one fellow in charge of the Taurajo blunder whose name escapes me, Terenas Menethil gets stabbed by a corrupted Arthas if you consider that sort of punishment for the Orc gladiator arenas, etc.

The problem I have with the writing is that, as pointed out; the Horde is basically the Joker at this point, how many cities do you nuke and annihilate before it’s just morally acceptable to end someone? How many attempts at world domination in self interest? How much slavery and blood sport? (Ogres are also part of the Horde and much like the Mogu delight in slavery and blood sports almost universally, Blood Elves also ran a sweatshop of Leper Gnomes and enslaved a Naaru and tortured it)

It is an almost universal principle in just about any culture that sitting by and letting evil or unnecessary harm happen is just as morally frowned upon as committing the evil oneself IF they can stop said evil.

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Like the alliance enslaving pandas, keeping Orcs in concentration camps (not sure if we had numbers), others using Orcs to fight in Gladiator’s arenas?

If you mean the Stonemaul Clan in Brackenwall village, yes, and the Dunemaul Clan from Tanaris.

The Ogres in Dire Maul are not part of the Horde.

Bullcrap. As far as we know they are all legit employees, if you have anything to prove they are not, then present it.

We’re past that, it was M’uru destiny to go through that and he accepted it. They were wrong by doing it and they have learned from their mistakes.

Like when the alliance sets out mission to kill Horde members?
Like when the alliance raids another kingdom that has NOT made any THREATS to them only because they didn’t want them to side with the Horde?
Like the Kirin Tor watching Jaina and the Silver Covenant murdering horrified civilian elves… shopkeepers??? What about the “alliance hero” that not only watched but ASSISTED?

When we put out these points it all comes down to “but the Horde did worse” and that is the left exit the alliance takes out of the debate, so they doesn’t sound bad in the public opinion.


When was this? If we’re talking Zandalar, see my point above about MoP and attempting world domination with the Mogu.


Under the influence of a Sha, so…sort of a moot point?

Considering the alternative, do we REALLY wanna complain about that one? I mean the alternative was let them starve or mercy kill them, which someone like Greymane voted to do in the first place.

I’ll admit, this is a legitimate point, and likely why Jaina says in BFA that they all have blood on their hands.

Has as much backing it up as your theory.

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