Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Well, since she can apparently attack and imprison other members of the council on her own power, maybe that had something to do with it?


The council meets to discuss important issues and vote on matters — no single member holds sway, and the majority vote decides every issue. In case of a tie, the members reconvene a day later, during which interval each member considers his or her vote and all relevant information

Kind of sounds like one.


Then you sort of remember wrong then? The quest giver says: “Convince them to come home”. Again, the Horde side that makes it into the game makes it seem less that they are at least initially held captive and more they agreed to work, realized they were building a war citadel, and objected after the fact + the Sha corruption.

Even the freed indentured Pandaren don’t make too much fuss over it except for remarking they’re thirsty and didn’t sign up to build a warbase.

and aethas was part of the council in mop so jaina getting him kicked out with anyone against it by proxy being admiting to being a traitor of corse they wouldnt be against her specially after what she tried to do post bombing of theramoore.

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Maybe the rest of the council should have been in the city. As far as we know Modera supported her. Also this is from Warlords of Draenor:

Lady Jaina Proudmoore says: I heard you’ve been also working with the Horde. The rest of the Council of Six wouldn’t approve. I don’t.
Archmage Khadgar says: It’s not the first time I’ve disagreed with the council and it won’t be the last.

Seems like the rest of the council sans Khadgar approved.

I would also point out that anyone who was not a mage does not get any political power. Dalaran is not a democracy by any means.

Did the Council meet to approve Dalaran’s entrance into the Alliance and the Second War?

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No they didn’t. Seems like the leader of the Kirin Tor does have special political powers.

Or Jaina just decided she was the voice of the council and what she said goes.


Knowing what we know of TWW its is probably best Jaina did leave considering what does happen to Dalaran.

Uhm, you are aware that she was made Head of the Kirin Tor by Rhonin before his death, Yes? She literally out-ranked all of them.


Jaina apologist she still participated in the war attack on zandalar so shes not clean of any blood. Waiting for talanji to get her revenge.


Let’s not forget, Zandalar tries world domination in MoP
 and seeks allies in the Mogu, a former empire built on the entire slavery of a native race? sort of a bad call to fling mud no?

And Talanji doesn’t want to start another war exactly BECAUSE her setting out with Zul against her father’s direct decree as KING of Zandalar caused the first fiasco in the first place.

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Maybe Talanji shouldn’t have promised her fleet to a genocidal mad woman planning on having as many people killed. I don’t know food for thought :man_shrugging:

Seriously, where is this silly headcanon that Dalaran is a free democracy coming from?

Dalaran is a MAGOCRACY. It absolutely does have an absolute ruler, who is a Mage, hence the term “MAGOCRACY”.

Before his death, Rhonin was the ruler of Dalaran. After his death, Jaina succeeded him. So, as the supreme ruler of Dalaran, Jaina was in her legal rights to arrest the Sunreavers and bring Dalaran into the Alliance.

Antonidas did the same thing during the Second War. He alone decided to bring Dalaran into the Alliance. All facts.

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You’ll have better luck waiting for Gnomeregan to open up as a full city in game I think. But also I don’t think she could do it without starting another war


so never? ok.

That was Zul and even the zandalari that where with zul thought having slaves was a weak move. The zandalari didnt like him or his failed attempt in mop. It was very clear of u talked to the npc in zandalar

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Maybe Talanji shouldn’t have promised her fleet to a genocidal mad woman planning on having as many people killed. I don’t know food for thought

Did Talanji offer the aid of the Golden Fleet with Sylvanas’s genocidal plans in mind? Did she expressively want to join in on Sylvanas killing people? Or was it about the Horde simply giving its aid towards the Zandalari, whilst the Alliance did not? Perhaps if the Alliance didn’t want the Zandalari in the war, they shouldn’t have imprisoned her unjustifiably. I don’t know, food for thought.


all of the zul things was answered and addressed in the zandalar story in zuldezar if he and the other alliance dont know that they didnt do the horde story or skiped over everthing and alot of their comments about innocent jaina is contradicted by jaina herself in the alliance storyline which ends in her becoming the leader of kul’tiras. im surprised they dont know that side either.

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I think this is a good summation.

Was Jania justified in responding to the Sunreavers breaking Dalaran’s neutrality by helping the Horde steal the Divine Bell? Yes. 100%.

Was her response over broad and over extreme? Also yes.

There were no good guys in this story. The whole point of the MoP storyline is that every act of aggression demands retaliation and every retaliation is itself a new act of aggression. The faction war continues due to the active involvement of both parties. Just as the purge of Dalaran resulted from the active involvement of both parties.

Jania was in a compromised emotional position after repeatedly having her worldview tested and broken. She personally sacrificed A LOT to broker something resembling a truce between the Alliance and Horde. It’s no wonder that a betrayal in her own backyard to undermine all of that would cause her patience to snap.

That’s not to excuse her response, she took it too far. But it wasn’t unprompted and makes complete sense given the context. Characters are allowed to be multi-faceted and to make bad decisions. We don’t need to declare one side good and the other evil in every story.

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