Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

I mean, it’s still a wordless scene down there.

And using your logic, even if they are, isn’t that better for them than staying in gnomergon waiting for the alliance to go in and wipe them out?

To be fair, they actively went, found, and enslaved leper Gnomes in this case, it’s not like the orcs where they were just stuck with a few camps full of Orcs to feed and care for and no economical alternative.

Prove it.

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That’s not proof of your very specific scenario you claim happen.


Look where Leper Gnomes come from and where you admitted yourself they come from: Gnomeregan. Now consider that the Gnomes are being FORCED to labor. It’s hard to deny that this is not only slavery but also kidnapping as well.

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Don’t have to stay there though.

It’s a sweatshop sure. Doesn’t necessarily equal slavery, could just be really bad working conditions.

And you still don’t have anything backing up your claim they were kidnapped.

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Never thought be seeing someone who was pro Indentured Servitude in this lifetime.

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More tired of people taking basically set dressing with no lore behind it and making up elaborate stories that they mistake as canon.


There are four sources stating it’s a slave sweatshop. The shop owner’s page, the page for his Succubus, the Leper Gnome Laborer entry, and Mathias Shaw in a book:

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Those aren’t sources. Those are rando wiki editor commentary.

And Shaw can be taken as a biased observer, but you probably should have led with that since it’s actual lore.


So that is a justification.
Well, we can justify all of Garrosh’s actions in Pandaria for being manipulated by Wrathion into going in an all out war against the alliance then. Does that makes up for what he did? no.

They are being forced by Sirigna’no to work. One is seen crying in a cage, and two are sleeping.

This is a stretch, this wiki is biased, for all we know they’re working and the Succubus is just overseeing their work.
If they were slaves they would’ve been cuffed and they wouldn’t be sleeping.

Also the wiki itself has no source for that description. That’s literally slander from alliance.

There are no sources for that description. They’re assuming it is like that, but in reality, it isn’t.

None of these pages have RESOURCES which confirm that.
There are no dialogs. There are no in-game quests related which tells it is slavery.

Where exactly and what does it say?