Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

What? The Alliance was NOT going to use it. You know why? Because Varian declared it illegal to use.


Anduin Wrynn says: It is true, it may be possible to someday harness the sha into a weapon. But we risk destroying our own people in the process. That is not a price I am willing to pay.
King Varian Wrynn says: Well said, my son.
King Varian Wrynn says: This power is too dangerous. I will have none of it!

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It is super normal in democracies to have the government go around and arrest everyone and kill those that refuse to be arrested.

Totally justified, according to Zerde.


one problem those were justifed via being alliance enemies. dalaran is differnt because it is neutral allowing either side to go through horde didnt attack alliance in dalaran, the alliance and jaina did. heck even garrosh was angry about that break of neutral area heck he killed one of his high rankers in stone talon for the very type of thing jaina did, destroying a neutral area for training. theramore alliance will claim is neutral when we all know that has never been the fact. jaina even admits to this being stuff in bfa so try at least to know the story post mop.


Sky Admiral Rogers says: Your Highness, we should study it. Weaponize it! The Horde already outnumber us here on Pandaria. We need to gain every possible advantage.
Brann Bronzebeard says: It couldn’t hurt to study it. ‘Tho I don’t much care for the way it’s lookin’ at me.
Tinkmaster Overspark says: Yes, yes! Very interesting! Perhaps I could distill it into a new power source?
Sky Admiral Rogers says: Garrosh is using every weapon he can lay his hands on. Shouldn’t we level the playing field?

Selectively quoting eh?


Since no one in the Alliance ever does anything against what the Wrynn says to attack the horde.


im ok with alliance doing evil stuff to horde they just need to admit when they do it and stop trying to act like it didnt happen. horde does even to alliance all the time and admits it.


Did Varian also said to enslave Pandarian children in Jade Forest or was that another rogue action from the alliance?

  1. Dalaran is NOT a democracy, 2) it is called suspension of habeas corpus which can happen in cases of Rebellion/insurrection. Giving a WMD to a hostile foreign power counts under that.

1 dalaran is a mageacrocy ruled by 6 with one who leads them but not with absolute authority jaina was a tyrant and broke many taboos in her time as a mage in dalaran.

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And collective punishment is a war crime too.


The players are unable to do. Some of them.
It would hurt them physically, it seems.

God you’re really doubling down on justifying this.


even jaina admits to her wrongs in bfa alliance story.


Shopkeepers, people that weren’t involved.
Murdered, on cold blood.


We’re like in dozening down territory here


To be fair, it’s clear that from “indentured servant” and most of the quest dialogue in the Horde side of the quest, the Alliance didn’t start out by actively enslaving them. Alliance side however makes it VERY clear the children were taken as a hostage situation and enslaved.

Most of MoP is grey and honestly much better writing than BFA’s “Morally grey” could ever hope to be on those grounds, but when it comes to being the heel
Horde sort of does edge out the Alliance on that basis.

Horde is basically WoW’s Joker to the Alliance’s Batman, and after about the what number mass extinction war crime are we on by Horde again? it’s kinda obvious that killing a few or in Joker’s case ONE person would save so many many more lives.

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And yet the 6 never once decided to recind Jaina’s edict until Legion forced them to do so.

I remember exactly freeing them, not by myself but upon the request of a pandaren.
That they were taken by force.

And when you try to release then, even the neutral workers attack you.

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I just did the exact same quest chain as Horde (as I did when it was current) and yes, she does in fact, kill anyone who refuses to surrender. It’s a bit random, since it’s a scripted scenario and maybe you just didnt see it in your instance of it, but I definitely did.

The whole POINT of some of the pieces of the war during Pandaria was the unraveling of Jaina. Jaina didnt become for lack of a better term, “whole” again until the end of BofA.


Why would them, tho?
So she would kill them as well?

She snapped.


jaina didnt get full support of the council only most of them and mostly by the mere threat of what she may do aethas was also part of the council so anyone defending him like madara a human female mage was against what jaina planned. jaina ruled as a tyrant in dalaran if it wasnt for khad’gar azeroth wouldl be doomed thanks to her not wanting the horde back in during legion also jaina in the bfa story admited to the crimes including killn the alliance did in mop and more its one of the reasons the sunreavers during BFA are so anti alliance they saw what jaina did with her alliance allies in dalaran she overthrew all oposition she isnt good she did murder civilians she even admited to such things you saying she didnt shows you dont know the lore or you are outright rejecting these things which shows this entire conversation is just you trying to gaslight horde.