Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Really? REALLY? You’re gonna go with "A quest did a funny, so that means despite it working like that before scaling, all the stuff that confirms it later, the fact she’s all “Why are you making me do this to you!?” she’s just using tickle spells?


I would love to get the source of this quote. Please provide it so I can stand corrected.

The Kirin Tor sent resources to aid the alliance in defending Theramore, that is, used even blood elves for that matter.

Was the Kirin Tor and thus Jaina using Kirin Tor resources in favor of the alliance in the War fine but when the Horde does it is the reason for mass murdering the Sunreavers?

Should’ve the sunreavers started purging the Silver Covenant with cold blood and other Kirin Tor for aiding the alliance in Theramore? (I mean, Rhonin got what he deserved for interfering tho).

She still kills, not as often as she used to what we saw in all the videos pre-shadowlands level squish, which affected scale of damage.


Again it shows that even fireball spells can be non-lethal. Now, why don’t you prove to me Jaina was trying to kill the civilians hmm? Even the most damning lore we have is her stating she would arrest anyone who surrendered and only those who refuse would have no gurantee of safety. Which is fairly reasonable considering a WMD was just stolen.

  1. Even Aethas approved of it. They were in favor of NO WAR and thus they were only there as a DEFENSIVE guard. The Sunreavers were using the resources to PROMOTE WAR.

Why should I when you keep denying the actual shown proof and keep showing you’re willing to lie about what sources say to push your headcanon?


I showed you proof after proof that Jaina wasn’t going on some massacre. And even the most damning lore we have states her goal was to arrest. Not kill and at worse the only one would be in danger of being killed are those who resisted arrest.

Well, as far as I see, the party that went to Darnassus steal the Bell didn’t kill anyone.
Didn’t damage any structure.

And the bell caused no casualties to the alliance.

One could say it was a measure to prevent the alliance from using it to kill horde. Looks like DEFENSIVE measure to me.

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You came with a thesis that “it got fixed” and we have shown you that it happened due to the level squish of Shadowlands, and prior to that she was on a rampage on the elves.

If it is too hard for you to accept and move on, find someone who you can talk to. That might help


He was right there at the portal as it was being stolen, with Garrosh threatening to turn Silvermoon into the next Theramore. Aethas basically made a decision: “I COULD have Garrosh follow up on that threat to nuke us into oblivion OR I can throw myself on Jaina and the Alliance’s mercy.”. The problem is Jaina was OUT of mercy after Theramore and the Blood Elves of the Sunreavers giving Garrosh and the Horde the Mini-manabomb materials.


Because the Alliance destroyed it before it could be used to kill anyone. That someone managed to defuse a stolen nuke doesn’t make the act of stealing one any less egregious.

I am not curious what Chronicles 4 will stay of this entire mess.

Tasers and pepper spray are also non lethal. Does that make it okay for a cop to use those on someone with an arrest warrant if said person isn’t attacking or posing any physical threat?


Your video backs up that they did not think it was a bug that she killed sunreavers, but post squash her continued attacks on civilians didn’t kill them before the teleports go off anymore.


Yes if they were resisting arrest. Presumably she is going out and hitting them because she could not teleport them yet.

I literally showed you a video from 11 YEARS AGO, when Mists itself was current. and it shows that Jaina does teleport them.

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alliance are allowed to break all the rules and be evil and murderous however if you call that out about the characters. alliance players will call you a liar and make up a bunch of bs that isnt even true even after devs say so multiple times, but hey only horde can be evil only horde can be wrong .


Because nothing says restraint like wandering the streets yelling these not at all problematic things

Be silenced, Sunreaver!
The Kirin Tor will not tolerate insurrection.
You brought this on yourselves, Sunreavers.
You had your chance to run.
Dalaran is a better place without your kind.
Did you think your actions would have no consequence?
You chose your warchief over the Kirin Tor.


Arresting someone doesn’t involve attacking the person first then taking them to jail.


No one says that she doesn’t teleport any of them. But your video doesn’t show Jaina long enough to say she doesn’t attack any. Player there runs off pretty quickly leaving her behind.

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I was there, the alliance didn’t destroy anything. Anduin showed there to talk to Garrosh, and it wasn’t going well for Garrosh either.

A Nuke that the alliance stole to use hmmm.

Again, the good doers can do whatever they want and get away with it.

Sure, everything is justifiable to you.

You have shown a video from an alliance player killing the elves in front of Jaina. If you would just let Jaina attack them you would see that she kills them.

Again, you are holding so tight to this that I’m starting to be concerned for your well being.
Denialism is unhealthy.


dalaran is super neutral thats why alliance soldiers are helping get rid of an entire political wing of dalaran.


The Alliance has been “Evil” before… but it usually resolves itself: Arthas going LK, Garithos and subsequent murder, Taurajo, etc.

Horde however has many many instances of supporting egregious acts, many of them unprovoked on civilian populaces not actively involved in the conflict. It can’t really be argued that if the Alliance ever wanted to annihilate Orgrimmar, they sort of have a moral high ground to do so after so many war atrocities?

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Yeah you’re just making my point for me then? If you think Aethas has more responsibility for the purge than Jaina because he got threatened with genocide(That nearly happened to his people recently anyway) and didn’t say anything then lol. Again Aethas has some level of responsibility for what happened. But he’s not “mostly responsible”. Doing or not doing something under threat of mass murder is definitely something that lowers your personal responsibility.