Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Except Jaina made the rules and her rules were NO ONE should transport contraband in her city. The Sunreavers broke that rule and got punished.


Pretty sure its just the fact dalaran was used. Youd make more sense if it was some other nuetral city that didnt have a leader say no to. The leader of dalaran said no. Those elves ignored the ruling.


I was just thinking we needed another thread about Jaina and the Sunreavers…

No I wasn’t. How about we just stop stirring this pot and let it drop.


Were they? What was her specific decree? They didn’t break Dalaran’s neutrality. They didn’t get Dalaran involved in the war. Her actions were that of a tyrant, not the leader of a council.

She didn’t say to not bring the bell through the city, she didn’t know about it. If she did, her letting the Alliance forces know about it wouldn’t violate neutrality either.

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Having Horde steal the bell and bring it Dalaran is violating the neutrality. Having use Dalaran resources to steal it is a violation. The decree was an absolute no involvement.


She actually will rescue civilian elves from the player if she wanders into one of your ramapages.

Now Vereesa, on the other hand. Is a troubled young elf.


They should make an in game event about this, then we fight this out in game with a good story behind it!

By your description, U.S. citizens going to Europe to fight on either side of WW1 would have broken the U.S.'s neutrality at the time, it didn’t. Neither did the U.S. transporting weapons for the British. By your description the WW2 Germans hiding contraband in Switzerland would have violated Swiss neutrality. It didn’t.

The war in warcraft still thrives on the forums.


This is Jaina’s decision to make. And yes, she declared all citizens to not be allowed to take part in this war. The Sunreavers, an organization decided to do so/turned a blind eye to their members doing so and so got arrested for it.

Even if she had the right to punish the perpetrators, those would be the only people she could punish. She punished all the Blood Elves in the city. Again, those who were uninvolved (which was the vast majority of them) have the right to call for her head. You should be all for it. The Alliance stands for justice, right?


Lol Jaina glitched. It wasn’t a glitch it was something Blizz had her do that they changed Alliance side after an uproar. Because she did go after and kill civilians that had nothing to do with the bell. Even shopkeepers.



I for one am excited to discuss this subject for the millionth and first time, and am confident that something new will come to light. This time for sure!


The issue was she couldn’t find out who is or isn’t guilty without potentially more of Dalaran many many magical items being stolen/have more Horde shinanigans.

As soon as we get every Horde who participated in Both the Fourth War and Theramore’s destruction to justice. Which incidentally would include Lother’mar for supporting Garrosh initially in his push to attack Theramore.

hate to tell you this but that was on jaina for the bait she took


Vereesa was under Jaina’s authority. Even if it’s actually a fact that Jaina didn’t kill anyone with her magic she holds the responsibility for any Blood Elves that were killed during that whole thing.
There’s no denying Jaina feels responsible.


She also doesn’t have the right to decide the morals or motivations of the citizens of Dalaran. They are allowed to act as individuals, if not then Dalaran is under a tyrannical rule and deserved to be undermined anyway.

And such a great leader she was that when Dalaran led the defense of the world against the Legion she threw a fit and ran away over them recruiting forces from the Horde to stop the END OF THE WORLD.


Considering the Sunreavers betrayed Dalaran, AGAIN she was right to leave Dalaran.

Actually she does have the right to make laws citizens follow. If say someone in the US were to give its many enemies access to a nuke, you know they would be branded as traitors.

Likewise, Aethas feels responsible to the point he trying to find Jaina a gift to try and make up for it.

I couldn’t find that scenario. I did them all but that one appeared to be missing.

Just so I understand you; you believe Jaina is responsible for the murder of Blood Elves or not?