Jaina does not personally kill Sunreaver civilians

Neutrality means NEUTRALITY.

Using the city as a staging ground to move a WMD for the Horde war effort breaks that neutrality, as it benefits the Horde at the expense of the Alliance.


And Napoleon didn’t personally kill Turkish citizens at Jaffa. :dracthyr_shrug:

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And neutrality means they won’t get involved in any official capacity, which they did when they attacked Horde civilians.

Moving a weapon through a neutral city doesn’t break the neutrality of that city as the city itself is uninvolved in the operation.


Yes, I would think that would be a better alternative to killing them. Benefits of a prison are:
You can let them out at a later point in time.

Death doesn’t so much have that option


The lore has been a dumpster fire since at least TBC. Sure, there have been particularly bad cases like WoD, BfA, and Shadowlands, but from the beginning, the lore has been embroidered with retcons and more than questionable elements to somehow shoehorn the current story, regardless of whether previous events are ignored in the process. The two worst factors for this will always be Alliance and Horde.

I don’t have anything against conflicts, but having the two factions pitted against each other as a whole just doesn’t work. Personally, I would prefer it if all races were available for both factions. This has several advantages. Firstly, players can finally play the faction they prefer without feeling forced due to race, and secondly, it removes the backward view that loyalty depends on a person’s appearance, which is stupid on several levels.

This would also allow for smaller, unofficial wars to be reintroduced. Like Orcs or Trolls against Blood Elves, Undead against Night Elves, Arathi or Westfall Humans against those from Stormwind, etc. Something like this would be more natural than what Blizzard keeps trying to do.


Alliance fortified that city full of magical power. It couldn’t be overtaken by sheer troops on the ground military force. That’s why Garrosh agreed to use the bomb.


And there is dialogue later from Jaina herself, saying she has blood on her hands and she feels guilty over it. I don’t believe they changed that.


I don’t think so, it would just lead to more holding hands and kubyas. And fighting big bad and hugging each other again.

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Then she goes back to her old habits and attack Dazar’alor. :person_shrugging:


True, Dalaran is like Switzerland.


That’s going to happen anyway. The Horde attacked the Night Elves in Stonetalon Mountains, blew up one of their druid villages, destroyed large parts of Ashenvale, broke the deal about Azshara, occupied the area, contaminated Darkshore, and permanently destroyed Teldrassil… and now the Night Elves are inviting the Horde into their new village and having tea parties.

The Horde drove the Worgen out of Gilneas and contaminated the city for years… now the Horde can come and go there as they please.

I mean… if you’re still expecting a major conflict now, then…no offense… but I don’t think anyone can help you anymore.


It’s always funny when they try to condemn the whole blood elf population for the actions of a few.


They didn’t simply “move the weapon through the city”, they actively created the portal that led to Darnassus and used magic to conceal the Horde PC who then steals the Divine Bell. This is something that the Sunreavers as an institution did, so the Sunreavers actively aided the Horde war effort, but the Sunreavers as part of the Kirin Tor were ordered by Jaina to remain neutral and not aid either side.

So the Sunreavers betrayed Jaina and defied her decree, so Jaina had them arrested and taken into custody, again I don’t see what’s difficult to understand. :slight_smile:


Beer garden parties and mandatory 2 years military service?


I’m not expecting a faction war anymore, it’s pretty much dead at this point. Which I don’t like, so the lore is kinda meh at this point. Can only look for hoped a good story with the big bad. But I’m not optimistic about it. I used to love Warcraft lore. But SL threw everything off.

I just miss the good ol days.


As I said, the first major retcons have been around since TBC. It’s not all as rosy as nostalgia would have you believe. The story may have seemed better back then because, to put it bluntly, we were partly just younger and dumber. If you want a good story, there are plenty of games out there that actually manage to follow a coherent plot, unlike WoW.

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Not sure if you’re asking me if I served or not lol. But no I didn’t serve.

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Should I even try to self insert into this mess or would that be just asking to get gored by the bulls in this forum?

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Ehhh I seemed to find the same problem with most stories in other games. Plus Warcraft nailed the orcs culture in a unique way which other games don’t do. They mostly portray orcs as dumb monsters than noble savages with a brain.

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The Sunreavers are also members of the Horde and bound by blood oath to the orders of the Warchief. Them opening a portal for transportation of contraband through the city doesn’t break neutrality. Real-life example being Switzerland in WW2 and the U.S. in WW1 prior to joining the war. Individuals can support a side they sympathize with and not bring their entire nation into the fold.